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interface notes

nathanvasil edited this page Oct 7, 2016 · 2 revisions

tool shelf/mmd_tools/operator Bone Apply: Suggest "Translate appended bones of selected object for Blender" Clear: Suggest "Delete shadow bones of selected object and revert bones to default MMD state" Rigid body Apply: Suggest "Translate physics of selected object into format usable by Blender" Clean: Suggest "Delete temporary physics objects of selected object and revert physics to default MMD state"

tool shelf/mmd_tools/Display Items: Would rename Display Items to Display Pane or Panel for consistency with other applications; hover text is okay, but organization is weird-- English and Japanese names should be interacted with in identical fashion; don't see any reason to allow changing bones into morphs, or changing morph types, which can only lead to problems

tool shelf/mmd_tools/Morph Tools: Would rename "System" morph group to "Hidden"; some morphs have an 'i' icon (information?) No idea what this refers to, doesn't appear to be interactive, would drop Material morphs affecting all materials (index -1) are given an index with an empty name; would rename this to "All Materials" Material morphs affecting all materials are provided an 'i' icon, next to which the line, "This offset affects to all materials" should be replaced with, "This offset affects all materials".

tool shelf/mmd_tools/Rigid Bodies: Would recommend showing English name as well as Japanese for easier selection or renaming

tool shelf/mmd_tools/Joints: Would recommend showing English name as well as Japanese for easier selection or renaming

tool shelf/mmd_utils Material Sorter: Would recommend showing English name as well as Japanese for easier selection or renaming

properties window/ MMD Material Shininess: Would rename "Reflect" or "Specular Power"; mouseover could simply be, "Sharpness of reflected highlights" Double Sided: Would suggest mouseover text of "Both sides of mesh should be rendered" Drop Shadow: Would recommend renaming "Ground Shadow", changing mouseover text to "Display ground shadow" Self Shadow Map: Would recommend mouseover text, "Object can become shadowed by other objects" Self Shadow: Would recommend mouseover text, "Object can cast shadows"

properties/Modifiers mmd_bone_order_override: No current mouseover text, would recommend, "Restore imported bone order on export so long as this modifier exists unapplied"

properties/Object MMD model information Scale: Would recommend mouseover text, "Imported scale factor to reverse on export" Change MMD K Loop Factor: Suggest mouseover text, "Multiplier for all bones' IK iterations in Blender"

properties/MMD Rigidbody: Suggest change to MMD Rigid Body Name: Suggest change mouseover text, "Japanese name of rigid body" Static, Dynamic, Dynamic+Bone Track: Would recommend changing names to Bone, Physics, and Physics + Bone for consistency with other applications Static: mouseover text, "Rigid body's orientation completely determined by attached bone" Dynamic: mouseover text, "Attached bone's orientation completely determined by rigid body" Dynamic+Bone: "Bone determined by combination of parent and attached rigid body" If dynamic+bone is not implemented, as I read somewhere, then add, "For MMD only, unimplemented in Blender" Mass: Suggest changing mouseover text to, "Resistance to acceleration or deceleration" Bounciness: Would recommend changing to "Elasticity" for clarity, "Repel" for consistency with English PMXE, or "Restitution" for consistency with Bullet documentation Friction: Suggest changing mouseover text to, "Resistance to movement when in contact with another rigid body" Collision Group Mask: Numbers in the boxes would be nice Linear Damping: Suggest mouseover text, "Drag applied to motion" Rotational Damping: Suggest mouseover text, "Drag applied to rotation"

properties shelf/ mmd shading GLSL: recommend, "Use GLSL shading with additional lighting" as mouseover Shadeless: recommend, "Use only toon shading" as mouseover Reset: recommend, "Reset to default Blender shading" as mouseover

user preferences author: consider updating version: should be updated consider adding link to github if possible Base Texture Folder: Change mouseover text to, "Alternate path for shared textures", if I understand the purpose correctly