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Generic XWiki authentication service based on pluggable adapters to provides trusted authentication from external sources


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A generic XWiki authentication service based on pluggable adapters to provide trusted authentication from external sources.

Report any bug or suggest new feature in JIRA TRUSTAUTH project

This extension bridge the old XWikiAuthService with the new component architecture of XWiki. It is oriented to ease the development of trusted authenticators by using configurable adapter components, that bridge the effective trusted authentication with a generic authenticator. Out of the box, you get user creation, configurable user properties synchronization and group membership synchronization.

Some default adapters will be provided over time, actually starting with a reimplementation of the headers authenticator.

Trusted authenticator API

The general behavior of the trusted authentication is:

  • If persistent store is trusted and not null, return the already authenticated user
  • getUserId() from the adapter:
    • if user is null,
      • if persistent store is trusted on missing authentication and not null, return the already authenticated user
      • else clear the persistent store and return with public access
    • else compute the user profile reference from getUserName(), replacing some characters based on the xwiki.authentication.trusted.userProfileReplacements configuration and applying character case changes based on xwiki.authentication.trusted.userProfileCase
      • if user is found in persistence store, return that authenticated user
      • else, check user for existance:
        • if the user exists, synchronize user properties and group membership
        • else create user and synchronize group membership
        • stores the authenticated user to persistence store and returns it

Currently, it is mandatory that getUserId() and getUserName() returns the exact same value. In a future version it is expected that only getUserId() should be unique, and getUserName() a more meaningful value that may have duplicates, without causing confusions.

General configuration

xwiki.cfg file

#-# Replace the default XWikiAuthService authentication

#-# Define the hint of the TrustedAuthenticationAdapter that should be used for providing the effective
#-# trusted authentication. This parameter is mandatory.
#-# Here is an example for the HeadersTrustedAuthenticationAdapter:

#-# Define the hint of the AuthenticationPersistenceStore that will be used to persist authentication between
#-# requests. The default is to use the SessionAuthenticationPersistenceStore, which will store authentication
#-# information into the Servlet container session. 
#-# Another option is to use the CookieAuthenticationPersistenceStore (hint: cookie), that will store the
#-# information into an encrypted cookie. The cookie prefix, domain, path and encryption is customizable using the
#-# same configuration as the standard authentication services (xwiki.authentication.cookieprefix, 
#-# xwiki.authentication.cookiepath, xwiki.authentication.cookiedomains and xwiki.authentication.encryptionKey)
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.persistenceStoreHint=session

#-# By default the persistence store is not trusted, but only used to optimize the synchronization process.
#-# If the authentication process is time consuming, you may improve performance by trusting the authentication 
#-# provided by the persistence store and prevent requesting the external authentication with every request, 
#-# simply uncomment: 
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.isPersistenceStoreTrusted=true;

#-# If the authentication process is not time consuming, but authetication is not provided with every request, 
#-# you may also keep the above setting commented, but you may want to trust the authentication provided by 
#-# the persistence store when a request is made without authentication, allowing some persistence but still
#-# giving the priority to the external authentication when provided. This allow a smoother experience especially
#-# when user switching occurs in the same browser, simply uncomment: 
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.isPersistenceStoreTrustedOnMissingAuthentication=true;

#-# Only used with the Cookie persistence store, allow setting the cookie Time To Live in seconde to keep 
#-# persistence between browser restart. The default is to use a session cookie.
#-# Here is an example using a 1 day TTL, which means the persistence is kept for 1 day after last response.
#-# Combine with the above parameter, this could also keep the authentication for a longer period than
#-# the one of the external authenticator, but this is obviously less secure.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.persistenceStoreTTL=84600;

#-# By default, on failure to find an authenticated user, the authentication fallback (to a custom fallback or
#-# the default XWiki authentication). To prevent fallbacking, and return public access on failure to find an
#-# authenticated user, simply uncomment:
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.isAuthoritative=true;

#-# Only applicable if the previous parameter is true, this allow defining the classname of the
#-# XWikiAuthService to fallback to. By the fault, the authenticator fallback to the default XWikiAuthService
#-# implementation, and you should not uncomment the following with targetting another service, since it will
#-# just have a negative performance impact.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.fallbackAuthenticator=com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.XWikiAuthServiceImpl

#-# Define the letter case transformation that needs to be applied on username provided by the adapter
#-# to create the name of the user profile page. This letter case transformation is done first, before the
#-# replacements defined in the next parameter. The default is to lowercase the username.
#-# Possible transformation are: lowercase (default), uppercase, titlecase, none
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.userProfileCase=none

#-# Define characters or substring replacements to be applied on the username provided by the adapter after
#-# the above case transformation, to create the name of the user profile page. Replacement are of the form
#-# find=replace and separated by pipes. The default is to not make any replacement
#-# Before the introduction of this parameter, the default was different, you can reactivate it by uncommenting:
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.userProfileReplacements=.==|@=_

#-# Mapping between XWiki group name and external authentication role name.
#-# Mapping are separated with the pipe character, and the same XWiki group can be mapped multiple times to
#-# different external roles.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.groupsMapping=XWikiGroupA=groupA|Space.XWikiGroupB=groupB|XWikiGroupA=groupAbis

#-# Mapping between XWiki users property name and external user property names.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.propertiesMapping=email=mail|first_name=givenname|last_name=sn


While not recommended, it's also possible to put any of theses configuration in the XWiki.XWikiPreferences object in the XWiki.XWikiPreferences page of the main wiki. Add a string field with the proper name to the class and put the value you want.

The fields names are not exactly the same, you have to change xwiki.authentication.trusted. prefix to trustedauth_:

xwiki.authentication.trusted.adapterHint -> trustedauth.adapterHint

For performance reason, most parameters are cached at startup, so changing those parameters in the preferences is not sufficient, you also need to restart XWiki for them to be taken into account.


  • copy this xwiki-authenticator-trusted-api jar file into WEB_INF/lib/ (or install with EM for XWiki >6.1)
  • provide an authentication adapter component (or install one from another module in this repository)
  • setup xwiki.cfg


Debug log

<!-- Authentication debugging -->
<logger name="org.xwiki.contrib.authentication" level="trace"/>

See Logging in the Admnistration Guide for general information about logging in XWiki.



Provides XWiki authentication by trusting HTTP Headers and getting information about new users from those same headers.

This authenticator has the following specific behavior:

  • getUserId(): Check and verify the secret_field http header against the secret_value, and on success returns the value of the auth_field http header
  • getUserName(): returns the value of the id_field http header
  • getUserProperty(): returns the value of the http header having the given name
  • isUserInRole(): return true if the splitted array of the group_field http header by the group_value_separator contains the given name
  • getLogoutUrl(location): if a logout URL is configured, provide it during a logout triggered from XWiki as the redirection page, so that the logout is propagated to the SSO provider. A placeholder __REDIRECT__ in the url is replace by the location provided to this method.

Specific configuration

#-# Define the hint of the HeadersTrustedAuthenticationAdapter to be used for providing the effective
#-# trusted authentication.

#-# Name of the header field used to check for the authentication of a user.
#-# The content of this field should not be empty to have this authenticator to proceed, and it will be put
#-# in the debugging log. But not real usage of this header value is done by the authenticator.
#-# The default is to use the REMOTE_USER header.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.auth_field=remote_user

#-# Name of the header field holding the UserID of the authenticated user.
#-# This name will be used as the unique user name. It will be transformed in lowercase, and it will be
#-# cleaned by replacing dots (.) by equal signs (=), and replacing at signs (@) by underscores (_).
#-# For example will became john=doe_example=com.
#-# The default is to use the REMOTE_USER header.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.id_field=remote_user

#-# Name of a header field containing a shared secret value.
#-# While not mandatory, this field is hardly recommended to properly authenticate that headers has not be forged.
#-# If not set, a warning will remind you in the log, since this is really a risky situation.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.secret_field=

#-# The shared secred that should match the content of the shared secret header field.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.secret_value= (no default, only used when set)

#-# Name of a header field holding the list of group the user is a member of.
#-# If not configure, no group synchronization is provided.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.group_field=

#-# A separator used to split the list of groups into group names.
#-# Default to the pipe character.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.group_value_separator=|

#-# URL to the logout page of the external system that provide the authentication. This URL is used to propagate
#-# the usage of the logout feature in XWiki to the external system. XWiki may provide a redirect back location
#-# for the external system. It will be inserted as a replacement of the __REDIRECT__ placeholder if available
#-# in the configured URL.
#-# Default to null, so logout is not propagated, which prevent logout to work from XWiki.
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.logout_url=

#-# According to RFC2616, HTTP Headers are following RFC822 header syntaxt and does not support natively any
#-# character encoding, making US-ASCII prevails. Some advanced usage is still possible by convention between
#-# the parties. The following configuration allow supporting headers encoded in any Charset available to the
#-# JVM. For example, uncomment the following line to support UTF-8 encoded headers: 
# xwiki.authentication.trusted.header_encoding=UTF-8


  • copy this xwiki-authenticator-trusted-headers jar file into WEB_INF/lib/ (or install with EM for XWiki >6.1)
  • setup xwiki.cfg


Generic XWiki authentication service based on pluggable adapters to provides trusted authentication from external sources







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