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A Clojure implementation of the Itti, Koch, and Niebur approach to visual saliency


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'IKN-Saliency' is an implmentation of Itti, Koch, and Niebur's approach to computing visual saliency.

Releases and Dependency Information

Latest stable release: 1.0.0

NOTE: Upon release, this section will also include information about where to access the software.

Dependencies and Compatibility

This library requires OpenCV with FFmpeg and Java bindings. Getting OpenCV to work with Clojure is described in this tutorial.

Install OpenCV into a local Maven repository

To use OpenCV, you need JARs for both the OpenCV Java API and the native library. These archives will need to be accessible in a Maven repository. The instructions below assume an installation of OpenCV 3.2.0 on macOS on Intel processors, but should be straightforwardly adaptable to other versions and environments.

Copy the necessary files from their location into your project directory.

cp <location of OpenCV>/3.2.0/share/OpenCV/java/opencv-320.jar ./opencv.jar
cp <location of OpenCV>/3.2.0/share/OpenCV/java/libopencv_java320.dylib ./.

Create the JAR for the OpenCV native library.

mkdir -p native/macosx/x86_64
mv libopencv_java320.dylib native/macosx/x86_64
jar -cMf opencv-native.jar native

Deploy the JAR files using Maven.

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=local -DartifactId=opencv -Dversion=3.2.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=opencv.jar -Durl=file:repo
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=local -DartifactId=opencv-native -Dversion=3.2.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=opencv-native.jar -Durl=file:repo

Ensure that your project.clj file contains a reference to the OpenCV libraries under :dependencies.

[local/opencv "3.2.0"]
[local/opencv-native "3.2.0"]


This code is primarily based on the original algorithm described in

Itti, L., Koch, C., & Niebur, E. (1998). A model of saliency-based visual attention for rapid scene analysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20, 1254--1259. PAMI

Some modifications to their original algorithm are reported in

Itti, L., Dhavale, N., & Pighin, F. (2003). Realistic avatar eye and head animation using a neurobiological model of visual attention. In Proceedings of SPIE, 5200, 64--78. SPIE

During implementation, additional reference was made to the Matlab version of the algorithm as available in the Saliency Toolbox.

Further reference was made to the C++ code from the Itti lab, and specifically to the INVT/simple-saliency.C source along with other required headers and source files.

Note that substantial discrepancies exist between the theoretical description of the algorithm and its implementation in C++, Matlab, or here in Clojure. These differences are reflected in the final saliency map and are occasionally reported in the comments.

Example Usage

(use 'ikn-saliency.core)
(require '[ikn-saliency.utils :as u])

(display-saliency-map "resources/pop-out-basic.png")

(def smap (saliency (u/get-opencv-image "resources/pop-out-basic.png")))
(u/display-image (u/mat-to-bufferedimage (:color smap)))

Usage Notes

In addition to an OpenCV Mat containing an image, the function ikn-saliency.core/saliency takes a previous image and a set of features. The previous image is required for calculating the effects of motion and flicker and is useful for working with subsequent frames in a video. The available features include

  • :color
  • :intensity
  • :orientations
  • :flicker
  • :motions

If no previous image is provided, :flicker and :motions will be ignored.

The function will return a map that includes a saliency map and conspicuity maps for each selected feature. The structure of this map is

{:saliency     <OpenCV Mat>
 :color        <OpenCV Mat>
 :intensity    <OpenCV Mat>
 :orientation  <OpenCV Mat>
 :flicker      <OpenCV Mat>
 :motions      <OpenCV Mat>}

For features that are not calculated, the corresponding value will be nil.


For an introduction to image filtering and Gabor filters in particular, see the tutorial from Patrick Fuller.

Copyright and License

See the LICENSE file


A Clojure implementation of the Itti, Koch, and Niebur approach to visual saliency







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