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Main and context menus overview

This page gives an overview of all QMS actions that can be triggered via the main menu or various context menus.

Menu location Menu entry Shortcut Checkable Exclusive Tooltip
File (Main menu) . . . . .
Load GIS Data Ctrl+L - - Load projects from file
Save All GIS Data Ctrl+S - - Save all projects in the workspace
Load Map View - - - Restore view with active map and DEM list including the properties from a file
Store Map View - - - Write current active map and DEM list including the properties to a file
Setup Map Paths - - - Setup Map Paths
Setup DEM Paths - - - -
Setup POI Paths - - - Setup paths to POI collections
Save(Print) Map Ctrl+P - - Print a selected area of the map
Take Screenshot Ctrl+Alt+P - - Take a screenshot from the current active map view.
Close Ctrl+Q - - -
Workspace (Main menu) . . . . .
Add empty project - - - -
Geosearch - true - -
Close all projects F8 - - -
Setup Workspace - - - Setup save on exit.
Setup Waypoint Icons - - - Setup path to custom icons
View (Main menu) . . . . .
Add Map View Ctrl+T - - Add Map View
Clone Map View Ctrl+Shift+T - - -
Change Map View Name - - - -
Link Map Views - true - All map views move and zoom to the same point.
Show Scale - true - -
Show Grid Ctrl+G true - -
POI Text - true - -
Map Tooltip Ctrl+I true - -
Night / Day - true - -
Track Info>>> - - - Select what information is shown for a highlighted track.
Flip Mouse Wheel - true - -
Setup Map Font - - - -
Setup Map Background - - - -
Setup Units - - - -
Setup Grid Ctrl+Alt+G - - -
Setup Map View - - - Setup Map View
Setup Timezone - - - -
Setup Coord. Format - - - Change the format coordinates are displayed
Tool (Main menu) . . . . .
Import Database from QLandkarte - - - Import QLandkarte GT database
VRT Builder - - - GUI front end to gdalbuildvrt
Create Routino Database - - - -
Start QMapTool - - - -
Window (Main menu) . . . . .
Close Tab Ctrl+W - - -
Fullscreen F11 - - -
Toggle Docks Ctrl+D true - Toggle visibility of dockable windows
Toolbar - true - -
Maps - true - -
Dig. Elev. Model (DEM) - true - -
POI collections - true - -
Workspace - true - -
Realtime - true - -
Database - true - -
Routing - true - -
Setup Toolbar - - - -
? (Main menu) . . . . .
About - - - -
Help F1 - - -
Online Wiki - - - -
Quickstart Help - - - -
>>>View->Track Info submenu . . . . .
Track Highlight - true - Mark the highlighted track with a red border.
Min./Max. Labels Ctrl+N true - Show the minimum and maximum values of the track properties along the track in the map view.
Min./Max Summary - true - Show the minimum and the maximum values of the track properties in a table.
Track Summary - true - Show the track summary.
Track Point Info - true - Mark track points with additional information by auto-numbered bullets.
Track Point Info Table - true - Show a legend for all track point info bullets along the track.
Track Profile - true - Show the track profile.
Track Profile as Window Ctrl+E true - Show the track profile in it's own window instead within the map view.
Project in workspace . . . . .
Edit.. - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Show on Map - - - -
Hide from Map - - - -
Sort by Time - true true -
Sort by Name - true true -
Sort by Rating - true true -
Filter Project - true - -
Autom. Save - true - -
Active Project - true - -
Save - - - -
Save as... - - - -
Save as GPX 1.1 w/o ext... - - - -
Send to Devices - - - -
Autom. Sync. w. Device - true - -
Sync. with Database - - - -
Close - - - -
Device in workspace . . . . .
Edit.. - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Show on Map - - - -
Hide from Map - - - -
Update Project on Device - - - -
Delete - - - -
Lost&Found folder in workspace . . . . .
Save as... - - - -
Save as GPX 1.1 w/o ext... - - - -
Close - - - -
Single Waypoint . . . . .
Edit... - - - -
Set Tags - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Show Bubble - true - -
Move Waypoint - - - -
Proj. Waypoint... - - - -
Replace Elevation by DEM - - - -
Change Radius - - - -
Delete Radius - - - -
Toggle Nogo-Area - true - -
Search Web for Position> - - - -
Copy position - - - -
Delete - - - -
Single Track . . . . .
Edit... - - - -
Set Tags - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Track Information - true - -
Select Range - - - -
Edit Track Points - - - -
Reverse Track - - - -
Combine Tracks - - - -
Set Track Activity>>> - - - -
Set Track Color>>> - - - -
Replace Elevation by DEM - - - -
Copy Track with Waypoints - - - -
Convert to Route - - - -
Toggle Nogo-Line - true - -
Delete - - - -
Single Route . . . . .
Edit... - - - -
Set Tags - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Route Instructions - true - -
Calculate Route - - - -
Reset Route - - - -
Edit Route - - - -
Reverse Route - - - -
Convert to Track - - - -
Toggle Nogo-Line - true - -
Delete - - - -
Single Area . . . . .
Edit... - - - -
Set Tags - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Edit Area Points - - - -
Toggle Nogo-Area - true - -
Delete - - - -
Several selected workspace objects . . . . .
Set Tags - - - -
Copy to... - - - -
Create Route... - - - -
Change Proximity... - - - -
Change Icon>>> - - - -
Replace Elevation by DEM - - - -
Combine Tracks - - - -
Set Track Activity>>> - - - -
Set Track Color>>> - - - -
Delete - - - -
Empty area in database window . . . . .
Add Database - - - -
Show Summary Drop Zones - true - -
Database . . . . .
Add Folder - - - -
Search Database - - - -
Sync. with Database - - - -
Remove Database - - - -
Import from Files... - - - -
Export to GPX... - - - -
Show Summary Drop Zones - true - -
Database folder . . . . .
Add Folder - - - -
Rename Folder - - - -
Copy Folder - - - -
Move Folder - - - -
Delete Folder - - - -
Import from Files... - - - -
Export to GPX... - - - -
Show Summary Drop Zones - true - -
Item in database folder . . . . .
Delete Item - - - -
Show Summary Drop Zones - true - -
Lost&Found in database . . . . .
Empty - - - -
Item in Lost&Found . . . . .
Delete Item - - - -
Map dock window . . . . .
Activate - true - -
Move Up - - - Hide map behind previous map
Move down - - - Show map on top of next map
Reload Maps - - - -
Setup Map Paths - - - Setup Map Paths
DEM dock window . . . . .
Activate - true - -
Move Up - - - Hide DEM behind previous one
Move down - - - Show DEM on top of next one
Reload DEM - - - -
Setup DEM Paths - - - -
Realtime dock window . . . . .
Add Source - - - -
Delete Source - - - -
Map view window . . . . .
Add POI %1 as Waypoint - - - -
Zoom in to add POIs as Waypoints - - - -
Add Waypoint - - - -
Add Track - - - -
Add Route - - - -
Add Area - - - -
Ruler - - - -
Select Items On Map - - - -
Search Web for Position>>> - - - -
Copy position - - - -
Copy position (Grid) - - - -
>>>Search Web for position - submenu . . . . .
PeakFinder - - - -
Waymarked Trails Hiking - - - -
Wikiloc - - - -
Wikiloc Skitours - - - -
Webcam - - - -
Meteoblue 7 days - - - -
Meteoblue 5 days - - - -
Meteoblue Multi. Mod. - - - -
Meteoblue Maps - - - -
Ventusky Map - - - -
Configure Services - - - -
Graphs in track edit window . . . . .
Reset Zoom - - - -
Reset Range - - - -
Save... - - - -
Add Waypoint - - - -
Add Trackpoint Info - - - -
Cut Track... - - - -
Show Labels - true - -
History widget in track edit window . . . . .
Cut history before - - - -
Cut history after - - - -

(Overview derived from commit 35293692 - 2021-06-08 18:17:44 +0200)


  • All menu entries not listed as main menu ones are context menu entries.
  • A suffix ">>>" at a menu entry indicates that a click on this menu entry opens a submenu. Some of these submenus (but not all) are contained in this overview
  • A prefix ">>>" is added to a menu location, if the following menu entries are submenu entries to the menu entry shown as menu location.
  • The menu entry Start QMapTool is visible only if qmaptool.exe can be found in the PATH environment variable.
  • The context menu entries of an empty location in the workspace docked window are the same as the ones in the menu Workspace.
  • The database folder menu entry Rename folder appears only for group folders (those with a blue icon).
  • The menu entry Activate in the docked map and DEM windows changes its name to Deactivate if checked.
  • true in the column Checkable marks a menu entry which has an on/off state (checked/selected or not checked/not selected).
  • true in the column Exclusive marks a group of menu entries where only one checkable action in the group can ever be active at any time. If the user chooses another checkable action in the group, the one chosen becomes active and the one that has been active becomes inactive.
  • Depending on the state of the objects for which the context menu is called one or more menu entries can be inactive. As a rule, all context menu entries (actions) in an unselected workspace project that produce new data are active, because the new data can be placed into an active project. Most other context menu entries (those changing only a given data object) are inactive.
  • The menu entries for the history widget are displayed only if the history list is not empty.
  • The context menu entries for data objects (waypoints, tracks, routes, areas) are shown in form of a toolbar in a map view as soon as the data object is clicked in the view.

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