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usqlgen creates custom distributions of - a universal single-binary SQL CLI, built by the team, and inspired by psql.

usql is great because it is a multi-platform, multi-database SQL client in a single binary. Learn more about usql from its README.

usqlgen builds on usql's extensibility to allow including arbitrary drivers.


When to use

In most cases, using or contributing usql directly is best. usqlgen is useful when you want to avoid editing usql code and:

  • you want to use a database driver which is not publicly available or is under active development
  • you want to use alternative driver for a database supported by usql.
  • you want to use a different version or a fork of a bundled driver
  • you are working with a niche database which is not supported by usql yet
    • consider contributing the support to usql at some point

The Examples section details those usecases.

usqlgen is itself inspired by the OpenTelemetry Collector builder.


Install usqlgen with Go 1.21+:

go install

You can also run usqlgen without installing:

go run

Running without installing is useful in minimal container builds.

If you don't have Go 1.21+, you can run usqlgen with Docker:

docker run --rm golang:1.22 \
  go run build ...add usqlgen build parameters here... -o - > usql

See Docker examples section for more on this.


To install usql with support for an additional driver, review your driver documentation to find the Go driver name, DSN format and package that needs to be imported to install the driver. Let's take for example, MonetDB, which is not in usql yet:

usqlgen build --import ""

This creates usql executable in the current directory with its default built-in drivers together with the driver for MonetDB. The additional driver is registered using a side-effect import (aka anonymous import) of the package in the --import parameter. The respective module is automatically determined by go mod tidy but can also be specified explicitly.

To connect to the database, refer to usql documentation. Unlike built-in databases, the usql DB URL (connection string) for the new database is in the form driver:dsn. For example, to connect to MonetDB with the binary we just built, run:

# The command below is configured to connect to a local MonetDB started like this:
# docker run -p 50000:50000 -e MDB_DB_ADMIN_PASS=password monetdb/monetdb:latest

./usql monetdb:monetdb:password@localhost:50000/monetdb -c "select 'Hello World'"

You can try the same with databases or data engines like rqlite, influxdb, Dremio or Apache Drill, etc.

usqlgen also allows you to use alternative drivers of supported databases. Examples include:

For more options, see usqlgen --help or review the examples below.


Many usql backslash (meta) commands will still work with new databases, including cross-database \copy. Informational commands and autocomplete won't work though.


Installing the customized usql

Use usqlgen install ... to install the customized usql to GOPATH/bin which is typically on the search path.

usqlgen install --import ""
usql -c '\drivers' | grep monetdb
# prints
#   monetdb [mo]

Adding compilation options

usqlgen build and usqlgen install call go build and go install respectively. You can pass options directly to the go commands after the -- parameter. For example, the following command supplies go build tag no_base which removes all built-in usql drivers so only the custom one we add remains:

usqlgen build --import "" -- -tags no_base
./usql -c '\drivers'
# prints only a single driver

In this case, the binary will be smaller and faster to build.

Review for build tags, supported by usql and the documentation of go build and go install for other options.

Go environment variables like GOPRIVATE or CGO_ENABLED affect the compilation as usual.

Using a driver fork

usqlgen can build usql with a replace directive so that you can use a SQL driver fork while keeping the usql configuration for the target database. Information commands, schema exploration, and autocomplete will continue to work if the fork remains compatible enough with the original.

For example, one of the authora of usql created a SQL driver, fork of the abandoned Apache Impala driver currently used in usql -

The fork was needed, because the abandoned driver used in usql doesn't work in the current Go release:

go install -tags impala
# a bunch of error messages

To use the fork, run:

usqlgen build --replace "" -- -tags impala

To test the compiled usql binary:

# Start local Impala
docker run -d --rm -p 21050:21050 --memory=4096m \
  apache/kudu:impala-latest impala
# Connect to local Impala like with the original driver
# We use a usql DB URL as opposed to a driver:dsn URL because we use a built-in driver config
./usql impala://localhost:21050 -c "select 'Hello World'" -t -q
# prints Hello World

We included -- -tags impala in the command-line so the original driver code in usql is included in the build.

Note that this works only with forks that keep the original module name - in this case - in their go.mod. Such forks can only be used as replacements and can't be imported directly. For example, the following doesn't work:

usqlgen build --import ""
# the error output includes the following:
#	module declares its path as:
#	        but was required as:	       

Forks that changed the module name to match their repository location can be imported with --import.

Using a specific version of a driver


Docker examples


Create custom builds of xo/usql







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