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Optimal number and locations of cutpoints for survival analysis.

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Finding the optimal number and locations of cutpoints for survival analysis

BestSurvivalCuts is an R package that provides functions for finding optimal cutpoints in survival analysis. It includes four core functions: findcutnum, findcut, findnumCox, and findcutCox. It involves categorizing a continuous variable into intervals to best distinguish event occurrence (e.g., death or disease) from non-occurrence. This package utilises AIC or cross-validation to find the ideal number of cutpoints, and genetic algorithms for their precise locations and help researchers and data analysts determine the most suitable cutpoints for survival data analysis.

Table of Contents


you can install it from GitHub using the devtools package:



To use the BestSurvivalCuts package, load it using the library function:


Once loaded, you can use the following core functions:

Function Documentation


The findcutnum function helps find optimal number of cutpoints for a continuous risk factor. It minimizes the akaike information criterion (AIC) and handles both survival and binary outcome

findcutnum (factor, outcome, datatype, nmin = 20, segment = 100)


  • factor: continuous risk factor for which to find the optimal cut-offs (Nx1 vector)
  • outcome: a matrix of event and time
  • datatype: specify "survival" for survival outcome or "binary" for binary outcome (string)
  • nmin: minimum number of individuals in each group(positive integer, default=20)
  • segment: total number of pieces (integer, default=100)


A list containing information about the optimal cutpoints and the corresponding test statistics.


The findcut function helps find the optimal cutpoints for a continuous risk factor using contingency tables (X^2^). it can handle both survival and binary data. For survival, the recommended criteria to use are "likelihood ratio test" and "logrank test", while for binary, "AUC" and "Likelihood ratio test" are suggested.

findcut(factor, outcome, cutnum, datatype, nmin, segment)


  • factor: continuous risk factor for which to find the optimal cut-offs (Nx1 vector)
  • cutnum: number of cut-offs (positive integer)
  • datatype: specify "survival" for survival outcome or "binary" for binary outcome (string)
  • nmin: minimum number of individuals in each group(positive integer, default=20)
  • segment: total number of pieces(integer, default=100)


A numeric value representing the optimal cutpoint.


The findnumCox function finds the optimal number of cutpoints for survival analysis.

findnumCox(target, event, time, confound, totalcut = 3, initial_rr = NULL, initial_cut = NULL, initial_domain = NULL, numgen = 10, numcross = 20,gap = NULL)


  • target: a continuous target variable to be categorized (an nx1 vector)
  • event: failure indicator (1: event occurs; 0: right censored)
  • time: observed time
  • confound: an nxq data.frame including all the confounding covariates
  • totalcut: maximum number of cutpoints (default is 3)
  • initial_rr: initial values for relative risk (default is NULL)
  • initial_cut: initial values for the locations of cutpoints (default is NULL)
  • initial_domain: upper and lower bounds for cut points (default is NULL)
  • numgen: maximum number of iterations for genetic algorithms
  • numcross: number of cross-validations (default is NULL)
  • gap: minimum gap between two consecutive cutpoints (default is 0.03)


A list containing AIC values, hazard ratios, and cutpoint p-values for different models with varying numbers of cutpoints.


The findcutCox function finds the optimal location cutpoints for survival analysis (a continuous variable).



  • target: A continuous variable to be categorized (an nx1 vector)
  • event: Failure indicator (1: event occurs; 0: right censored)
  • time: Observed time
  • confound: An nxq data.frame including all confounding covariates
  • numcross: Number of cross validation (ie B in the paper)
  • numcut: Number of cutpoints
  • initial_rr: Initial values for relative risk; Type: list; Default is NULL
  • initial_cut: Initial values for the locations of cutpoints; Type: list; Default is NULL
  • initial_domain: Upper and lower bounds for cut points; Type: a kx2 matrix; Default is NULL; each row of the matrix (a 1x2 vector) represents the lower and upper bound for one cut point.
  • numgen: Maximum number of iterations for genetic algorithms
  • gap: Minimum gap between two consecutive cutpoints, default is 0.03


A numeric value representing the optimal cutpoint.


Here are some examples of how to use the package:

A demonstration of using findcutnum and findcut in the R

# Load necessary libraries
library("survival")   # Survival analysis library
library("KMsurv")     # Kaplan-Meier survival curves
library("xtable")     # Table generation for reports
library("splines")    # Basis splines for modeling
library("pROC")       # Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis
library("aod")        # Analysis of Overdispersed Data

# Survival data
BMI = c(30,16,29,29,21,29,27,24,17,27,22,27,26,16,21,21,23,20,25,23,28,20,22,22,37,23,25,34,31,26)
event = c(1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0)
OS = c(138,92,64,15,62,235,214,197,41,33,257,115,123,44,154,71,61,182,75,214,25,217,113,200,175,117,166,0,57,186)
invasion = c(1.1,0.1,1.0,0.8,1.2,1.0,0.3,1.0,0.4,0.6,0.4,0.8,1.0,1.0,1.1,0.5,0.9,1.0,0.6,0.1,1.1,0.4,0.4,1.1,1.1,0.4,1.1,1.2,0.9,0.8)
LVSI = c(0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1)

(1) Analysing data from survival information
# Function to find optimal cutpoints based on BMI for survival analysis
  factor = BMI,               # Predictor variable
  outcome = cbind(event, OS), # Survival outcome data
  datatype = "survival",      # Data type for analysis
  nmin = 5,                   # Minimum group size
  segment = 100               # Number of segments

# Function to find optimal cutpoints based on BMI for survival analysis with 2 cutpoints
  factor = BMI,               # Predictor variable
  outcome = cbind(event, OS), # Survival outcome data
  cutnum = 2,                 # Number of cutpoints
  datatype = "survival",      # Data type for analysis
  nmin = 5,                   # Minimum group size
  segment = 100               # Number of segments

(2) Analysing data from dichotomised data
# Function to find optimal cutpoints based on invasion for logistic regression analysis
  factor = invasion,   # Predictor variable (invasion)
  outcome = LVSI,      # Outcome variable (LVSI)
  datatype = "logistic",  # Data type for logistic regression
  nmin = 5,            # Minimum group size
  segment = 100        # Number of segments

# Function to find optimal cutpoints based on invasion for logistic regression analysis with 2 cutpoints
  factor = invasion,   # Predictor variable (invasion)
  outcome = LVSI,      # Outcome variable (LVSI)
  cutnum = 2,          # Number of cutpoints
  datatype = "logistic",  # Data type for logistic regression
  nmin = 5,            # Minimum group size
  segment = 100        # Number of segments

An example run using findnumCox and findcutCox

# Load necessary libraries

# Load your dataset from a CSV file (toydata.csv should be in the current working directory)
data <- read.csv("toydata.csv")

# Attach the data for easy access to columns

# Set a random seed for reproducibility

# Record the starting time
ptm <- proc.time()

# Call the findnumCox function to find optimal cutpoints
result <- findnumCox(
  BMI,                # Predictor variable (BMI)
  Death,              # Event indicator variable (Death)
  Death_surtime,      # Survival time variable (Death_surtime)
  confound = stage3,  # Confounding variable (stage3)
  numcross = 20,      # Number of cross-validations
  totalcut = 3,       # Total number of cutpoints to consider
  initial_rr = NULL,  # Initial relative risk values (set to NULL)
  initial_cut = NULL, # Initial cutpoint values (set to NULL)
  initial_domain = NULL, # Initial domain values (set to NULL)
  numgen = 10,        # Number of generations for genetic algorithm
  gap = NULL          # Gap value (set to NULL)

# Calculate the time taken for the analysis
proc.time() - ptm

# Print the corrected AIC values

# Find the number of optimal cutpoints (the index with the minimum AIC)

# Print the corrected hazard ratios (or relative risks)

# Note: Corrected p-values for each coefficient estimator (Cutpvalue) are available in the result but are not printed here.
confound example
# Set a random seed for reproducibility

# Extract data from your dataset
target <- data$BMI
event <- data$Death
time <- data$Death_surtime
confound <- data$stage3

# Create user data based on input and handle missing values
userdata <- na.omit(data.frame(target, event, time, confound))

# Determine the number of observations
N <- dim(userdata)[1]

# Generate random bootstrap samples
numboot <- sample(N)

# Define initial values for relative risks, cutpoints, and domains
initial_rr <- list(c(3, 2), c(3, 6, 2), c(3, 4, 5, 2))
initial_cut <- list(c(19), c(19, 30), c(15, 25, 30))
initial_domain <- list(
  matrix(c(12, 35, 0, 5, 0, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
  matrix(c(15, 35, 15, 35, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
  matrix(c(15, 35, 15, 35, 15, 35, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# Example for no initial values provided
E <- findcutCox(BMI, Death, Death_surtime, stage3, numcut = 3, initial_rr = NULL,
                initial_cut = NULL, initial_domain = NULL, numgen = 15, gap = NULL)

# Print the result

# Example for providing initial values
G <- findcutCox(BMI, Death, Death_surtime, stage3, numcut = 3, initial_rr = initial_rr,
                initial_cut = initial_cut, initial_domain = initial_domain, numgen = 15, gap = NULL)

# Print the result
non confound example
# Set a random seed for reproducibility

# Extract data from your dataset
target <- data$BMI
event <- data$Death
time <- data$Death_surtime

# Create user data based on input and handle missing values
userdata <- na.omit(data.frame(target, event, time))

# Determine the number of observations
N <- dim(userdata)[1]

# Generate random bootstrap samples
numboot <- sample(N)

# Define initial values for relative risks, cutpoints, and domains
initial_rr <- list(c(3), c(6, 3), c(3, 4, 5))
initial_cut <- list(c(19), c(19, 30), c(15, 25, 30))
initial_domain <- list(
  matrix(c(13, 48, 0, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
  matrix(c(13, 35, 13, 35, 0, 5, 0, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
  matrix(c(13, 35, 13, 35, 13, 35, 0, 5, 0, 5, 0, 5), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# Example for no initial values (finding the best 2 cutoffs)
H <- findcutCox(BMI, Death, Death_surtime, confound = NULL, numcut = 2,
                initial_rr = NULL, initial_cut = NULL,
                initial_domain = NULL, numgen = 15, gap = NULL)

# Print the result

# Example for providing initial values
I <- findcutCox(BMI, Death, Death_surtime, confound = NULL, numcut = 2, initial_rr = initial_rr,
                initial_cut = initial_cut, initial_domain = initial_domain, numgen = 15, gap = NULL)

# Print the result

The original publication, along with its associated scripts ( and , were obtained through the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. The authors have provided a step-by-step user manual (in pdf) to assist users in using the script for findcutnum and findcut.
The example to run for findnumCox and findcutCox can be found in the tutorial.

"BioTranslate: Turning Bioscience Publications into Packages" is a mini project dedicated to bridging the gap between publised models to packages in the field of biosciences.


Chang, C., Hsieh, M. K., Chang, W. Y., Chiang, A. J., & Chen, J. (2017). Determining the optimal number and location of cutoff points with application to data of cervical cancer. PloS one, 12(4), e0176231.


Optimal number and locations of cutpoints for survival analysis.







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