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Token Server with AWS Services

This contains the complete sample code that accompanies the blog post Token Server with AWS Services by Katie Gray. Each numbered section corresponds to sections in the blog post. For more details on each section, please see the blog post.


Building applications utilizing the Communications API requires a key and a secret for authentication. This tutorial will demonstrate how to set up an API Gateway to trigger the Lambda function to have the authentication server return an access token built on AWS Services.


Getting Started

📁 0-set-up-local-authentication-server-and-client

Run a local Express server to get an access token from the Communications API. Includes sample client code to test server.

├── client
│   ├── app.js
│   └── index.html
└── server
    ├── index.js
    └── example.env

🚀 To run:

Within /server:

  1. install dependencies
npm init -y
npm install axios express dotenv cors
  1. create a .env file and replace with your own Communications key and secret (see .example.env)
  1. start server with node index.js. You should see "Listening at http://localhost:3001" in the console, indicating that the authentication server is ready for requests.

You can then open client/index.html in the browser to test calling the server.

📁 0-client

Contains just the front end client code to test either a local server or test the server on AWS services.

└── client
    ├── app.js
    └── index.html

Replace tokenUrl with the invoke url of your server.

📁 1-lambda-function

This is the Express authentication server code modified to comply with AWS syntax.

└── index.js

A deployment package with the needed dependencies needs to be created before uploading to the AWS console as a zip file.

To do so, within 1-lambda-function, run:

npm init -y
npm install axios

Then, zip up the contents of the directory. The Lambda function is now ready to be uploaded to AWS.

📁 3-bash-script

This script programmatically creates the Lambda function and API Gateway for you. It contains a file that contains the Lambda function from section 1-lambda-function with the dependecy axios installed, and zipped up as a deployment package.

To run this script you will need:

✅ ARN for the Role you want to use to grant to your Lambda function

run to create an ARN Role if you do not have one. This creates an execution role and attached the role policy to give the Lambda function permissions as a service role

✅ Communications Consumer Key

✅ Communications Consumer Secret

👉 Optional: name for function (default is fetchCommunicationsToken)

👉 Optional: region (default is us-west-1)

# these commands assume you are running them within /3-bash-script
# get ARN for Role (if you don't already have one)


# returns:

Created a new role called FetchCommunicationsTokenRole. The ARN for this is: ROLE_ARN

# create Lambda and API Gateway Setup to get Invoke URL for access token
# function name and region are optional


# returns:

URL to use to GET Communications access token:

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Learn More

For a deeper dive, we welcome you to review the following:


Using decades of Dolby's research in sight and sound technology, provides APIs to integrate real-time streaming, voice & video communications, and file-based media processing into your applications. Sign up for a free account to get started building the next generation of immersive, interactive, and social apps.

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