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Concourse Overops Resource

Quick Set Up

Assuming there is already an instance of Concourse up, the next step is to attach the OverOps Resource to your existing pipeline. Configure the example overops-resource.yml and then run fly -t OO-example set-pipeline -c pipeline.yml -p oo-test to add it into your Build. Please replace the OO-example with your own names and make sure the configuration is the correct yml file.

Configuration example

example file name: overops-resource.yml

  - name: overops-resource
    type: docker-image
      repository: overops/concourse-resource
      tag: latest

  - name: overops-report
    type: overops-resource
      overops_sid: S111111
      overops_api_key: ((overops_api_key))
      application_name: App1
      mark_unstable: true
      new_events: true
      resurfaced_errors: true
      debug: true

  - name: demo
    serial: true
      - task: make-a-version-file
          platform: linux
            type: registry-image
            source: { repository: busybox }
            path: sh
              - -exc
              - date +%s > ./files/deployment_name
            - name: files
      - put: overops-report
          - files
          deployment_file: ./files/deployment_name
          debug: false

Configuration parameters

The Application Name and the Deployment Name can be provided staticly or dynamically. In most cases the Deployment name is dynamic, in which case you can provide this at build time using the deployment_file parameter. The same behavior can be used for the Application Name using the application_file parameter. Below describes the behavior for the static and dynamic parameters.

application_name and application_file parameters can be used in combination or individually. If a application_file is provided it will overwrite application_name.

deployment_name and deployment_file parameters can be used in combination or individually. If a deployment_file is provided it will overwrite deployment_name.

All of the following parameters can be provided globally in the Resource source section as well as can be overwritten on per step basis in the params section of put step.

Parameter Required Default Value Description
overops_url true --- The OverOps API Endpoint(Saas:
overops_app_url false --- The OverOps Endpoint to be used with the link options (Saas:
overops_sid true --- The OverOps environment identifier (e.g S4567) to inspect data for this build
overops_api_key true --- API Key for interaction with OverOps API
application_name false --- Use this parameter if the application name will be static. Application Name as specified in OverOps
application_file false --- Use this parameter if the application name will be read from a file (dynamic). This parameter will overwrite the application_name parameter if defined. Application Name as specified in OverOps
deployment_name false --- Use this parameter if the deployement_name will be static. Deployment Name as specified in OverOps
deployment_file false --- Use this parameter if the deployement_name will be read from a file (dynamic). This parameter will overwrite the deployment_name parameter if defined. Deployment Name as specified in OverOps
regex_filter false A way to filter out specific event types from affecting the outcome of the OverOps Reliability report.
mark_unstable false false If set to true the build will be failed if any of the above gates are met
link false false If set to true a link to the Quality Report will be generated and displayed instead of the Quality Report itself. The parameter overops_app_url needs to be set for the link to be generated correctly. Also this option, if set to true, voids the mark_unstable option. This link can be used if it is desired to not fail the build and you do not want to wait for the Quality Report to be generated.
print_top_issues false 5 Prints the top X events (as provided by this parameter) with the highest volume of errors detected within the active time window, This is useful when used in conjunction with Max Error Volume to identify the errors which caused a build to fail
new_events false false If any new errors is detected, the build will be marked as failed
resurfaced_errors false false If any resurfaced errors is detected, the build will be marked as failed
max_error_volume false 0 Set the max total error volume allowed. If exceeded the build will be marked as failed
max_unique_errors false 0 Set the max total error volume allowed. If exceeded the build will be marked as failed
critical_exception_types false A comma delimited list of exception types that are deemed as severe regardless of their volume.
- If any events of any exceptions listed have a count greater than zero, the build will be marked as unstable. Blank to skip this test.
(For example: NullPointerException,IndexOutOfBoundsException)
show_events_for_passed_gates false false Display events for the quality gates even if the the gates passed.
pass_build_on_exception false false Determines if the build should pass if there are exception/exceptions.
debug false false For advanced debugging purposes only

ARC Links

The ARC Links inside of the UI display after a build with the OverOps resource are not clickable they must be copy and pasted to be used.





Generates the report based on OverOps events, if mark_unstable is set to true then it fails the build, until reported issues are fixed.

