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Helm Chart for Statusbay


Clone the git repository

git clone && cd statusbay-helm

Install the StatusBay helm chart with a release name my-release:

helm 2:

helm install --name my-release .

helm 3:

helm install my-release .

You can also directly use GitHub Pages for this repository as an Helm repository:

helm install my-release --repo statusbay-helm


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Statusbay chart.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository container image repository similarweb/statusbay
image.tag container image tag 0.1.6
image.pullPolicy container image pull policy IfNotPresent
extraManifests a list of extra Kubernetes manifests that will be deployed alongside the chart []
database.type internal or external, internal would start a statefullset with MySQL internal The hostname of database, redundant if you're using internal database
database.port The port of database, redundant if you're using internal database 3306
database.username The username of database statusbay
database.password The password of database changeme
database.schema The schema name of database statusbay
database.internal.annotations The annotations used in the database statefulset {}
database.internal.service.type The service type to be used ClusterIP
database.internal.service.annotations The annotations used in the service {}
database.internal.image.repository container image repository mysql
database.internal.image.tag container image tag 5.7
database.internal.image.pullPolicy container image pull policy IfNotPresent
database.internal.resources The [resources] to allocate for container undefined
database.internal.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.accessMode The access mode of the volume ReadWriteOnce
database.internal.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume. Or the default StorageClass will be used(the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning -
database.internal.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.size The size of the volume 1Gi
redis.type internal or external, internal would start a statefullset with Redis internal The hostname of Redis, redundant if you're using internal Redis
redis.port The port of redis, redundant if you're using internal redis 6379
redis.password The password of Redis ``
redis.db The DB of Redis 0
redis.internal.annotations The annotations used in the redis statefulset {}
redis.internal.service.type The service type to be used ClusterIP
redis.internal.service.annotations The annotations used in the service {}
redis.internal.image.repository container image repository redis
redis.internal.image.tag container image tag 5.0.7
redis.internal.image.pullPolicy container image pull policy IfNotPresent
redis.internal.resources The [resources] to allocate for container undefined
redis.internal.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.accessMode The access mode of the volume ReadWriteOnce
redis.internal.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.storageClass Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume. Or the default StorageClass will be used(the default). Set it to - to disable dynamic provisioning -
redis.internal.persistence.persistentVolumeClaim.size The size of the volume 1Gi
ingress.api.annotations The annotations used in ingress {} The host of Statusbay ingress api api.statusbay.domain
ingress.api.ingressClassName Name for ingress class if not using default undefined
ingress.api.use_tls If Ingress should configure a TLS for this host false
ingress.ui.annotations The annotations used in ingress for the UI {} The host of StatusBay ingress UI statusbay.domain
ingress.ui.ingressClassName Name for ingress class if not using default undefined
ingress.ui.use_tls If Ingress should configure a TLS for this host false
service.api.type The type of api service to create ClusterIP
service.api.annotations The annotations used in api service {}
service.api.externalPort The external port for api server 80
service.ui.type The type of UI service to create ClusterIP
service.ui.annotations The annotations used in UI service {}
service.ui.externalPort The external port for UI server 80
rbac.create If true, create & use RBAC resources true
Service Account
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created true The name of the ServiceAccount to use ``
ui.create If true, UI server will be deploy true
ui.replicas The replica count of the UI webserver 2
ui.annotations The annotations to be used in the UI deployment {}
ui.image.repository UI container image repository similarweb/statusbay-ui
ui.image.tag UI container image tag 0.1.6
ui.image.pullPolicy container image pull policy IfNotPresent
ui.application.log.level The UI application log level info
ui.application.log.gelf_address The address to ship logs to an external system undefined
ui.resources The [resources] to allocate for the UI containers undefined
api.create If true, api server will be deploy true
api.replicas The replica count 2
api.annotations The annotations used in api deployment {}
api.application.log.level The application log level info
api.application.log.gelf_address The address for ship the log out for external system undefined
api.application.metrics.datadog.api_key The datadog provider api key
api.application.metrics.datadog.app_key The datadog provider app key
api.application.metrics.datadog.cache_expiration The metric response cache expiration undefined
api.application.metrics.prometheus.address The prometheus address undefined
api.application.alerts.statuscake.endpoint The Statuscake endpoint undefined
api.application.alerts.statuscake.username The Statuscake username auth undefined
api.application.alerts.statuscake.api_key The Statuscake api auth undefined
api.application.alerts.pingdom.endpoint The Pingdom endpoint auth undefined
api.application.alerts.pingdom.token The Pingdom token auth undefined
api.resources The [resources] to allocate for container undefined
watcher.kubernetes.create If true, Kubernetes watcher will be deploy true
watcher.kubernetes.cluster_name The cluster name default
watcher.kubernetes.annotations The annotations used in api deployment {}
watcher.kubernetes.application.log.level The application log level info
watcher.kubernetes.application.log.gelf_address The address for ship the log out for external system undefined
watcher.kubernetes.application.ui.base_url The Statusbay UI endpoint defaults to setting through the configmap
watcher.kubernetes.application.applies.save_interval The interval time to save applies to DB 2s
watcher.kubernetes.application.applies.max_apply_time The maximum wacher time to waite until apply finish 10m
watcher.kubernetes.application.applies.check_finish_delay The time delay until the wacher check the apply status 5s
watcher.kubernetes.application.applies.collect_data_after_apply_finish The time that the watcher continue collect data when apply finish 10s
watcher.kubernetes.resources The [resources] to allocate for container undefined