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Meeting 4

kishortare edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 7 revisions

Meeting 4

Date: 26/9/2018

Start time - 5:00pm

End time - 7:00 PM

Agenda: To discuss about the behavior of the login page and authentication mechanism via spring-security.


  • Kishor Tare
  • Ofreish
  • Dory Nakad
  • Ernest
  • Varun Singhal

Meeting Notes:

  • Overall application behavior

    • Individual pieces of login UI and back-end authentication is in progress. Authentication and authorization has been moved to a separate branch named "login".
    • Discussed about a parent visiting a course page of their child ( Course page will have quiz grade, midterm grade, final grade).
    • Changed grades to marks, which ends up being easier to compute final course average.
  • UI design

    • Dory showcased the design of login page.
    • He also, showed the menu bar at the top of the page which will be visible to the authenticated users.
  • Back-end discussion

    • Authentication to use Bcrypt encoder to store the password in the database.
    • Since we have a common login page for both type of users, we need a success handler which will mock the already defined success handler by Spring.
    • Success handler will be Autowired component which will fetch the authorities/roles granted by the spring security to the user. Using these roles the application will decide to redirect the user to either teacher feed story page or parents' feed story.

Suggestion for next meeting:

  • Improving the toolbar.
  • Come up with the database schema to store the courses, parents and teachers.
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