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Stackrox development environment

Isolated and reproducible development environment for the Stackrox stack using Nix flakes.


Compilers / runtimes:

  • gcc
  • golang 1.22.x
  • openjdk 11
  • python 3.11


  • aws and aws-vault
  • bats
  • bitwarden CLI
  • Repo cleaner bfg
  • cachix
  • chamber
  • colima (macOS)
  • detect-secrets
  • docker (macOS)
  • docker-buildx
  • envsubst (and other gettext utilities)
  • gcloud
  • git-absorb
  • go-jsonnet and bundler
  • goreleaser
  • gradle
  • helm
  • jq
  • k9s
  • kind
  • kubectl
  • kubectx
  • make
  • nodejs
  • OpenShift Client oc
  • OpenShift Cluster Manager Client ocm
  • pre-commit
  • prometheus
  • terraform 1.5.7 (last MPL release) and terragrunt
  • vault 1.14.8 (last MPL release)
  • wget
  • yarn
  • yq


  • Install Nix by following the instructions based on your platform.
  • (Optional) Clone the repository git clone ~/dev/nix/stackrox.


Ad-hoc shell

Run nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" develop github:stackrox/stackrox-env -c $SHELL to open a shell with the development environment based on the latest upstream state. Alternatively, open a shell based on a local clone of the repository nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" develop ~/dev/nix/stackrox -c $SHELL. This allows for more fine grained control, but requires manual updates from time to time by pulling the latest master.

Login shell

You may choose to load the development environment inside the login shell. This effectively means that the development environment will be available in every shell, which is convenient when no other environments are used anyway. Modifying the login shell is recommended when working with graphical IDEs such as GoLand and VSCode.

  • Clone the repository as outlined above.
  • Add source ~/dev/nix/stackrox/ to either ~/ (bash) or ~/.zprofile (zsh).

Note you should source after the lines added by the Nix installer, but before setting up the Stackrox workflow tools (if you use them) via

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
source "$HOME/go/src/"

Direnv integration

Direnv allows you to automatically modify the shell environment when entering a directory. This can be used to load the development environment upon entering the stackrox/stackrox repository. It is the recommended usage when working primarily from the command line.

  • Install Direnv with Nix flake integration.
  • Create a .envrc file inside the stackrox/stackrox directory and add use flake github:stackrox/stackrox-env to it. Alternatively, add use flake ~/dev/nix/stackrox/ to use a local clone of the repository.

Import from other flakes

You can compose Nix flakes by importing the stackrox-env flake from other Nix flakes. This allows you to integrate the flake into a larger user configuration management, for example via Home Manager.

Overlay all packages - note that you still have to declare individual packages in your package configuration.

inputs = {
  nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
  stackrox-env = {
    url = "github:stackrox/stackrox-env";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

inputs @ {self, ...}: {
  # ...
  overlays = {
    stackrox-overlay = inputs.stackrox-env.overlays.default;

Overlay only pinned Hashicorp packages

inputs = {
  nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
  stackrox-env = {
    url = "github:stackrox/stackrox-env";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

inputs @ {self, ...}: {
  # ...
  overlays = {
    stackrox-overlay = inputs.stackrox-env.overlays.hashicorp;


The Nix flake is tested via continuous integration on Linux and macOS (Intel). Unfortunately, GitHub does not provide macOS ARM runners, but the flake should build on M1 machines as well. If not, please let me know.

Docker on macOS

colima manages a virtual machine, in which the docker daemon runs natively. The docker context in the macOS host system is then set to the damon inside the virtual machine. This setup functions similarly to Docker Desktop and may be used as a drop-in replacement.

Setup a virtual machine with 2 CPUs, 2 GiB of memory and 60 GiB of storage:

colima start --cpu 2 --memory 2 --disk 60

Change the resources of the virtual machine:

colima stop
colima start --cpu 4 --memory 8 --disk 60

Verify that the colima context is used by the docker client:

docker context list

Deploy a local Kubernetes cluster with access to images built or pulled with docker:

colima start --with-kubernetes

Binary cache

To avoid long build times, all packages can be pulled from a binary cache. The build GitHub action builds all packages and pushes them to the binary cache Using the binary cache is optional. See this guide on how to enable the cache.

accept-flake-config = true
trusted-substituters =
trusted-public-keys =

Alternativley, run

cachix use stackrox

which modifies the Nix system config as described above.


Loading the development environment inserts the Nix binaries at the beginning of $PATH. If $PATH is later overwritten by another process, the isolation breaks and global version of binaries could be first in $PATH.


Pre-commit hook

To install the pre-commit hook, run pre-commit install from within the repository.

Remember to update the repository state

If you're getting error such as error: attribute 'whatever_new_version' missing after bumping to a new version of a package, try running nix flake update.

Updating isolated packages

To only update an isolated package - for example, to bump the golang version without touching other packages - follow these steps:

  1. Add a dedicated nixpkgs-my-package input based on nixpkgs-unstable.
  2. Run nix flake update nixpkgs-my-package.
  3. Import your package from inputs.nixpkgs-my-package in the package list.

For an explicit example, see this pull request.


Stackrox development environment






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