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RGB: Relevant Gene Block


RGB is a tool to find orthologous gene block to a reference gene block in projaryotic genomes. Gene blocks are genes co-located on the chromosome. In many cases, gene blocks are conserved between bacterial species, sometimes as operons, when genes are co-transcribed. The conservation is rarely absolute: gene loss, gain, duplication, block splitting and block fusion are frequently observed.

RGB accepts a set of species and a gene block in a reference species. It then finds all gene blocks, orhtologous to the reference gene blocks.

RGB provides 2 method to find relevant gene block, naive method and approximated method. Naive method tries to exhaustively search all the combination, and approximated using greedy method that has an approximation result.



Users can either use github interface Download button or type the following command in command line (assumming git was installed):

git clone

Install Miniconda (you can either export the path everytime you use RGB, or add it to the .bashrc file). Before using the following command line, users will need to install Wget.

wget -O
bash -b -p ~/anaconda_ete/
export PATH=~/anaconda_ete/bin:$PATH;
conda update conda

We are going to create an environment to run RGB, replace myenv with your preference of environment name.

conda create --name myenv

When conda asks you to proceed, type y. This will create an environment myenv. To activate this environment, type source activate myenv. To deactivate this environment, type source deactivate

Now, we are going to install other dependencies within environment myenv. Activate the environemnt:

source activate myenv

Install Biopython and ete3 using conda (highly recommended install biopython with conda)

conda install -c bioconda biopython ete3

Install ete_toolchain for visualization

conda install -c etetoolkit ete_toolchain

Install BLAST, ClustalW, MUSCLE

conda install -c bioconda blast clustalw muscle

Install mathplotlib

conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

Install PuLP

conda install -c conda-forge pulp

For PDA, check installation instructions on this website: PDA


The easiest way to run the project is to execute the script RGB, which is inside the directory [Relevant-Operon].

Run on example datasets

The users can run this script on the example data sets provided in directory E_Coli and B_Sub. The two following command lines will run relevantOperon on our 2 directories. The final results (visualization files) are stored in folder name that user choose (result_naive, and result_approx in the example)


Using naive method

./ -g E_Coli/genomes/ -b E_Coli/gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -r NC_000913 -f E_Coli/phylo_order.txt -o result_naive -a N

Using approximated method

./ -g E_Coli/genomes/ -b E_Coli/gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -r NC_000913 -f E_Coli/phylo_order.txt -o result_approx -a Y

We can then execute the script analyze to compare the runtime, deletion, duplication and split count of our 2 method. The result is store in folder output, by default it contains file: Time(log10)Plot.png (running time in log10 scale), 3 graph file for pairwise event count, 3 graph file for event count versus reference gene block, and the difference between naive and approx method.

./ -n result_naive/E_Coli/ -a result_approx/E_Coli/ -b ./E_Coli/gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -o analysis
usage: [-h] [--naiveInput NAIVEINPUT] [--approxInput APPROXINPUT]
                  [--geneBlock GENEBLOCK]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        naive directory (either time or result)
                        aprrox directory (either time or result)
                        gene_block_names_and_genes.txt file


Using naive method

./ -g B_Sub/genomes/ -b B_Sub/gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -r NC_000964 -f B_Sub/phylo_order.txt -o result_naive -a N

Using approximated method

./ -g B_Sub/genomes/ -b B_Sub/gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -r NC_000964 -f B_Sub/phylo_order.txt -o result_approx -a N

Run on users' specific datasets

If the users wants to run the program on their own datasets, then they have to provide the following inputs:

  1. Directory that stores all the genomes file to study in genbank format. A file name should be something like this NC_011567.gbk where NC_011567 is the locus name.
  2. Gene block text file that stores gene blocks in a reference species (this reference has to be in the genomes directory). The gene block format is tab delimited. The first column is the gene block name, then followed by the genes' name. For example, here is the gene_block_names_and_genes.txt file from Escheria coli K-12 MG1655.
astCADBE	astA	astB	astC	astD	astE
atpIBEFHAGDC	atpI	atpH	atpC	atpB	atpA	atpG	atpF	atpE	atpD
caiTABCDE	caiA	caiE	caiD	caiC	caiB	caiT
casABCDE12	casE	casD	casA	casC	casB	cas1	cas2
chbBCARFG	chbG	chbF	chbC	chbB	chbA	chbR
  1. Run RGB, the output is stored in directory result.
./ -g genomes_directory -b gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -r ref_accession -a Y -o result
usage: [-h] [--genomes_directory GENOMES_DIRECTORY]
                       [--gene_blocks GENE_BLOCKS] [--reference REFERENCE]
                       [--filter FILTER] [--output OUTPUT] [--approx APPROX]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                      The directory that store all the genomes file
--gene_blocks GENE_BLOCKS, -b GENE_BLOCKS
                      The E_Coli/gene_block_names_and_genes.txt file, this
                      file stores the operon name and its set of genes
                      The ncbi accession number for the reference genome
                      (NC_000913 for E_Coli and NC_000964 for B_Sub)
--filter FILTER, -f FILTER
                      The filter file for creating the tree
                      (E_Coli/phylo_order.txt for E_Coli or
                      B_Sub/phylo_order.txt for B-Sub)
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                      Output directory to store the result
--approx APPROX, -a APPROX
                      Using approx method (Y,N)

Besides, the users can also provide a filter text file. This filter file specifies the species to be included in the reconstruction analysis. The reason is that there might be families of species that are over representative in our genomes directory. This will reduce phylogenetic diversity and cause bias in our ancestral reconstruction. Hence, it is recomended to run PDA on generated tree before proceeding further steps in our analysis. In order to achieve this, the user can follow the following instructions:

  1. Generate a phylogenetic tree from the genomes directory
./ -G genomes_directory -o tree_directory -f NONE -r ref_accession
usage: [-h] [-G DIRECTORY] [-o DIRECTORY] [-f FILE]
                          [-m STRING] [-t FILE] [-r REF] [-q]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-G DIRECTORY, --genbank_directory DIRECTORY
                     Folder containing all genbank files for use by the
                     Directory where the results of this program will be
-f FILE, --filter FILE
                     File restrictiong which accession numbers this script
                     will process. If no file is provided, filtering is not
-r REF, --ref REF     The reference genome number, such as NC_000913 for E_Coli
-q, --quiet           Suppresses most program text outputs.

  1. Download and install PDA. Debias the phylogenetic tree using PDA program:
./ -i tree_directory/out_tree.nwk -o pda_result.txt -s num -r ref_accession
usage: [-h] [-i INPUT_TREE] [-o PDA_OUT] [-s TREE_SIZE] [-r REF]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_TREE, --input_tree INPUT_TREE
                     Input tree that we want to debias
-o PDA_OUT, --pda_out PDA_OUT
                     Output of pda to be store.
-s TREE_SIZE, --tree_size TREE_SIZE
                     Reduce the size of the tree to this size
-r REF, --ref REF     Force to include the following species, here I force
                     to include the reference species

  1. Run RGB, the output is stored in directory result.
./ -g genomes_directory -b gene_block_names_and_genes.txt -r ref_accession -f phylo_order.txt -a Y -o result


Here are two gene blocks that were generated through our program.

  1. Gene block paaABCDEFGHIJK:

This gene block codes for genes involved in the catabolism of phenylacetate and it is not conserved between the group of studied bacteria.

paaABCDEFGHIJK 2. Gene block atpIBEFHAGDC:

This gene block catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate and it is very conserved between the group of studied bacteria.



  1. An event-driven approach for studying gene block evolution in bacteria
  2. Tracing the ancestry of operons in bacteria


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