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Arduino sketch that converts text to Morse code and other formats, output to GPIO. Can transmit message to slave devices using an nRF24L01 radio.


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An Arduino sketch that converts text to Morse code and other formats, outputs to GPIO, and can transmit message to slave devices using an nRF24L01 radio.

It supports up to 4 radio channels and 4 selectable device IDs.

Hardware requirements

This project was developed using the Arduino Nano V3, and a compatible board with integrated nRF24L01 radio. Some other Arduinos may work, but they must have analog input pin A7. So, for instance, the Uno won't work.

Software requirements

You must install the RF24 library from TMRh20,Avamander version 1.4.7 or greater.


Upload morse.ino. The sketch will work initially with Arduino factory settings (EEPROM set to all 0xFF). If the stored message or timing settings are incorrect, upload eeprom_reset.ino to reset the EEPROM. Then reupload morse.ino.

CE and CSN pins

If using an external radio, wire CE to pin 10 and CSN to pin 9. This sketch supports integrated boards and that's what they use. Note this is reversed from what it says in most online sources.

Circuit considerations

The output pin is D5 and the inverted output is D3.

Many behaviours of the device are determined by jumper wirings to ground on various GPIO input pins. See below for the details of each of these. Jumper settings are only detected at setup (reset) of the Arduino.

Here are the descriptions of each pin. All INPUT_PULLUP pins are active-low according to the function described:

Pin mode function
D2 OUTPUT error/status signal
D3 OUTPUT inverted Morse signal
D4 INPUT_PULLUP disable radio
D5 OUTPUT Morse signal
D6 INPUT_PULLUP code key switch
D7 OUTPUT secondary output
D8 INPUT_PULLUP slave (receiver) mode
D9 SPI CSN to external radio
D10 SPI CE to external radio
D11 SPI MOSI to external radio
D12 SPI MISO to external radio
D13 SPI SCK to external radio
3v3 power to external radio
A0 INPUT_PULLUP radio power, bit 1
A1 INPUT PULLUP radio power, bit 0
A2 INPUT_PULLUP radio channel select*
A3 INPUT_PULLUP radio channel select*
A4 INPUT_PULLUP device ID, bit 1
A5 INPUT_PULLUP device ID, bit 0
A6 unused
A7 INPUT sets output PWM

* see channel setting below

PWM wiring (pin A7)

The output pins support PWM. This is controlled by the voltage on pin A7, which is usually wired to +5V. If you leave A7 unconnected, you will get erratic results. On the Nano V3, it is easy to wire A7 to +5V because the two pins are right next to each other. In most cases that's what you will do unless you really want to use PWM.

If the voltage on pin A7 is read at less than +5V, then a warning will be printed to the master serial console. Unlike other settings, this can be changed in real time without a device reset.

Indicator LED

Optionally connect a red LED from pin D2 via a current-limiting resistor to ground. This is used to indicate error and operating conditions (see below).

Code key switch

Optionally connect pin D6 to ground via a normally-open pushbutton switch.

Red LED signals

This signal is available on D2.

Single 1/10 second blink following reset:

  • If seen, radio is enabled and connected properly.
  • If not seen, radio is disabled.

Continuous fast blink:

  • Radio is enabled but not connected properly.

Short blink during message display:

  • Invalid character in the message. (* will also be printed after the character in the serial monitor.)

Solid red:

  • Slave mode is enabled and the radio is disabled. This is an unsupported configuration.

Secondary output

Pin D7 serves two functions: As a code output, and a status output. In most cases you would connect it to a buzzer, which helps to monitor the unit if (say) it is located in another room.

  • As a code output, it is turned off normally. It is enabled and disabled using the '>' commands (see message entry below.) This setting is persisted to the EEPROM. This output does not use PWM.

  • As a status output, in case of an error that activates the primary status output on D2, pin D7 is also activated. This helps to alert on error conditions. This status output is always enabled, regardless of the code output being enabled/disabled.

Manual mode

Pressing and holding the pushbutton enters manual mode. The button will subsequently act as a code key for manual input.

In order to exit manual mode, you must reset the transmitter. Then use the '^' command to restart the display on the receiver.

Radio configuration

If not using a radio, see standalone mode below.

Channel setting

The nRF24L01 supports wireless channels 0-125. morseR24 supports 4 channels, from 88 to 118 in increments of 10. The channel is specified using jumpers on pins A2, A3. If none of these are wired to ground, the channel defaults to 118.

Wiring chart:

A2 A3 radio channel
- - 118
GND - 108
- GND 98

Device ID setting

4 device IDs are supported, selected by jumpers on pins A4, A5. This does change the nRF24L01 radio transmit ID, but it is more relevant to the device functionality. See message entry for more details.

Power setting

The radio power is set by jumpers on pins A0, A1.

A0 A1 radio power
- - MAX

Standalone mode

If not using a radio:

  • Wire pin D4 to ground
  • Leave pin D8 unconnected
  • Refer to message entry below.

Master (transmitter) mode

For master mode, leave pin D8 unconnected.

Simply starting or resetting the master will not initiate a transmission and does not update the message displayed by the slave, even though the master may be actively displaying a message. So it is possible for the two devices to be out-of-sync.

Message entry

It is possible to store up to 4 messages. The message bank in use is determined by the device ID setting on pins A4, A5.

Connect to computer via USB.

To transmit (synchronize) the current message from the master to the slave, use the ^ command.

To enter a new message, input text in the serial monitor console. The maximum message length is 240 characters. It accepts multiple lines (as the serial input buffer can only accept 63 characters at a time) and concatenates them together. The partial message is displayed followed by a '<' symbol indicating that more text can be entered. Enter a blank line to commit the message.

The following in-line characters will cause the text to be interpreted in several different ways:

  • Morse code (the default, or preceded by an underscore _ )
  • Unary (using the # character). For example, #314159
  • Hexadecimal (using the $ character). For example, $600DF00D
  • Chess coordinates (using the % character). For example, %e2e4 e7e5

You can change these in-line modifiers mid-text.

Manual control

The following commands entered on the serial monitor allow manual control of the output pins, without erasing the current message:

  • ^0 turns the GPIO output D5 off, and inverted D3 on
  • ^1 turns the GPIO output D5 on, and inverted D3 off
  • ^ sync slave with master and resume display

(To resume display on the slave without retransmitting the message, you must reset the slave.)

Secondary output control

The following commands allow control of Morse code data output to pin D7. This is initially disabled; but if enabled, it provides another copy of the Morse output. This is useful, for instance, if an audio device such as a buzzer is connected to the device in another room.

  • >0 turns output follower off
  • >1 turns output follower on

This setting is persisted in the EEPROM and will persist over a device reset.

Change timings

The timings can be changed using the "star commands." For example:

  • *s100 changes the dot length to 100 ms
  • *p3000 changes the inter-message pause to 3000 ms

The command will be transmitted to the slave. Issuing one of these commands will interrupt and restart any broadcast in progress.

Slave (receiver) mode

For slave mode, wire pin D8 to ground.

The serial monitor will display the characters as they are output, as well as any speed and pause timing changes.

Example use cases

Tone generator

Here, an LM555 timer in astable mode generates a tone that is sent to a mono audio jack. The output on pin D5 is sent to pin 4 (active low reset) of the LM555 to modulate the signal. This example uses a Nano V3 (compatible) with external radio connected to the SPI bus. This circuit can be used in master mode (with or without radio) or slave mode.

Tone generator

External device control

This example uses an integrated Nano V3 + nRF24L01 board. It is configured as a slave. Here, the output D5 (green) drives the gate of an IRF540N MOSFET in open drain configuration, that can then be used to control an external circuit. The 3-terminal connector provides access to the MOSFET drain (brown), unregulated power from the barrel jack (orange), and GND.

MOSFET board

Similarly, the inverted output D3 could be used to drive a P-channel MOSFET such as the IRF9540.

Auxiliary control

By utilizing test mode, a device A running morseR24 can be used as an auxiliary radio from a secondary device B running different code. See aux for a simple example.


Arduino sketch that converts text to Morse code and other formats, output to GPIO. Can transmit message to slave devices using an nRF24L01 radio.




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