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wthaem edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 9 revisions

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Handle source translations

HOWTO enable/disable source translations extraction

We now have the ability to choose when to update (extract) the translations from the sources files within CMake. It's controlled by the UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS CMake commandline option. It defaults to OFF. Translations are always compiled (.ts to .qm)

To update the translations just set the CMake commandline option UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS to ON. E.g.:


The translations are extracted and also compiled. To return to the compilation only mode just set the UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS option to OFF. E.g.:


Warning: For all other generators than Makefile: When UPDATE_TRANSLATIONS is enabled a clean command will also clean the generated .ts files. So, after extracting the translations sources it's advisable to set UPDATE_TRANSLATIOS to OFF right away.

HOWTO translate qmapshack.desktop (UNIX like only)

The qmapshack.desktop file contains the info that appears in the panel menus. It can also be translated. The process is different from the .ts files tough. Let's say we want to localize it to German (de):

  • Create an qmapshack_de.desktop in the src/locale directory with the following contents:
GenericName[de]=GPS Daten- und Kartenverwaltung
  • The reference (English) strings are at src/
GenericName=GPS device mapping utility
  • To translate it to other language change the de in the filename and in the file itself to the language code you are translating for.

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