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This repository contains the trusted execution environment (TEE) proof-of-concept implementation for the project researching integrity protection of remote attestation procedures in the case of confidentiality compromise of the TEE.

Getting started

This repository does not run on its own. A comprehensive project is a collection of repository/project dependencies. For the TEE, this includes seL4, camkes-tool, global-components, and sel4-tee-mapping. The dependencies are specified in a manifest. The mapping scripts are also available on GitHub.



  1. Initialize project from a manifest using repo
repo init -u {manifest-git-repository}
repo sync
  1. Start build container in working directory
make -C path/to/dockerfiles user HOST_DIR=$(pwd)
  1. Build for qemu-arm-virt platform
mkdir build && cd build
../ -DPLATFORM=qemu-arm-virt -DAARCH64=TRUE -DSIMULATION=1 -DRELEASE=0 -DCAMKES_APP=tee -DKernelArmExportPCNTUser=On -DKernelArmExportPTMRUser=On

The script comes from the sel4-tee-mapping repository and is initialized as a symlink in the project root directory. It automatically executes the TA mapping scripts that make the remote attestation possible. These are interleaved in multiple rounds of compilation.


To run the seL4 CAmkES TEE with named pipes for communication with the co-processor:

# Generate named pipes
mkfifo /tmp/ /tmp/guest.out
# Run qemu but redirect serial I/O to named pipe
 qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -cpu cortex-a53 -nographic  -m size=1024  -kernel images/capdl-loader-image-arm-qemu-arm-virt -serial pipe:/tmp/guest


In recent years, trusted execution environments (TEEs) have seen increasing deployment in computing devices to protect security-critical software from run-time attacks and provide isolation from an untrustworthy operating system (OS). A trusted party verifies the software that runs in a TEE using remote attestation procedures. However, the publication of transient execution attacks such as Spectre and Meltdown revealed fundamental weaknesses in many TEE architectures, including Intel SGX and Arm TrustZone. These attacks can extract cryptographic secrets, thereby compromising the integrity of the remote attestation procedure.

In this work, we design and develop a TEE architecture that provides remote attestation integrity protection even when confidentiality of the TEE is compromised. We use the formally verified seL4 microkernel to build the TEE, which ensures strong isolation and integrity. We offload cryptographic operations to a secure co-processor that does not share any vulnerable microarchitectural hardware units with the main processor, to protect against transient execution attacks. Our design guarantees integrity of the remote attestation procedure. It can be extended to leverage co-processors from Google and Apple, for wide-scale deployment on mobile devices.

Max Crone, 2021