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Base library required by all the SailTrack's ESP32-based modules.


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SailTrack Module

SailTrack Module is the base library required by all the SailTrack's ESP32-based modules. To learn more about the SailTrack project, please visit the project repository.

The SailTrack Module library carries out the minimum tasks required by every module of the SailTrack system, such as:

  • The WiFi connection routine
  • The connection to the MQTT broker
  • The publication of status messages

Moreover, the library offers all the required methods to send correctly formatted messages and to subscribe to network topics.


The SailTrack Module library can be installed using PlatformIO by simply adding it in the platformio.ini file, under the lib_deps section, as in the following example:

platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
lib_deps = metisvela/SailtrackModule@^1.7.1


A bare minimum example of the library can be found below. For further information, please refer to the methods documentation and the examples that can be found in the examples folder.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SailtrackModule.h>

SailtrackModule stm;

class ModuleCallbacks: public SailtrackModuleCallbacks {
    void onLogMessage() {
        // Called when a new log message is being displayed to the serial console.
        // Add here any extra log information.

    void onEnterDeepSleep() {
        // Called when the module is about to enter deep sleep.
        // Add here any extra energy-saving task.

    void onStatusPublish(JsonObject status) {
        // Called when a new status message is being published to the MQTT network.
        // Add here any extra status information (e.g. battery voltage) by adding it to the `status` object.

    void onMqttMessage(const char * topic, JsonObjectConst payload) {
        // Called when a message is being published to any of the subscribed MQTT topics.
        // In this example, this method is called every time a new message is being published under the 
        // `sensor/example2` topic.
        // Handle here received messages from the network by reading the `payload` object and the `topic` string.

void setup() {
    // Initialize the module. This method must be always called.
    stm.begin("example", IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 100), new ModuleCallbacks());
    // Subscribe to the `sensor/example2` topic. This means that the `onMqttMessage(...)` method above will be 
    // called every time a new message is being published under `sensor/example2`.

void loop() {
    // Publish the "Hello, World!" message under the `sensor/example` topic every second by creating the JSON 
    // object containing the message and using the `publish(...)` method.
    StaticJsonDocument<STM_JSON_DOCUMENT_SMALL_SIZE> doc;
    doc["example"] = "Hello, World!";


It is possible to change some settings of the library by overriding one or more of the following internal defines:

  • STM_NOTIFICATION_LED_PIN (integer): The pin to which the notification LED is connected. Defaults to the board's builtin LED pin, if present.
  • STM_NOTIFICATION_LED_ON_STATE (LOW or HIGH): The logic state that corresponds to the ON state of the notification LED. Deafults to HIGH (=1).
  • STM_WIFI_AP_SSID (string): The name of the WiFi network to which the module will try to connect at startup. Defaults to SailTrack-CoreNet (the SSID of the WiFi network created by SailTrack Core).
  • STM_WIFI_AP_PASSWORD (string): The password of the WiFi network to which the module will try to connect at startup. Defaults to sailtracknet (the deafult password of the WiFi network created by SailTrack Core).
  • STM_WIFI_GATEWAY_ADDR (string): The IP address of the gateway (i.e. the router) to which the module will try to connect at startup. Defaults to (the default IP address of SailTrack Core).
  • STM_WIFI_SUBNET (string): The subnet mask of the network to which the module will try to connect at startup. Defaults to (the default subnet mask of the network created by SailTrack Core).
  • STM_MQTT_HOST_ADDR (string): The IP address of the host running the MQTT broker to which the module will try to connect at startup. Defaults to (the default IP address of SailTrack Core, that is also running the MQTT broker).
  • STM_MQTT_PORT (integer): The MQTT port number to which the module will try to connect at startup. Defaults to 1883 (the default MQTT port).
  • STM_MQTT_USERNAME (string): The username used to authenticate to the MQTT broker. Defaults to mosquitto (the default broker's username).
  • STM_MQTT_PASSWORD (string): The password used to authenticate to the MQTT broker. Defaults to sailtrack (the default broker's password).
  • STM_LOG_LEVEL (ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_* enum): Log level control. Possible values: NONE, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE). Defaults to INFO.

To confifure the library, you can add the overridden defines in the platformio.ini file, under the build_flags section, as in the following example (double quotes must be escaped):

platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
lib_deps = metisvela/SailtrackModule@^1.7.1
build_flags = 
  -D STM_WIFI_AP_PASSWORD=\"My-Password\"


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

If you are a contributor and you don't have access to SailTrack Core, you can use this procedure to emulate it:

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Run the following command:
docker run -it -p 1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf
  1. Add the following build_flags to your platformio.ini file, properly setting the options:
build_flags = 
 -D STM_WIFI_AP_SSID=\"<your-wifi-name>\"
 -D STM_WIFI_AP_PASSWORD=\"<your-wifi-password>\"
 -D STM_WIFI_GATEWAY_ADDR=\"<your-router-ip>\"
 -D STM_MQTT_HOST_ADDR=\"<your-pc-ip>\"
  1. Set the module IP in the begin(...) method according to your network.
  2. Check the MQTT traffic using an application like MQTT Explorer.


Copyright © 2023, Métis Vela Unipd. SailTrack Module is available under the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.