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News - Simple REST Server


This is an educational project. The task is here -

I took this example as the basis of the project (use servant and postgresql-simple) -

I took this example as the basis of the project (use handle pattern for logging and config) -

You can use the links to study (review) some of the topics for this project. They are placed in the text, and in # References

What can be improved in # ToDoList

Basic libraries

library Used for
сonfigurator to work with config
time to work with time in logging and creation news/users
servant for writing type-safe web applications
Data.Pool to work with pool
postgresql-simple for use the PostgreSQL database
cryptonite for password hashing

If you have never worked with servant -

Setup environment

Install PostgreSql

Attention please! You must have a Postgres on your computer! And you must to create a data base, user, password, port. You can see the example in config.conf and use the same values.

 config {
    # DbConfig
    dbHost = "localhost"       #  "localhost" - dbHost for test server
    dbName = "tiny"            #  "news"      - dbName in postgress
    user = "postgres"          #  "postgres" - user in postgress
    password = "postgres123"   #  "postgres123" - password in n postgress
    dbPort =  5432             #  5432  - dbPort in postgress
    noOfStripes = 2             # 2 - stripes
    idleTime = 60               # 60 - unused connections are kept open for a minute
    stripeSize = 10             # 10 - max. 10 connections open per stripe

If you have never worked with postgres -

Set config

Attention please! You must have the config.conf file at the root of the project. If file config.conf not exist, you must not run server. File logs.txt created automatically for logging (If you choose logging in file) You must set some parameters in the config.conf:

  • Application parameters: appPort (I use 8080) and appShowLimit. Maximum array length per get request.
  • Database parameters (see above).
  • Parameters for connection pool: noOfStripes, idleTime, stripeSize . Don`t edit. You can see about it -
  • Logging level (Debug / Info / Warning / Error).
  • Logging output (Terminal / File).
  • Parameters for creation URI: scheme (http or https), host ("localhost" for tests), port (8080 for tests)

Build and start the application

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. You must use Stack
stack build
stack exec news-exe

For test

  • for test use
stack test
  • how the server works and what we get in response to different requests (valid and not) see in _requests.
  • one curl request for each "End Point" see in _scripts. Run from project root - "news" folder. Use command sh in terminal. Scripts are numbered, it will be executed from the first

You can use it such as curl request. If you have never worked with curl -


All migrations are at migrations.

Before starting the server, you need to create a new empty database in the Postgres DB.

During migrations, a user with login "polina" and password "polina" is automatically created (Author and administrator). You can create other administrators and authors, if you login as "polina" in request :

--header "Cookie: servant-auth-cookie=keypolina"

You can change in _migrations/01.sql the login and password (In this case, you also need to change in _migrations/02.sql the token login (== login) and token key (=="key" ++ login)) for the first user in server.

You must generating a password hash and a token key by app/MainBase64.hs.

The name of the database and the owner put in the config:

config {
    # DbConfig    
    dbName = "tiny"            #  "tiny"      - dbName in postgress
    user = "postgres"          #  "postgres" - user in postgress


Schema is at DatabaseSchema

Project structure

I explain only content of some folders and files. In other places content is standard. Folders with prefixed "_" are used for documentation and running/testing server (examples requests or content and do not contain haskell code).

│ _docs/ # Depiction EndPoints for readme doc
│ │
│ _image/ # Images in png and base64 for example
│ │
│ _migrations/ # Contain empty scheme for Data Base
│ │
│ _scripts/ # One request for each endpoint
│ │
│ _scripts_error/ # Some requests for testing error codes
│ │
│ _requests/ # Many requests for get news endpoints (use filters & sort & limit & offset)
│ │
│ app/
│ │
│ ├── Main.hs       
│ ├── MainBase64.hs # Convert file from png to base64
│ ├── MainCR.hs     # Generate hash for password, token key
│ │
│ src/
│ │
│ ├── EndPoints/ 
│ │   ├── Lib/ # Lib for End Points
│ │   │  ├── Category/  # Lib for Category End Points
│ │   │  ├── News/  # Lib for News End Points
│ │   │  ├── Lib.hs # Some function for many End Points
│ │   │  ├── OffsetLimit.hs     # Offset limit for End Points 
│ │   │  ├── ThrowError.hs # Class for throw requests errors
│ │   │  ├── ToHttpResponse.hs # class ToHttpResponse for throwError by servant
│ │   │  └── ToText.hs # class ToText.hs for present in logging results of requests
│ │   ├── AddOneCategory.hs #  Create one category (authentication admin required)
│ │   ├── AddOneImage.hs #  Create a path to one loaded image (authentication author required)
│ │   ├── AddOneNews.hs #  Create one news  (authentication author required)
│ │   ├── AddOneUser.hs # Create one user (authentication admin required)
│ │   ├── EditOneCategory.hs #  Edit one category (authentication admin required)
│ │   ├── EditOneNews.hs #  Edit one news (authentication author required)
│ │   ├── GetAuthorsNewsList.hs # Get news list after filers and sorts (authentication author required)
│ │   ├── GetAuthorsNewsSearchList.hs # Get news list after search (authentication author required)
│ │   ├── GetCategoryList.hs # Get a list of categories
│ │   ├── GetNewsList.hs # Get news list after filers and sorts
│ │   ├── GetNewsSearchList.hs # Get news list after search  
│ │   ├── GetOneImage.hs # Get a one image
│ │   └── GetUserList.hs # Get a list of users 
│ │
│ ├── Logger/      
│ │   └── Impl.hs   # The default implementation of the Logger interface
│ │
│ ├── Types/        
│ │   ├── ApiTypes.hs   # RestAPI  
│ │   ├── DataTypes.hs  # all types except api, config, error
│ │   ├── ErrorTypes.hs # Error for endpoints
│ │   └── ExceptionTypes.hs  # Exceptions
│ │
│ ├── Config.hs  # Configuration reader and default config value
│ ├── DbServices.hs # Connection pool to DB used in module Server
│ ├── Logger.hs # The logger interface module. Not define an implementation
│ ├── News.hs # Handle for config and logger
│ └── Server.hs # run server and authorization (servant-auth-cookie)
├── config.conf # config file 
└── logs #  File with logs  (created automatically)

API endpoints

Hellow server

Simple hello from server. Example:

curl -v http://localhost:8080/  

GET methods for representation of a resource. Can use a browser for it.

For some get methods (return list) can use Offset&Limit

POST methods. Add (create) a new resource in Data Base.

PUT methods to update (edit) mutable resources in Data Base.

Error message

I define general list of errors, and errors list for each endpoint or group of endpoints. See here src/Types/ErrorTypes.hs

Code Description
400 Bad Request (Invalid limit or offset, invalid content by type or value)
403 Forbidden Error (Invalid author permission)
404 Not Found (Invalid admin permission, Invalid id)
500 Internal Server Error (Error of executing SQL request)



Thanks to my mentors Pavel and Roman , I could to close all ToDoList еxcept the first:

  • By default, data sorting by news creation time (newest news first) by the Postgress. Then it sorted accord by haskell code (if sortBy parameter exists in request). This is due to incorrect sorting of Cyrillic by the Postgress. I was unable to set up the correct alphabetical sorting of the data.
  • Нandling exceptions connecting to a non-existent database and work with log file
"Exception: libpq: failed (connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed: FATAL:  database "news2" does not exist")
"Exception: logs: openFile: resource busy (file is locked)"

  • The terminal always displays authorization data, most likely it is from src/Server.hs
[("\1050\1072\1084\1080\1085 \1040\1074\1077\1083\1080\1085\1072",2022-12-02,"polina","1","\1040\1074\1077\1083\1080\1085\1072","\1061\1086\1088\1086\1096\1080\1081 \1082\1072\1084\1080\1085 \1087\1086\1089\1090\1088\1086\1080\1083 \1057\1077\1088\1075\1077\1081.",PGArray {fromPGArray = [8,9,10]},3,True)]
[("\1050\1072\1084\1080\1085 \1040\1074\1077\1083\1080\1085\1072",2022-12-02,"polina","1","\1040\1074\1077\1083\1080\1085\1072","\1061\1086\1088\1086\1096\1080\1081 \1082\1072\1084\1080\1085 \1087\1086\1089\1090\1088\1086\1080\1083 \1057\1077\1088\1075\1077\1081.",PGArray {fromPGArray = [8,9,10]},3,True)]
  • Add monad transformers to do with arrays such us [IO Either a b]


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