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DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006) GLES on Android/Windows/Linux, DOOM 3 BFG/The Dark Mod/RTCW/Quake 1 2 3/GZDOOM/ETW on Android


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idTech4A++ (Harmattan Edition)

idTech engine games For Android. An idTech games runtime libraries collection on Android

DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006) OpenGLES on Android/Windows/Linux

DOOM 3 BFG/The Dark Mod/Quake 1 2 3/RTCW/GZDOOM/ETW OpenGLES on Android

毁灭战士3/雷神之锤4/掠食(2006) 安卓/Windows/Linux OpenGLES移植版

毁灭战士3 BFG/The Dark Mod/雷神之锤1 2 3/重返德军总部/GZDOOM/深入敌后: 德军总部 安卓OpenGLES移植版
Original named DIII4A++, based on com.n0n3m4.diii4a's OpenGLES version.

Latest version: 1.1.0harmattan57(natasha)
Latest update: 2024-10-01
Arch: arm64 armv7-a
Platform: Android 4.4+
License: GPLv3

idTech4's feature

  • Linux/Windows(MinGW/MSVC(without editor)) build
  • multi-threading renderer
  • png/dds texture image, jpeg/png/bmp/dds format of screenshot
  • obj/dae format static model
  • pure soft shadow with shadow-mapping
  • soft shadow with stencil-shadow and translucent stencil shadow
  • lighting model: Phong/Blinn-phong/PBR/Ambient(no-lighting)
  • debug render tools support with programming render pipeline
  • OpenGLES2.0/OpenGLES3.0
  • OpenAL(soft) and EFX Reverb
  • DOOM3(with full body awareness mod)
  • Quake4(with bot mod, full body awareness mod) and Raven's idTech4 engine
  • Prey(2006)(with full body awareness mod) and HumanHead's idTech4 engine

Build DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006) mod for Android idTech4A++

Quake 4 SDK
Prey(2006) SDK

Compare with other OpenGLES rendering version of DOOM3

Feature idTech4A++ Other
Multi-threading Support
(but can't switch in gaming)
d3es-multithread support
(and support switch in gaming)
New stage shader
(heatHaze, heatHazeWithMask, heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex, colorProcess)
Yes -
TexGen shader Yes -
Shadow mapping for pure soft shadow Yes -
Soft/Translucent stencil shadow Yes
(Soft stencil shadow only support on OpenGLES3.1+)
OpenGL ES version 2.0 and 3.0+
(point light shadow mapping shader use cubemap on OpenGLES2.0, use texture array on OpenGLES3.0+)
2.0(3.0+ compat)
No lighting Yes
(And support switch in gaming by set harm_r_lightingModel to 0)
Debug render tools Yes
(need to set harm_r_renderToolsMultithread to 1 if with multi-threading)
PBR lighting model Yes
(using idtech4_pbr. But specular textures are not RMAO format in idTech4 game data)

Support games

Game Engine Version OpenGL ES version Mods
DOOM III n0n3m4's dante - 2.0/3.0 Resurrection of Evil
The Lost Mission
Classic DOOM3
Overthinked Doom^3
HeXen:Edge of Chaos
Fragging Free
LibreCoop D3XP
Perfected Doom 3
Perfected Doom 3:RoE
Quake IV n0n3m4's dante - 2.0/3.0 Hardqore
Prey(2006) n0n3m4's dante - 2.0/3.0
DOOM 3 BFG(Classic DOOM 1&2) RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.4.0
(The last OpenGL renderer version)
The Dark Mod Dark Mod 2.12 3.2
(require geometry shader support)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein iortcw - 1.1
Quake III Arena ioquake3 - 1.1 Quake III Team Arena
Quake II Yamagi Quake II - 1.1/3.2 ctf
Quake I Darkplaces - 2.0
GZDOOM GZDOOM 64bits - 3.2
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory ET: Legacy 2.8.1 1.1

Get it on F-Droid

Or download the latest APK from the Releases Section. Tag with -free only for F-Droid update.

Feature Github F-Droid
Ouya TV Yes No
Source code in apk Yes No

Testing version(Non-release. Automatic CI building By Github actions when pushing commits)


  • Add Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory support, game standalone directory named etw, game data directory named etmain and legacy. More view in ET: Legacy.
  • Add Quake 4: Hardqore mod of Quake4 support, game data directory named hardqore. More view in Quake 4: Hardqore.
  • Add ambientLighting shader, add ambient lighting model(harm_r_lightingModel to 4) in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
  • Add effects color alpha in Quake4.
  • Fix displacement and displacementcube GLSL shader in Quake4. e.g. water in recomp map and blood pool in waste map.
  • Fix weapon model depth hack in player view in Quake4.
  • Add player body view in DOOM3/Quake4.
  • Add cvar harm_in_smoothJoystick to control setup smooth joystick in DOOM3/Quake4/Prey.
  • Default enable Standalone game data directory.

  • 新增深入敌后: 德军总部支持, 游戏独立文件夹名为etw, 游戏数据文件夹为etmainlegacy, 更多详情ET: Legacy.
  • 雷神之锤4新增Hardqore mod支持, 游戏数据文件夹为hardqore, 更多详情Quake 4: Hardqore.
  • 毁灭战士3/雷神之锤4/掠食(2006)新增ambientLighting着色器, 新增环境光光照模型(harm_r_lightingModel设为4).
  • 雷神之锤4特效支持颜色透明度.
  • 雷神之锤4修复displacementdisplacementcube着色器. 例如recomp关卡的水, waste关卡的血池.
  • 雷神之锤4修复玩家视角内武器模型的错误裁剪.
  • 毁灭战士3/雷神之锤4新增玩家身体视角模型.
  • 毁灭战士3/雷神之锤4/掠食(2006)新增cvar harm_in_smoothJoystick控制启用平滑摇杆.
  • 默认启用游戏数据独立文件夹.

idTech4's new Cvar
  • ARCHIVE = save to/load from config file
  • FIXED = can't change in game
  • READONLY = readonly, always can't change
  • INIT = only setup on boot command
  • ISSUE = maybe has bugs
  • DEBUG = only for developer debug and test
  • DISABLE = only for disable something and keep original source code
CVar Type Default Description Flag Range Scope Remark Platform
harm_r_openglVersion String GLES3.0 OpenGL version INIT GLES2, GLES3.0 Engine/Renderer setup with launcher on Android Windows, Linux
harm_r_multithread Bool 1 Multithread backend INIT Engine/Renderer setup with launcher on Android Windows, Linux
harm_r_clearVertexBuffer Integer 2 Clear vertex buffer on every frame ARCHIVE, FIXED 0, 1, 2 Engine/Renderer 0 = not clear(original);
1 = only free VBO memory;
2 = free VBO memory and delete VBO handle(only without multi-threading, else same as 1)
harm_r_maxAllocStackMemory Integer 524288 Control allocate temporary memory when load model data ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer For load large model, because stack memory is limited on OS.
0 = Always heap;
Negative = Always stack;
Positive = Max stack memory limit(If less than this byte value, call alloca in stack memory, else call malloc/calloc in heap memory)
harm_r_shaderProgramDir String Setup external OpenGLES2 GLSL shader program directory path ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer empty is glslprogs(default) All
harm_r_shaderProgramES3Dir String Setup external OpenGLES3 GLSL shader program directory path ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer empty is glsl3progs(default) All
harm_r_shadowCarmackInverse Bool 0 Stencil shadow using Carmack-Inverse ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_lightingModel Integer 1 Lighting model when draw interactions ARCHIVE 0, 1, 2, 3 Engine/Renderer 1 = Phong(default);
2 = Blinn-Phong;
3 = PBR;
0 = Ambient(no lighting)
harm_r_specularExponent Float 3.0 Specular exponent in Phong interaction lighting model ARCHIVE >= 0.0 Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_specularExponentBlinnPhong Float 12.0 Specular exponent in Blinn-Phong interaction lighting model ARCHIVE >= 0.0 Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_specularExponentPBR Float 5.0 Specular exponent in PBR interaction lighting model ARCHIVE >= 0.0 Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_normalCorrectionPBR Float 1.0 Vertex normal correction in PBR interaction lighting model ARCHIVE [0.0 - 1.0] Engine/Renderer 1 = pure using bump texture;
0 = pure using vertex normal;
0.0 - 1.0 = bump texture * harm_r_normalCorrectionPBR + vertex normal * (1 - harm_r_normalCorrectionPBR)
r_maxFps Integer 0 Limit maximum FPS. ARCHIVE >= 0 Engine/Renderer 0 = unlimited All
r_screenshotFormat Integer 0 Screenshot format ARCHIVE 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Engine/Renderer 0 = TGA (default),
1 = BMP,
2 = PNG,
3 = JPG,
4 = DDS
r_screenshotJpgQuality Integer 75 Screenshot quality for JPG images ARCHIVE [0 - 100] Engine/Renderer All
r_screenshotPngCompression Integer 3 Compression level when using PNG screenshots ARCHIVE [0 - 9] Engine/Renderer All
r_useShadowMapping Bool 0 use shadow mapping instead of stencil shadows ARCHIVE All Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_shadowMapAlpha Float 1.0 shadow's alpha in shadow mapping ARCHIVE [0.0 - 1.0] Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_shadowMapJitterScale Float 2.5 scale factor for jitter offset ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer All
r_forceShadowMapsOnAlphaTestedSurfaces Bool 0 render performed material shadow in shadow mapping ARCHIVE, ISSUE Engine/Renderer 0 = same shadowing as with stencil shadows,
1 = ignore noshadows for alpha tested materials
harm_r_shadowMapLightType Integer 0 debug light type mask in shadow mapping DEBUG 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Engine/Renderer 1 = parallel;
2 = point;
4 = spot
harm_r_shadowMapDepthBuffer Integer 0 render depth to color or depth texture in OpenGLES2.0 INIT, DEBUG 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Engine/Renderer 0 = Auto;
1 = depth texture;
2 = color texture's red;
3 = color texture's rgba
harm_r_shadowMapNonParallelLightUltra Bool 0 non parallel light allow ultra quality shadow map texture Engine/Renderer max texture size is 2048x2048 All
harm_r_shadowMapLod Integer -1 force using shadow map LOD -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Engine/Renderer -1 = auto All
r_shadowMapFrustumFOV Float 90 oversize FOV for point light side matching Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_stencilShadowTranslucent Bool 0 enable translucent shadow in stencil shadow ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_stencilShadowAlpha Float 1.0 translucent shadow's alpha in stencil shadow ARCHIVE [0.0 - 1.0] Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_stencilShadowCombine Bool 0 combine local and global stencil shadow ARCHIVE, ISSUE Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_stencilShadowSoft Bool 0 enable soft stencil shadow ARCHIVE only OpenGLES3.1+ Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_stencilShadowSoftBias Float -1 soft stencil shadow sampler BIAS ARCHIVE Engine/Renderer -1 to automatic; 0 = disable; positive = value All
harm_r_stencilShadowSoftCopyStencilBuffer Bool 0 copy stencil buffer directly for soft stencil shadow ARCHIVE 0 = copy depth buffer and bind and renderer stencil buffer to texture directly
1 = copy stencil buffer to texture directly
Engine/Renderer All
harm_r_autoAspectRatio Integer 1 automatic setup aspect ratio of view ARCHIVE 0, 1, 2 Engine/Renderer 0 = manual
1 = force setup r_aspectRatio to -1
2 = automatic setup r_aspectRatio to 0,1,2 by screen size
harm_r_renderToolsMultithread Bool 0 Enable render tools debug with GLES in multi-threading Engine/Renderer All
r_useETC1 Bool 0 use ETC1 compression INIT Engine/Renderer All
r_useETC1cache Bool 0 use ETC1 compression INIT Engine/Renderer All
r_useDXT Bool 0 use DXT compression if possible INIT Engine/Renderer All
r_useETC2 Bool 0 use ETC2 compression instead of RGBA4444 INIT Engine/Renderer Only for OpenGLES3.0+ All
r_noLight Bool 0 lighting disable hack INIT Engine/Renderer 1 = disable lighting(not allow switch, must setup on command line) All
harm_fs_gameLibPath String Setup game dynamic library ARCHIVE Engine/Framework Android
harm_fs_gameLibDir String Setup game dynamic library directory path ARCHIVE Engine/Framework Android
harm_com_consoleHistory Integer 2 Save/load console history ARCHIVE 0, 1, 2 Engine/Framework 0 = disable;
1 = loading in engine initialization, and saving in engine shutdown;
2 = loading in engine initialization, and saving in every e executing
r_scaleMenusTo43 Bool 0 Scale menus, fullscreen videos and PDA to 4:3 aspect ratio ARCHIVE Engine/GUI All
s_driver String AudioTrack sound driver ARCHIVE AudioTrack, OpenSLES Engine/Sound sound if without OpenAL on Android Android
harm_s_OpenSLESBufferCount Integer 3 Audio buffer count for OpenSLES ARCHIVE >= 3 Engine/Sound min is 3, only for if without OpenAL and use OpenSLES on Android Android
harm_s_useAmplitudeDataOpenAL Bool 0 Use amplitude data on OpenAL DISABLE, ISSUE Engine/Sound It cause large shake All
harm_in_smoothJoystick Bool 0 Enable smooth joystick Engine/Input Automatic setup initial value by Android layer Android
harm_g_normalizeMovementDirection Integer -1 Re-normalize player/walker movement direction ARCHIVE -1, 0, > 0 Game/DOOM3 0 = disable; -1 = automcatic; >0 = max degree Android
harm_pm_fullBodyAwareness Bool 0 Enables full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessOffset Vector3 String 0 0 0 Full-body awareness offset(<forward-offset> <side-offset> <up-offset>) ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadJoint String Head Set head joint when without head model in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessFixed Bool 0 Do not attach view position to head in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadVisible Bool 0 Do not suppress head in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_ui_showViewBody Bool 0 Show view body ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessFirstPerson Bool 0 Enable first person view in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3 All
harm_pm_doubleJump Bool 0 Enable double-jump ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3/Rivensin All
harm_pm_autoForceThirdPerson Bool 1 Force set third person view after game level load end ARCHIVE Game/DOOM3/Rivensin All
harm_pm_preferCrouchViewHeight Float 32 Set prefer crouch view height in Third-Person ARCHIVE >= 0 Game/DOOM3/Rivensin suggest 32 - 39, less or equals 0 to disable All
harm_g_normalizeMovementDirection Integer -1 Re-normalize player/walker movement direction ARCHIVE -1, 0, > 0 Game/Quake4 0 = disable; -1 = automcatic; >0 = max degree Android
harm_pm_fullBodyAwareness Bool 0 Enables full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessOffset Vector3 String 0 0 0 Full-body awareness offset(<forward-offset> <side-offset> <up-offset>) ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadJoint String head_channel Set head joint when without head model in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessFixed Bool 0 Do not attach view position to head in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadVisible Bool 0 Do not suppress head in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessFirstPerson Bool 0 Enable first person view in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_ui_showViewBody Bool 0 Show view body ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_g_autoGenAASFileInMPGame Bool 1 For bot in Multiplayer-Game, if AAS file load fail and not exists, server can generate AAS file for Multiplayer-Game map automatic ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_g_vehicleWalkerMoveNormalize Bool 1 Re-normalize vehicle walker movement ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 Only for smooth jotstick on DIII4A Android
harm_gui_defaultFont String chain Default font name ARCHIVE chain, lowpixel, marine, profont, r_strogg, strogg Engine/Quake4/GUI It will be available in next running All
harm_si_autoFillBots Bool 1 Automatic fill bots after map loaded in multiplayer game ARCHIVE >=0 Game/Quake4 0 = disable; other number = bot num All
harm_si_botLevel Integer 0 Bot level ARCHIVE [0 - 8] Game/Quake4 0 = auto; 1 - 8 = difficult level All
harm_g_mutePlayerFootStep Bool 0 Mute player's footstep sound ARCHIVE Game/Quake4 All
harm_g_normalizeMovementDirection Integer -1 Re-normalize player/walker movement direction ARCHIVE -1, 0, > 0 Game/Prey 0 = disable; -1 = automcatic; >0 = max degree Android
harm_pm_fullBodyAwareness Bool 0 Enables full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Prey All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessOffset Vector3 String 0 0 0 Full-body awareness offset(<forward-offset> <side-offset> <up-offset>) ARCHIVE Game/Prey All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadJoint String neck Set head joint when without head model in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Prey All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessFixed Bool 0 Do not attach view position to head in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Prey All
harm_pm_fullBodyAwarenessHeadVisible Bool 0 Do not suppress head in full-body awareness ARCHIVE Game/Prey All
harm_ui_translateAlienFont String fonts Setup font name for automatic translate alien font text of GUI ARCHIVE fonts, fonts/menu, "" Engine/Prey/GUI empty to disable All
harm_ui_translateAlienFontDistance Float 200 Setup max distance of GUI to view origin for enable translate alien font text ARCHIVE Engine/Prey/GUI 0 = disable;
-1 = always;
positive: distance value
harm_ui_subtitlesTextScale Float 0.32 Subtitles's text scale ARCHIVE Engine/Prey/GUI <= 0 to unset All
harm_r_skipHHBeam Bool 0 Skip beam model render DEBUG Engine/Prey/Renderer All

idTech4's new command
Command Description Usage Scope Remark Platform
exportGLSLShaderSource export GLSL shader source to filesystem Engine/Renderer Only export shaders of using OpenGLES2.0 or OpenGLES3.0 All
printGLSLShaderSource print internal GLSL shader source Engine/Renderer Only print shaders of using OpenGLES2.0 or OpenGLES3.0 All
exportDevShaderSource export internal original C-String GLSL shader source for developer Engine/Renderer Export all shaders of OpenGLES2.0 and OpenGLES3.0 All
reloadGLSLprograms reloads GLSL programs Engine/Renderer All
convertImage convert image format Engine/Renderer All
r_multithread print multi-threading state Engine/Renderer Only for tell user r_multithread is not a cvar All
glConfig print OpenGL config Engine/Renderer print glConfig variable All
botRunAAS compiles an AAS file for a map for Quake 4 multiplayer-game Game/Quake4 Only for generate bot aas file if map has not aas file All
addBot adds a new bot Game/Quake4 need SABotA9 files All
removeBot removes bot specified by id (0,15) Game/Quake4 need SABotA9 files All
addbots adds multiplayer bots batch Game/Quake4 need SABotA9 files All
fillbots fill bots Game/Quake4 need SABotA9 files All
sabot debug SaBot info Game/Quake4 need SABotA9 files All

About Prey(2006)

For playing Prey(2006)(jmarshall 's PreyDoom). Now can play all levels, but some levels has bugs.
  1. Putting PC Prey game data file to preybase folder and START directly.
  2. Some problems solution: e.g. using cvar harm_ui_translateAlienFont to translate Alien text on GUI.
  3. Exists bugs: e.g. some incorrect collision(using noclip), some GUIs not work(Music CD in RoadHouse).
  4. If settings UI is not work, can edit preyconfig.cfg for binding extras key.
  • bind "Your key of spirit walk" "_impulse54"
  • bind "Your key of second mode attack of weapons" "_attackAlt"
  • bind "Your key of toggle lighter" "_impulse16"
  • bind "Your key of drop" "_impulse25"

About Quake IV

For playing Quake 4(jmarshall 's Quake4Doom). Now can play all levels, but some levels has bugs.
  1. Putting PC Quake 4 game data file to q4base folder and START directly.
  2. Suggest to extract Quake 4 patch resource to q4base game data folder first(in menu Other -> Extract resource).
  • SABot a9 mod multiplayer-game map aas files and bot scripts(for bots in multiplayer-game).
Problems and resolutions
  1. Particle system: Now is not work(Quake4 using new advanced BSE particle system, it not open-source, jmarshall has realized and added by decompiling ETQW's BSE binary file, also see jmarshall23/Quake4BSE), but it not work yet. Now implementing a OpenBSE with DOOM3 original FX/Particle system, some effects can played, but has incorrect render.
  2. Entity render: Some game entities render incorrect.
Bot mod
  1. Added SABot a7 mod support.
  2. Extract q4base/sabot_a9.pk4 file in apk to Quake4 game data folder, it includes some defs, scripts and MP game map AAS file.
  3. Set cvar harm_g_autoGenAASFileInMPGame to 1 for generating a bad AAS file when loading map in Multiplayer-Game and not valid AAS file in current map, you can also put your MP map's AAS file to maps/mp folder(botaas32).
  4. Set harm_si_autoFillBots to 1 for automatic fill bots when start MP game.
  5. Execute addbots for add multiplayer bot.
  6. Execute fillbots for auto fill multiplayer bots.



Classic bathroom

Classic bathroom in Rivensin mod

Quake IV on DOOM3

Prey(2006) on DOOM3



Resurrection of EvilThe lost mission Classic DOOM


Quake III : ArenaQuake III : Team Arena Return to Castle WolfensteinThe Dark Mod Quake IIQuake I DOOM 3 BFG: DOOM IDOOM 3 BFG: DOOM IIIDOOM 3 BFG: DOOM II Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory


Change logs


  • idTech4A++ using std libc's malloc/free in Mem_Alloc/Mem_Free in idlib/Heap.cpp
  • idTech4A++ force using generic SIMD, not compile all SIMD of processor in all platform(TODO: enable them on windows/Linux)


  1. _MULTITHREAD: Add multithread support for rendering.
  2. _USING_STB: Using stb header for jpeg/png/dds texture image and jpeg/png/bmp/dds screenshot support.
  3. _K_CLANG: If compiling by clang not GCC.
  4. _MODEL_OBJ: Add obj static model support.
  5. _MODEL_DAE: Add dae static model support.
  6. _SHADOW_MAPPING: Add Shadow mapping support.
  7. _OPENGLES3: Add OpenGLES3.0 support.
  8. _OPENAL _OPENAL_EFX _OPENAL_SOFT: Add OpenAL(soft) and EFX Reverb support.
  9. _NO_LIGHT: Add no lighting support.
  10. _STENCIL_SHADOW_IMPROVE: Add stencil shadow improve support(translucent shadow, force combine global shadow and self local shadow).
  11. _SOFT_STENCIL_SHADOW: soft shadow(OpenGLES3.1+), must defined _STENCIL_SHADOW_IMPROVE first.
  12. _MINIZ: Using miniz instead of zlib, using minizip instead of DOOM3's UnZip(Disabled).
  13. _USING_STB_OGG: Using stb_vorbis instead of libogg and libvorbis(Disabled).

If want to port Quake4 or Prey(2006) to PC or other platform of based on DOOM3 engine open-source version, because DIII4A based on Android platform and OpenGLES, so has some differences with original version. But I mark some macros in source as patches at all changes, although must find these macros in source code and manual use these patches.

And for keeping original DOOM3 source file structures, for all new source files, I put them on a new folder, and in these folder has same directory structure with DOOM3(e.g. framework, renderer, idlib...).

Quake 4

_RAVEN, _QUAKE4 is patches macros, find them in DIII4A source code.
All new sources files put on raven folder.
  1. _RAVEN: for compile core engine (DOOM3 source code) and idlib (DOOM3 source code).
  2. _QUAKE4: for compile game (Q4SDK source code) library.
  3. Build core engine: define macro _RAVEN, _RAVEN_FX(OpenBSE if need, unnecessary)
  4. Build game library: define macro _RAVEN, _QUAKE4
About BSE

Because BSE not open-source, so I default supply a NULL implement and a uncompleted but working implement with DOOM3 Particle/Fx system(using macros _RAVEN_FX marked).

About BOT

Define macro MOD_BOTS will compile SABot a7(from DOOM3) mod source code for bot support in multiplayer-game.

About Full body awareness support

Define macro _MOD_FULL_BODY_AWARENESS will compile Full-body-awareness support. Define macro _MOD_VIEW_BODY will compile view-body support.


_HUMANHEAD, _PREY is patches macros, find them in DIII4A source code.
All new sources files put on humanhead folder.
  1. _HUMANHEAD: for compile core engine (DOOM3 source code) and idlib (DOOM3 source code).
  2. _PREY: for compile game (PreySDK source code) library.
  3. Build core engine: define macro _HUMANHEAD
  4. Build game library: define macro _HUMANHEAD, _PREY, and original SDK macros HUMANHEAD
About Full body awareness support

Define macro _MOD_FULL_BODY_AWARENESS will compile Full-body-awareness support.


Define macro __ANDROID__.
  1. _OPENSLES: Add OpenSLES support for sound.


  1. REQUIRE ALSA, zlib, X11, EGL
  2. ./


  1. REQUIRE SDL2, cURL, zlib: vcpkg install SDL2 curl
  2. Setup your vcpkg.cmake path
  3. cmake_msvc_build_doom3_quak4_prey.bat
  4. Copy OpenAL32.dll from vcpkg package path to binary path: vcpkg install OpenAL-Soft

Player body view in DOOM3/Quake4

  1. Declaration player_viewbody
entityDef player_viewbody { // default name is player_viewbody, or setup in player entity with property 'player_viewbody'
    "spawnclass"				"idViewBody"
    "body_model"                "player_model_torso_and_lower_body" // body's md5 model: animations's name same as player model: string
    "body_offset"               "-15 0 0" // extras model offset: vector <forward right up>, default = 0 0 0
    "body_allChannel"			"0" // play animation with all channels, else only play with legs channel: bool, default = 1
    "body_usePlayerModel"		"0" // use player model and not use 'body_model': bool, default = 0
    // "anim run_forward" 		"walk_forward" // override model animation name: string, "anim <model animation name>" "<replace animation name>"
	// Hide surface only for Quake4
    "body_hidesurfaces" 		"shader_head,shader_toast" // hide surface names, separate by ',': string
    "hidesurface1" 			"shader_arm" // hide surface name by entity property: string, hidesurfaceXXX
    "hidesurface5" 			"shader_neck"
    "hidesurface6" 			"shader_hand"
  1. DOOM3's player view body model declaration(animations name same as idPlayer's model)
// DOOM3 view body model example:
model player_model_torso_and_lower_body {
    offset (0 0 0)
    model models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body.md5mesh

// loop anims:
    idle models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/idle.md5anim
    run_forward models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_forward.md5anim
    run_backwards models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_backwards.md5anim
    run_strafe_left models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_strafe_left.md5anim
    run_strafe_right models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_strafe_right.md5anim
    walk models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk.md5anim
    walk_backwards models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_backwards.md5anim
    walk_strafe_left models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_strafe_left.md5anim
    walk_strafe_right models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_strafe_right.md5anim
    crouch models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch.md5anim
    crouch_walk models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_walk.md5anim
    crouch_walk_backwards models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_walk_backwards.md5anim
    fall models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/fall.md5anim

// single anims:
    crouch_down models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_down.md5anim
    crouch_up models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_up.md5anim
    run_jump models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_jump.md5anim
    jump models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/jump.md5anim
    hard_land models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/hard_land.md5anim
    soft_land models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/soft_land.md5anim
  1. Quake4's player view body model declaration(animations name same as idPlayer's model)
// Quake4 view body model example:
model player_model_torso_and_lower_body {
    offset (0 0 0)
    model models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body.md5mesh

// loop anims:
    idle models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/idle.md5anim
    run_forward models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_forward.md5anim
    run_backwards models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_backwards.md5anim
    run_strafe_left models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_strafe_left.md5anim
    run_strafe_right models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_strafe_right.md5anim
    walk_forward models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_forward.md5anim
    walk_backwards models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_backwards.md5anim
    walk_left models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_left.md5anim
    walk_right models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/walk_right.md5anim
    crouch models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch.md5anim
    crouch_walk models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_walk.md5anim
    crouch_walk_backward models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_walk_backward.md5anim
    fall models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/fall.md5anim

// single anims:
    crouch_down models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_down.md5anim
    crouch_up models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/crouch_up.md5anim
    run_jump models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/run_jump.md5anim
    jump models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/jump.md5anim
    hard_land models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/hard_land.md5anim
    soft_land models/md5/player_model_torso_and_lower_body/soft_land.md5anim


  • Source in assets/source folder in APK file.
  • Using exportGLSLShaderSource command can export GLSL shaders.



  • /idTech4Amm: frontend source
  • /Q3E /Q3E/src/main/jni/doom3: game source
  • /CHECK_FOR_UPDATE.json: Check for update config JSON


  • For F-Droid pure free version.


  • /screenshot: screenshot pictures
  • /source: Reference source
  • /pak: Game resource


  • Original old n0n3m4 version source.

Extras download:

Open source licence

Game engine

  • DOOM 3: GPLv3
  • Quake4 SDK
  • Prey SDK
  • TheDarkMod
  • ioq3
  • iortcw
  • yQuake2
  • Darkplaces
  • ETLegacy


  • cJSON
  • curl: The curl license
  • etc2comp
  • flac: GNU Free Documentation License / GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 / GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1 / BSD-3-Clause license
  • fluidsynth
  • freetype: The FreeType License / The GNU General Public License version 2
  • iconv
  • irrxml
  • libjpeg
  • libogg
  • libpng
  • libsndfile
  • libvorbis
  • lua
  • mbedtls
  • miniz
  • minizip
  • mp3lame
  • mpg123
  • oboe
  • openal-soft
  • openssl
  • opus
  • pugixml
  • soil
  • sqlite
  • stb


  • ffmpeg-mobile