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Discovery application for the National Library of Australia's catalogue


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Custom implementation of Blacklight for The National Library of Australia.

Table of Contents



The GoRails guide has great instructions for setting up Ruby, Rails and MySQL for your operating system.

✏️ This repository uses conventional commits and commit messages are used to generate and release body entries.

The most important prefixes you should have in mind are:

  • fix: which represents bug fixes, and correlates to a SemVer patch.
  • feat: which represents a new feature, and correlates to a SemVer minor.
  • feat!:, or fix!:, refactor!:, etc., which represent a breaking change (indicated by the !) and will result in a SemVer major.

Releases are automated via GitHub workflows. See more in the "Releases" section.


All configurable values should be defined via environment variables. dotenv will automatically load values from the .env* config in development and test environments.

Non-sensitive values for development and test environments should be defined in the .env.development/.env.test files.

Sensitive values can be defined in .env.development.local or .env.test.local files for local development and SHOULD NOT be committed to source control. Git is configured to ignore these files.

⚠️ If dotenv fails to load the configuration values into the environment, you can manually export these values in your terminal before running the application.

List of Environment Variables

Blacklight database

DATABASE_URL - Application database for Blacklight
PATRON_DB_URL - Shared user and sessions database
REDIS_URL - Redis cache


SOLR_URL - single node Solr

ZK_HOST - Zookeeper connection string for the Solr Cloud cluster
SOLR_COLLECTION - Solr Cloud collection for the catalogue index

Rails settings

These variables are mainly used in the staging or production environment.

SECRET_KEY_BASE - used by Devise for encrypting session values
RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT - makes Rails logs print to the console
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES - tells Rails to serve static assets from the /public directory

Temp and caching directories

These variables are mainly used in the staging or production environment.

PIDFILE - relocates the server pid file outside of the application directory
BLACKLIGHT_TMP_PATH - relocates the caching directory outside of the application directory

External services

GETALIBRARYCARD_BASE_URL - base URL for Get a Library Card
GETALIBRARYCARD_AUTH_PATH - path to the authentication endpoint of Get a Library Card
GETALIBRARYCARD_PATRON_DETAILS_PATH - path to the user details endpoint of Get a Library Card

PATRON_AUTH_URL - base URL for User Registration (a.k.a. "UserReg")
PATRON_AUTH_ENDPOINT - path to the authentication endpoint

KEYCLOAK_URL - URL of the Keycloak server

KC_SOL_CLIENT - Staff Official Loan realm client name
KC_SOL_SECRET - Staff Official Loan realm client secret
KC_SOL_REALM - realm name for Staff Official Loan

KC_SPL_CLIENT - Staff Personal Loan realm client name
KC_SPL_SECRET - Staff Personal Loan realm client secret
KC_SPL_REALM - realm name for Staff Personal Loan

KC_SHARED_CLIENT - Team Official Loan account realm client name
KC_SHARED_SECRET - Team Official Loan account realm client secret
KC_SHARED_REALM - realm name for Team Official Loan account realm

COPYRIGHT_SERVICE_URL - URL of the Copyright service
COPYRIGHT_FAIR_DEALING_URL - URL to the page describing copyright fair dealing
COPYRIGHT_CONTACT_URL - URL to the page describing how to contact the Library about copyright

COPIES_DIRECT_URL - URL to Copies Direct

ERESOURCES_CONFIG_URL - URL to the eResources configuration JSON endpoint
EZPROXY_URL - URL to the EZProxy server
EZPROXY_USER - username for EZProxy
EZPROXY_PASSWORD - password for EZProxy

EDS_DEBUG - set to `y`/`n` to enable/disable debug logging for EDS API requests
EDS_PROFILE - EDS profile name
EDS_GUEST - set to `y`/`n` to enable/disable guest access for EDS API requests
EDS_USER - username for EDS API requests
EDS_PASSWORD - password for EDS API requests
EDS_AUTH - authentication method for EDS API requests
EDS_ORG - organisation ID for EDS API requests
EDS_CACHE_DIR - directory for EDS API request caching

CATALOGUE_SEARCH_URL - URL to the Catalogue search JSON endpoint
FINDING_AIDS_SEARCH_URL - URL to the Finding Aids search JSON endpoint

GLOBAL_MESSAGE_URL - URL to the global alert message JSON endpoint

CATALOGUE_SERVICES_API_BASE_URL - URL to the Catalogue Services API base URL
CATALOGUE_SERVICES_CLIENT - Catalogue Services realm client name
CATALOGUE_SERVICES_SECRET - Catalogue Services realm client secret
CATALOGUE_SERVICES_REALM - Catalogue Services realm name

THUMBNAIL_SERVICE_API_BASE_URL - URL to the thumbnail service API base URL


  1. Clone the app from GitHub.
  2. Make sure you have MySQL running locally and configured in the .env.development.local config file.
  3. Make sure you have Redis running locally and configured in the .env.development.local config file.
  4. Make sure you have Solr running locally and configured in the .env.development.local config file.
    💡️ If you are not planning on modifying the Solr index, you can point this at the devel or test environment Solr cluster.
  5. bin/setup installs gems and performs database migrations for the development environment.
    💡️ Gems are installed in vendor/bundle.

Running the app

  • bin/dev runs the Rails server at http://localhost:3000.
    • This will compile the SASS stylesheets and package up the JavaScript files for the asset pipeline.
    • By default Rails will load the development environment.
    • The runtime environment can be changed by defining RAILS_ENV before executing a command/script. e.g.
RAILS_ENV=test bin/dev


  • bin/ci contains all the tests and security vulnerability checks for the app.
  • tmp/test.log will use the production logging format NOT the development one.
  • The following test frameworks are used:
    • RSpec
    • Capybara - simulates web application interaction
    • Webmock - HTTP request mocking and stubbing

Continuous Integration

  • CI is performed by GitHub Actions.
  • Workflows are defined in .github/workflows.


Releases are automated via the release.yml GitHub workflow. This uses Google's release-please action to create a release pull request when changes are pushed to the main branch.

🚨 This release pull request will be updated with every merge to the main branch.

🚨 It will bump the version automatically and create a release when it is merged.

🚨 is automatically created/updated for each release based on the commit messages.

Read more about how release-please works.


  • All runtime configuration should be supplied as environment variables.
  • Rails logging uses lograge. bin/setup help can tell you how to see this locally.
  • The temporary file directory configured by the BLACKLIGHT_TMP_PATH must be writable by the user that runs the application.
  • Gems declared in the Gemfile are installed in the vendor/bundle directory.
  • Rails assets must be precompiled before deployment and RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES set to true in order for files in the public directory to be accessible.
  • RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT must be set to true for logs to be sent to the console.

Linting, Static Analysis & Supply Chain Vulnerability Checking

The following tools provide linting, security and vulnerability checking of the code.

  • rubocop and standardrb ensure standardised code formatting and best practices.
  • brakeman provides static analysis checking.
    • Reports are written to tmp/brakeman.html
  • bundler-audit checks application dependencies for security vulnerabilities.
  • strong-migrations catches unsafe migrations in development.


The application is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2 License.