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Built-in metrics for monitoring Faktory worker for Ruby out of the box! Part of the yabeda suite.

For monitoring of Faktory server you will need to use separate solution, e.g. faktory_exporter for Prometheus.


gem 'yabeda-faktory'

# Then add monitoring system adapter, e.g.:
# gem 'yabeda-prometheus'

# If you're using Railsm don't forget to add plugin for it:
# gem 'yabeda-rails'
# But if not then you should run `Yabeda.configure!` manually when your app is ready.

And then execute:

$ bundle

And that is it! Faktory metrics are being collected!

Additionally, depending on your adapter, you may want to setup metrics export. E.g. for yabeda-prometheus:

# config/initializers/faktory or elsewhere
Faktory.configure_worker do |_config|


  • Total number of executed jobs: faktory_jobs_executed_total - (segmented by queue, worker job class name, and whether their execution was successful)
  • Time of job run: faktory_job_execution_runtime (seconds per job execution, segmented by queue, worker job class name, and whether their execution was successful)
  • Total number of enqueued jobs: faktory_jobs_enqueued_total - (segmented by queue, worker job class name, and whether enqueue was successful)
  • Time of job run: faktory_job_enqueue_runtime (seconds per job enqueue, segmented by queue, worker job class name, and whether enqueue was successful


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


  1. Bump version number in lib/yabeda/faktory/version.rb

    In case of pre-releases keep in mind rubygems/rubygems#3086 and check version with command like

  2. Fill with missing changes, add header with version and date.

  3. Make a commit:

    git add lib/yabeda/faktory/version.rb
    version=$(ruby -r ./lib/yabeda/faktory/version.rb -e "puts")
    git commit --message="${version}: " --edit
  4. Create annotated tag:

    git tag v${version} --annotate --message="${version}: " --edit --sign
  5. Fill version name into subject line and (optionally) some description (list of changes will be taken from changelog and appended automatically)

  6. Push it:

    git push --follow-tags
  7. GitHub Actions will create a new release, build and push gem into RubyGems! You're done!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.