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Task 1 - Reproducible Environment - Setup single node kafka cluster environment

 Used docker-compose.yml file in order to setup single node kafka cluster environment. Below are the images used for setting up the environment

 cp-kafka:6.2.0 - Docker Image for Kafka
 cp-zookeeper:6.2.0 - Docker Image for Zookeeper to store kafka metadata

# 1) Pull Zookeeper and kafka docker image
     docker-compose pull

# 2) Start the environtment
     docker-compose up -d
     N.B check all services are up and running using command docker-compose logs -f 

# 3) Create topic with name data-input with 10 partitions
     docker run --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-kafka:6.2.0 kafka-topics --create --topic data-input --partitions 10 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper  localhost:22181

# 4) Create topic with name data-output with 1 partitions
     docker run --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-kafka:6.2.0 kafka-topics --create --topic data-output --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper  localhost:22181

Task 2 - Simple Consumer

# a) Come up with a simple algorithm to read the messages and write them to data-output in the desired way

    # Intert "item" in sorted order in the list so that after insertion list remain sorted             
        1) # Searching for the position i, where left side of the array < item and right side > item   
           # If i remains -1 after full iteration "item"" has be appended at the end of the list   

                for i in range(len(msglist)):    
                    if msglist[i] > item:
                        index = i
                    else: i = -1                    
        2) # Inserting the "item" in the list in the index determined in the previous stage            
                if i!= -1:                        
                    msglist = msglist[:i] + [item] + msglist[i:]          
           # All values in the list are less than or equal to item so we need to appended "item" at the end of the list

# b) Realize your algorithm from a) in python3 using you Environment from Task 1.
     - .\code\ -- used for producing the data as per input.txt file
     - .\code\ - used for reading the data from data-input(all partitions) and write it back in data-output in an ordered fashion 
     - .\code\input.txt - used to provide input to for data creation       

    # Install kafka-python client lib used to operate on kafka cluster
    pip install kafka-python
    NB: it is assumed python compiler is already installed (i have used Python 3.9.6)

    # Produce data in kafka from input.txt with is in key:value format where key is the partitation no and value is the value to be set in the partitation in data-input topic
    python .\code\

    # Run multiplexer to read from data-input topic, sort data finally write the data to data-output topic
    python .\code\         

    # Verify the sorted output in topic data-output
    docker run --net=host --rm confluentinc/cp-kafka:6.2.0 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:29092 --topic data-output --from-beginning --timeout-ms 5000

Task 3 - Scalable Consumer

# a) Extend your algorithm from 2a to work concurrently. Each partition should be read by exactly one service.         
    I have usedsame algorithm 2)a in order to achive insert item into a list maintaining the order but this time accepted an extra argument partition no in the commandline.
# b) Extend your implementation from 2b by the functionality described in 2a.

    - .\code\ -- used for producing the data as per input.txt file
    - .\code\ - used for reading the data from data-input(commandline specified partition) and write it back  in data-output in an ordered fashion 
    - .\code\input.txt - used to provide input to for data creation

    The below command can be used in order to read from a specified partition of a topic and hence it will be able to scale it self by specifying the command line argument to pass the partition no        
    in the format .\code\ <partition no>  

        The pogram can be executed parally like below exemple
        python .\code\ 0
        python .\code\ 1
        python .\code\ 2
        python .\code\ 3
        python .\code\ 4
        python .\code\ 9

        which will read the message from a particular partition hence can be treated like seperate consumers and can be scaled and run in parallel as per the requirement  


Kafka Demultiplexer




