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Fix webhook issues while reinstalling and upgrading #314

Fix webhook issues while reinstalling and upgrading

Fix webhook issues while reinstalling and upgrading #314

name: start and run agent cucumber integration tests
types: [labeled]
group: agent-integration-test-${{ github.event.number || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_TOKEN }}
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Create AKS Cluster and set context
uses: azure/CLI@v1
azcliversion: 2.44.1
inlineScript: |
az aks create --resource-group "${{ secrets.AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP }}" --name "agent-integ-${{ secrets.AKS_CLUSTER_NAME }}-${{ github.event.number || github.run_id }}" --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count 1 --max-count 3 --location "southeastasia" --node-vm-size Standard_DS4_v2 --generate-ssh-keys
- uses: azure/aks-set-context@v3
resource-group: '${{ secrets.AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP }}'
cluster-name: 'agent-integ-${{ secrets.AKS_CLUSTER_NAME }}-${{ github.event.number || github.run_id }}'
- name: Create Namespace apk
shell: sh
run: |
kubectl create namespace apk
kubectl get ns
- name: Checkout apk-repo.
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: "0"
path: apk-repo
token: ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_TOKEN }}
- name: Set release username and email
shell: sh
run: |
git config --global ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_USER }}
git config --global ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_EMAIL }}
- name: checkout pull request and merge.
shell: sh
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
run: |
cd apk-repo
gh pr checkout ${{ github.event.number }} -b pr-${{ github.event.number }}
git checkout pr-${{ github.event.number }}
git merge origin/main
- name: Helm release deploy APIM CP
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
shell: sh
run: |
helm repo add wso2apim
helm repo update
helm install apim wso2apim/wso2am-cp --version 4.3.0 -f -n apk --debug --wait --timeout 5m0s
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
kubectl get ing -n apk
- name: Helm release deploy APK DP
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/helm-charts
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add jetstack
helm dependency build
helm install apk -n apk . --debug --wait --timeout 15m0s \
--set wso2.apk.cp.enabledSubscription=true \
--set"apim-apk-agent-service.apk.svc.cluster.local" \
--set wso2.apk.cp.skipSSLVerification=true \
--set wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.configs.JWKSClient.skipSSLVerification=false \
--set wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.configs.JWKSClient.hostnameVerifier="AllowAll"
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
- name: Helm release deploy APIM APK Agent
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/test/apim-apk-agent-test/agent-helm-chart
helm dependency build
helm install apim-apk-agent -n apk . --debug --wait --timeout 2m0s \
--set controlPlane.serviceURL=https://apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:9443/ \
--set controlPlane.eventListeningEndpoints="amqp://admin:admin@apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:5672?retries='10'&connectdelay='30'" \
--set dataPlane.k8ResourceEndpoint=https://apk-wso2-apk-config-ds-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:9443/api/configurator/apis/generate-k8s-resources
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
- name: Run test cases(CP to DP Flow)
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/test/cucumber-tests
sh ./scripts/
./gradlew runCpToDpTests
- name: Helm release undeploy
if: always()
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/helm-charts
kubectl describe pods -n apk
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
kubectl get apis -n apk
kubectl get applications -n apk
kubectl get subscriptions -n apk
kubectl get tokenissuers -n apk
kubectl get httproutes -n apk
kubectl get ing -n apk
kubectl get pods -l | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I{} kubectl logs {} -n apk
helm uninstall apk -n apk
helm uninstall apim -n apk
helm uninstall apim-apk-agent -n apk
kubectl delete namespace apk
- name: Publish Test Report(CP to DP Flow)
if: always()
uses: malinthaprasan/action-surefire-report@v1
report_paths: 'apk-repo/test/cucumber-tests/build/test-output/junitreports/*.xml'
fail_on_test_failures: true
- name: Create Namespace apk
shell: sh
run: |
kubectl create namespace apk
kubectl get ns
- name: Checkout apk-repo.
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: "0"
path: apk-repo
token: ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_TOKEN }}
- name: Set release username and email
shell: sh
run: |
git config --global ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_USER }}
git config --global ${{ secrets.APK_BOT_EMAIL }}
- name: checkout pull request and merge.
shell: sh
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
run: |
cd apk-repo
gh pr checkout ${{ github.event.number }} -b pr-${{ github.event.number }}
git checkout pr-${{ github.event.number }}
git merge origin/main
- name: Helm release deploy APIM CP
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
shell: sh
run: |
helm repo add wso2apim
helm repo update
helm install apim wso2apim/wso2am-cp --version 4.3.0 -f -n apk --debug --wait --timeout 5m0s
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
kubectl get ing -n apk
- name: Helm release deploy APK DP(DP to CP Flow)
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/helm-charts
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo add jetstack
helm dependency build
helm install apk -n apk . \
--set wso2.apk.cp.enabledSubscription=true \
--set wso2.apk.cp.enableApiPropagation=true \
--set"apim-apk-agent-service.apk.svc.cluster.local" \
--set wso2.apk.cp.skipSSLVerification=true \
--set wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.configs.mandateSubscriptionValidation=true \
--set wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.configs.mandateInternalKeyValidation=true \
--set wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.configs.JWKSClient.skipSSLVerification=false \
--set wso2.apk.dp.gatewayRuntime.deployment.enforcer.configs.JWKSClient.hostnameVerifier="AllowAll"
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
- name: Helm release deploy APIM APK Agent(DP to CP Flow)
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' && contains(, 'trigger-action')
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/test/apim-apk-agent-test/agent-helm-chart
helm dependency build
helm install apim-apk-agent -n apk . --debug --wait --timeout 2m0s \
--set controlPlane.serviceURL=https://apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:9443/ \
--set controlPlane.eventListeningEndpoints="amqp://admin:admin@apim-wso2am-cp-1-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:5672?retries='10'&connectdelay='30'" \
--set dataPlane.k8ResourceEndpoint=https://apk-wso2-apk-config-ds-service.apk.svc.cluster.local:9443/api/configurator/apis/generate-k8s-resources
--set agent.mode=DPtoCP
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
- name: Run test cases(DP to CP Flow)
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/test/cucumber-tests
sh ./scripts/
./gradlew runDpToCpTests
- name: Helm release undeploy
if: always()
shell: sh
run: |
cd apk-repo/helm-charts
kubectl describe pods -n apk
kubectl get pods -n apk
kubectl get svc -n apk
kubectl get apis -n apk
kubectl get applications -n apk
kubectl get subscriptions -n apk
kubectl get tokenissuers -n apk
kubectl get httproutes -n apk
kubectl get ing -n apk
kubectl get pods -l | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I{} kubectl logs {} -n apk
helm uninstall apk -n apk
helm uninstall apim -n apk
helm uninstall apim-apk-agent -n apk
- name: Delete AKS cluster
if: always()
uses: azure/CLI@v1
azcliversion: 2.44.1
inlineScript: |
az aks delete --resource-group ${{ secrets.AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP }} --name agent-integ-${{ secrets.AKS_CLUSTER_NAME }}-${{ github.event.number || github.run_id }} --yes
- name: Logout from azure
if: always()
uses: azure/CLI@v1
azcliversion: 2.44.1
inlineScript: |
az logout
- name: Publish Test Report(DP to CP Flow)
if: always()
uses: malinthaprasan/action-surefire-report@v1
report_paths: 'apk-repo/test/cucumber-tests/build/test-output/junitreports/*.xml'
fail_on_test_failures: true