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config v2

Yatao Li edited this page Aug 7, 2017 · 1 revision

id: configv2 title: Configuration File Specification (Version 2.0) permalink: /docs/manual/Config/config-v2.html

A Graph Engine Configuration File is an XML file with the default name trinity.xml. When a Graph Engine instance is initialized, it will automatically load the default configuration file, unless TrinityConfig.LoadConfig(...) is explicitly called. The file can contain configuration settings for a single machine and/or a cluster of machines.

Root Node

The root node is always Trinity. There must be exactly one root node. The root node has an optional attribute ConfigVersion.


Optional. Specifies the version of the configuration file. Currently, the value must be 1.0 or 2.0 if specified. The value "2.0" indicates that the configuration file conforms to the specification 2.0 given here. Note, if ConfigVersion is not specified, the configuration file will be parsed as version 1.0, which is now obsolete.

Note, nuget package GraphEngine.Core 1.0.8482 and below only support configuration specification 1.0.

All valid nodes under Trinity node are called top-level elements.

Top-Level Elements

Any top-level element must be a child node of the root node.

Local Node

A Local node configures the settings for the machine that reads the current configuration file. There can be multiple Local nodes. Multiple Local nodes will be merged. If a machine is configured by both a Local node and a Cluster node, the configuration settings in a Local node have higher priority. If specified, they will override configurations specified in a Cluster node. A Local node can have an optional attribute Template.


Optional. The value is the ID of a template. If it is specified, the current node will inherit the attributes and child elements of the template node.

A Local node can have one or more configuration nodes as its child elements.

Cluster Node

A Cluster node contains configurations for servers and proxies of a Graph Engine cluster. There can be multiple Cluster nodes as long as they have different identifiers. A Cluster node can have an optional attribute Id.


Optional. The cluster configuration identified by an Id can be retrieved by the Id later in the program. If omitted, the current Cluster configuration is then treated as the default one.

A Cluster node can have one or more Server or Proxy nodes as its child elements.


A Server node specifies a configuration that can later be used to create TrinityServer communication instances. The properties of a Server node can be specified via node attributes or child elements. A Server node can have one or more configuration nodes as its child elements. A Server node can have the following attributes.


Mandatory. Specifies an Hostname:Port string that describes the server endpoint.


Optional. Each server is associated with an availability group. This attribute specifies the identifier of the availability group that the current server belongs to. If not specified, each server will be in its own default availability group. Multiple Server nodes could have the same availability group. The servers within the same availability group correspond to the same server Id in MemoryCloud.SendMessage(...). The ServerId parameter in the SendMessage method is the index number of the availability group. Note, when this attribute is used, all Server nodes within a Cluster node must specify the attribute or none of them should specify.


Optional. The value is the ID of a template. If it is specified, the current node will inherit the attributes and child elements of the template.


Optional. Specifies the directory of the running Graph Engine instance. Useful for running multiple Graph Engine instances on the same machine (listening on different ports, or bound to different network interfaces).

The server nodes within a Cluster node are interpreted as an ordered list. An availability group is assigned an index number upon their first occurence. For example, if there are three Server nodes:

<Server AvailabilityGroup=”AG1” .../>
<Server AvailabilityGroup=”AG2” .../>
<Server AvailabilityGroup=”AG1” .../>

The three servers will be assigned index numbers 0, 1, 0, respectively.

Multiple Server nodes can be specified within a Cluster node is for easily deploying Graph Engine to a cluster of machines using a single configuration file. For a Graph Engine cluster consisting of multiple machines, when a Graph Engine instance is started, it loads its server configuration from one of the Server nodes according to the following rules:

  • The Endpoint property matches one of the network interfaces of the machine on which the Graph Engine instance is running.
  • If AssemblyPath is specified, it matches the directory where the running Graph Engine instance resides.

A Proxy node specifies a TrinityProxy communication instance. The structure of a Proxy node is the same as that of a Server node.


A Template node can be referenced by other nodes as a configuration template. The content within a template node will be inherited by the nodes that reference it. Multiple templates with the same identifier will be merged. A Template node must specify a mandatory attribute Id.


Mandatory. Specifies the identifier of the template, which can be referenced by other nodes.

A Template node can have one or more configuration nodes as its child elements.


An Import node specifies other configuration files to import. Each Import node will be replaced with the top-level elements read from the imported configuration files. Note that the imported configuration files must have the same ConfigVersion with the current configuration file. An imported configuration file can recursively import other configuration files. A configuration file cannot import itself.


Mandatory. Specifies a file to import. The file must have .xml file extension and has a <Trinity> root node with the same ConfigVersion.

An Import node cannot have any child elements.

Configuration Nodes

A configuration node contains a number of configuration entries. A configuration entry specifies the configuration settings concerning a certain aspect of the system functionality, such as Storage and Logging. An external Graph Engine module could also register a configuration entry so that its settings can be specified in the Graph Engine configuration file. An external module should follow the following rules for registering a configuration entry:

  • One module should register only one configuration entry. The name of the entry should be distinctive to avoid ambiguity. The name of the entry should be related to the module. If there are two modules that register the same configuration entry name, the entries will be renamed to AssemblyName:EntryName.

  • Whenever possible, use attributes to specify settings. Use children nodes only if it is necessary, for example, to specify a list.

Configuration Override

Overrides take place at configuration entry level. The content in an entry will not be merged. An entry in a lower priority configuration node will be overridden by the one in a higher priority configuration node. When a template node is referenced, it has the priority of the referencing node.

Merging Configuration Nodes

Referencing a configuration template or specifying multiple Local configuration nodes will result in merging configuration nodes. When merging occurs, configuration entries will be laid out in the order they appear in the configuration file. The entries that appear later will override the earlier entries with the same name.

Built-In Configuration Nodes


A Storage node can have the following attributes.


Optional. Specifies the number of memory trunks in the local memory storage of a Graph Engine instance. Must be a power of 2 within range [1, 256]. The default value is 256.


Optional. A Boolean value that specifies whether the local memory storage is read-only. In the read-only mode, the local memory storage is lock-free, write operations will result in exceptions and system crashes. The default value is FALSE.


Optional. Specifies the capacity profile of the local memory storage. A capacity profile specifies the maximum number of entries that the local memory storage can hold. The value must be one of the following: Max256M, Max512M, Max1G, Max2G, Max4G, Max8G, Max16G, Max32G. The default is Max8G.


Optional. Specifies the path of a directory for saving and loading Graph Engine disk images. The default path is the storage directory in AssemblyPath.


Optional. An integer value that specifies a time interval in milliseconds. The local memory storage garbage collector issues defragmentation operations periodically. The value of DefragInterval specifies the time between two defragmentation operations. The default value is 600.

A Storage node cannot have any child elements.


A Logging node can have the following attributes.


Optional. Specifies the path of a directory to store log files. The default path is the trinity-log directory in AssemblyPath.


Optional. Specifies the logging level. Its value must be one of the following: Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, Off. The default level is Info.


Optional. A Boolean value that specifies whether to stream log entries to a file on disk. The default value is TRUE.


Optional. A Boolean value that specifies whether to echo log entries on the standard output. The default value is TRUE.

A Logging node cannot have any child elements.


A Network node can have the following attributes.


Optional. If a server/proxy has an Http endpoint, it will listen on the specified Http port after it is started. The value is an integer. When a negative integer is specified, the HTTP server is disabled and no port will be opened. The default port is 80.


Optional. Specifies how many network connections will be established between a client and a Graph Engine communication instance. The default value is 2.


Optional. Specifies how many retries will be attempted when a message cannot be sent. The default value is 1.


Optional. Specifies how many reconnect attempts will be made if the network connection is down during sending a message. The default value is 1.


Optional. A Boolean value that specifies whether a server/proxy/client performs handshaking when establishing a connection. For compatibility with older versions of Graph Engine that does not support Handshake, set this to FALSE. The default value is TRUE.

A Network node cannot have any child elements.

Sample Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Trinity ConfigVersion="2.0">
    <Logging LogToFile="TRUE" EchoOnConsole="FALSE" LogDirectory="D:\log-dir" LoggingLevel="Info" />
    <Network HttpPort="8080" ClientMaxConn="10" />
    <Server Endpoint="" Template="server-template"/>
    <Server Endpoint="" Template="server-template"/>
    <Server Endpoint="" Template="server-template">
      <!--This server has some extra settings-->
      <LIKQ Timeout="90000" />
      <Storage ReadOnly="FALSE" StorageRoot="D:\data2" StorageCapacity="Max4G"/>
      <Network ClientSendRetry="2" />
  <Template Id="server-template">
    <Storage ReadOnly="TRUE" StorageRoot="D:\data" StorageCapacity="Max1G"/>