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Deployment tools for SDR applications (& friends)

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SDR Deployment Tools

This is a central place for deploying applications in the Infrastructure team portfolio, primarily but not exclusively related to the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR). This allows all applications to be deployed together with a single set of tools.


sdr-deploy expects Ruby 3.3.


Make sure that:

  • You are on VPN.
  • You have kinit-ed.
  • You have added the public SSH key, often ~/.ssh/ or ~/.ssh/, from your machine to GitHub
  • You have properly configured your local SSH setup (see below)
  • You have logged into and cloned this repository.
  • You have previously ssh-ed into all servers.
    • NOTE: If you are unsure about this, run bin/sdr check_ssh -e [qa|stage|prod] and watch the output for any errors!
  • NOTE: if you run bin/sdr check_cocina, you may need to ensure that you have the contribsys gem credentials available for google-books to install the sidekiq-pro gem locally (the credential is already on our deploy target VMs).
    • The credentials are set to an environment variable on the server via puppet from values stored in vault (vault info: To fetch without digging into vault, go to a server that has them set via puppet and view the environment variable. See below under "Configure bundler for your local path" for an example.
  • NOTE: You may invoke the bin/ scripts via bundle exec.

You can turn on success output for repo cache updates and deploy logging if you find it useful. Override the Settings.progress_file in a config/settings.local.yml and you will get one file per repo. This is useful if you get a crash part way, as it can tell you which repos were successfully completed.

SSH Setup

Follow the GitHub Documentation if you need to establish new SSH keys.

  1. Edit your local ~/.ssh/config file to look like DLSS developer best practice:
  2. Add your GitHub key to your local SSH agent
    # Or whatever the path is to the private key you've added to GitHub
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  3. Verify the correct key(s) are forwarded to by running ssh-add -L on both your laptop and the server and making sure they match.

See for more information about SSH agent forwarding.

Connecting to

With the above configuration, you will need to connect to via SSH and will be presented with a MFA challenge:

( Duo two-factor login for SUNETID

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-1234
 2. Phone call to XXX-XXX-1234
 3. SMS passcodes to XXX-XXX-1234

Passcode or option (1-3): 1

Once connected, you can proceed.

Configure bundler for your local path

Set the bundler path:

bundle config --global path /home/[username]/.vendor/bundle

Setup contribsys gem authentication (Sidekiq pro):

bundle config USER:PASS

If already setup on your laptop (or on a server that has them, such as sul-gbooks-prod), you can get the value for USER:PASS needed above:

# on laptop or sul-gbooks-prod, it should show the USER:PASS values

Check your SSH connection to all servers

  bin/sdr check_ssh -e, --environment=ENVIRONMENT

      [--only=one two three]               # Update only these repos
      [--except=one two three]             # Update all except these repos
  -s, [--skip-update], [--no-skip-update]  # Skip update repos
  -e, --environment=ENVIRONMENT            # Environment (["qa", "prod", "stage"])
                                           # Possible values: qa, prod, stage

check SSH connections

  bin/sdr check_ssh -s -e qa --except sul-dlss/technical-metadata-service sul-dlss/argo

NOTE: Watch the output for any errors

Check versions of cocina-models

  bin/sdr check_cocina

  -s, [--skip-update], [--no-skip-update]  # Skip update repos
  -t, --branch, [--tag=TAG]                # Check cocina version in the given tag or branch instead of the default branch

check for cocina-models version mismatches

  bin/sdr check_cocina -s -t rel-2022-08-01
  bin/sdr check_cocina -t my-wip-branch

This will let you know which versions of cocina-models are used by each project with it in Gemfile.lock.

Create repository tags

This command tags repositories in parallel.

NOTE: We conventionally name tags rel-{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}.

  bin/sdr tag TAG_NAME

  -m, [--message=TAG MESSAGE]           # Message to describe a newly created tag
  -d, [--delete=DELETE], [--no-delete]  # Delete the tag locally and remotely
  -v, [--verify]                        # Verify the tags exist remotely
  -c, [--cocina], [--no-cocina]         # Only update repos affected by new cocina-models gem release

create, delete, or verify a tag named TAG_NAME

  bin/sdr tag -m 'coordinating the deploy of dependency updates' rel-2022-09-05
  bin/sdr tag -c -m 'coordinating the release of cocina-models 0.66.6' rel-2022-09-14

Run the deploys

This command deploys repositories in parallel.

  bin/sdr deploy -e, --environment=ENVIRONMENT

      [--only=one two three]               # Update only these repos
      [--except=one two three]             # Update all except these repos
  -c, [--cocina], [--no-cocina]            # Only update repos affected by new cocina-models gem release
  -b, [--before-command=BEFORE_COMMAND]    # Run this command on each host before deploying
  -t, --branch, [--tag=TAG]                # Deploy the given tag or branch instead of the default branch
  -s, [--skip-update], [--no-skip-update]  # Skip update repos
  -e, --environment=ENVIRONMENT            # Deployment environment
                                           # Possible values: qa, prod, stage

deploy all the services in an environment

  bin/sdr deploy -s -e qa -t my-wip-branch --only=sul-dlss/technical-metadata-service
  bin/sdr deploy -c -e qa -t rel-2022-09-14


As part of the deployment process, the cocina-models versions used by the apps being deployed will be checked. If all apps use the same version, the deploy will proceed. If there is divergence at the major- or minor-level, the deploy will be halted. If there is divergence at the patch-level, the user will be notified about the different versions used and then prompted to continue (defaulting to "yes").


If io-wait or strscan gems update, you may need to ssh to the VM and manually run gem install io-wait and/or gem install strscan to keep the deployed app from breaking.

Why? Because io-wait and strscan are "system" gems, and aren't managed by bundler.

dlss-capistrano now automagically updates strscan; see

If there is a problem, you can use SKIP_UPDATE_STRSCAN env var for an individual deploy (also for all deploys?):

cd yer_local_cloned_argo directory
SKIP_UPDATE_STRSCAN=true cap deploy stage

You can update a gem for all apps for a given environment, like this:

bin/sdr deploy -e stage -b 'gem install io-wait'

Or you can update a gem for a specific app like this:

cd yer_local_cloned_argo directory
cap stage remote_execute['gem install io-wait']

NOTE 2: We have a couple applications that use environments outside of our standard ones (qa, prod, and stage), and sdr-deploy deploys to these oddball environments when deploying to prod. These are configured on a per-application basis in config/settings.yml via, e.g.:

  - name: sul-dlss/sul_pub
      - uat
  - name: sul-dlss/technical-metadata-service
      - retro

NOTE 3: Sometimes we want to be extra careful when deploying certain apps to certain environments. These are configured on a per-application basis in config/settings.yml via, e.g.:

  - name: sul-dlss/argo
      - prod

NOTE 4: Sometimes we want to skip deploying to certain environments. These are configured on a per-application basis in config/settings.yml via, e.g.:

  - name: sul-dlss/happy-heron
      - prod

Only Deploy Repos Related to Cocina-Models Update

Note: this includes dor-services-app and sdr-api in addition to cocina level2 updates.

Turn off Google Books when deploying to production. This avoids failed deposit due to a temporary Cocina model mismatch. Unlike other applications, the deposits will fail without retry and require manual remediation.

Use the --cocina or -c flag.


# -e can be qa or stage or prod
bin/sdr deploy -e stage -c

Only Refresh Repositories

If you have a need to pull main for all of the repositories without checking ssh or deploying, refresh_repos will do so.

  bin/sdr refresh_repos

      [--only=one two three]               # Update only these repos
      [--except=one two three]             # Update all except these repos

Notes and tips:

  • All repos will be cloned to tmp/repos.
  • Any repos cloned to tmp/repos that are removed from config/settings.yml, e.g. projects that have been decommissioned, will be automatically removed from tmp/repos the next time any of the sdr-deploy commands are run (unless the repo update is explicitly skipped via user-provided flag).
  • If you prefer your output in color, this will work: