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Site Navigation

redtide edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 1 revision

The navigation and the card blocks links on the right are built from the layout.yml file contained in the Jekyll's _data directory.

The navigation menu uses 2 types of link items: normal and dropdown.
The former uses the YAML key url:, the latter the subitems array key pages:, which in turn are all normal types, and type: "dropdown" (this key may be removed in future since having subitems is implicitely a dropdown).
Both use the same label: key to set the title of each item.

The cards is similar to navigation, but has captions by setting the label: key and links: subitems array.
Both captions and link items can use optional Font Awesome free icons, using the keys icon_type: to define the icon ID and icon_category:, which can be one of:

  • fab (brand)
  • fas (solid)
  • far (regular)

Currently only fab and fas are used.