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Logical Connection

platz1de edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 4 revisions

Patterns can be connected to logical complexes using dots.
These complexes are executed in set order, if a pattern fails to set a block, the - with dots connected - patterns are executed.

pattern1.pattern2.dirt First pattern1 tries to set a block, if it fails, pattern2 ist tested, if it fails as well, the block will be set to dirt.
If no pattern in the chain is valid, no blocks will be set, the target block stays unaffected.

This can be used with Conditional Patterns to create your own kind of rules on how to set blocks:
For example if you want to replace all stone with grass and all other blocks to air, you can use
//set block;stone(grass).air
In this example block;stone(grass) only applies to stone blocks, for all non-stone blocks, the chained pattern air is used.

This can also be used with the default comma notation:
stone,90%block;stone(grass).air,wool - Places either stone, wool or following the pattern described above