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A set of algorithms to optimize outlet sales. This code is based on "Algorithms For Decision Making", and uses the code transpile from used under fair use


The aim of this repository is to solve the problem of optimum price policy for a set of items that must be sold on a determinate amount of days. The data is generated based on a SimOutlet class that is very straightforward to use.

@dataclass(repr=True, frozen=True)
class Item: 
    id: int
    stock: int
    low_price_bound: float 
    high_price_bound: float
    days_to_dispose: int

class SimItem(Item):
    # a simulated version of an item, it has some simulated parameters useful to understand some purchase probabilities 

The module outlet contains the classes for the outlet MDP definition. The module mdp contains the classes that define an MDP and a few optimization algorithms.

In this first version, we assume that the outlet problem is known - we know the transition probabilities -. However, we could extend this problem to non-MDP setups, such as SARSA or other RL algorithms; that's future work.

Getting Started

Outlet Model

model diagram

graph LR
S0["S(units(u),price(p),time(t))"] --> A{A=Price}
A -->S1["S(u,p=a1,t+1)"]
A -->S2["S(u,p=a2,t+1)"]
A -->S3["S(u,p=a3,t+1)"]
A -->S4["S(...)"]
A -->S5["S(u-1,p=1,t+1)"]
A -->S6["S(...)"]


The Outlet Model (MDP) starts with a state defining units, price, and time, then moves to a decision node where the optimal price is determined. From there, it transitions to various states representing different outcomes based on the chosen price, including potential adjustments in units and time. The model ends with states indicating the conclusion of the sales process, capturing the dynamic interplay between pricing decisions and sales outcomes.


Ensure you have Python installed on your system. This library requires Python 3.11 or newer. You can install these dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd outlet-opt


After installing the necessary dependencies, you can start using Outlet-Opt by importing it into your Python script. Here's a basic example to get you started:

# Initialize a simulation for outlet sales optimization
sim = SimOutlet.new_simulation(n_items=15, days_avg=20, stock_avg=3, purchase_prob_cap_bounds=(0.15,0.2))

# Convert the simulation data into a set of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
mdps = sim.to_mdp(mdp_type=MDPVersion.INDIVIDUAL)

# Initialize lists to store policy values, optimal policy values, and reward gaps
pvals: List[float] = []
opt_vals: List[float] = []
gaps: List[float] = []

# Iterate over each MDP representing an individual item
for item_mdp in mdps:
    # Retrieve the action space for the current MDP
    actions = item_mdp.actions_space
    # Evaluate the policy using a simple strategy (choosing the minimum action)
    pval = item_mdp.policy_evaluation(policy=lambda x: min(actions))
    print(f'dumb policy value {pval[0]}')  # Print the value of the simple policy
        pi = PolicyIteration(k_max=100, initial_policy=item_mdp.random_policy())
    # Perform policy iteration to find an optimal policy
    pi = PolicyIteration(k_max=100, initial_policy=item_mdp.random_policy())
    opt_policy = pi.solve(problem=item_mdp)
    # Print the actions recommended by the optimal policy for each state
    print([opt_policy(s) for s in item_mdp.states])
    # Re-evaluate the policy using the newly found optimal policy
    opt_pval = item_mdp.policy_evaluation(policy=opt_policy)
    print(f'opt policy value {opt_pval[0]}')  # Print the value of the optimal policy
    # Calculate the gap between the optimal and simple policy values
    rewards_gap = (opt_pval[0] - pval[0]) / pval[0]
    pvals.append(pval[0])  # Store the simple policy value
    opt_vals.append(opt_pval[0])  # Store the optimal policy value
    gaps.append(rewards_gap)  # Store the gap

    print(f'gap val {rewards_gap:+.2%}')  # Print the percentage gap



a set of algorithms to optimize outlet sales






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