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Some personal docs/tools for developing Impeller.

If any content in this repository is useful to you, feel free to use it. As I'm super new, it's hard to understand if any of this is generally useful, and if it is I'll move it to a more appropriate place.

Why Impeller

Skia is a 2D graphics library written in C++. It is used by Flutter to render graphics on the screen. Skia is a very large library, and supports many different platforms and use cases. Flutter uses a subset of Skia.

For example, Skia generates shaders on the fly for gradients, generating their own SkSl (Skia Shader Language) code, and (at runtime) translate that into the GPU-specific shader language, and only then compile and link the shader.

The equivalent code in Impeller is compiled ahead of time for the target GPU.

Building the engine

The engine is built using gn, which is a "meta-build system" that generates build files for the actual build system (ninja in this case). The engine build is configured using files.

This document assumes gclient sync has been run and the src/flutter directory is present.

# Assumes you're in `$ENGINE/src`.
# Despite the name, this is not actually the gn binary. It's a wrapper script
# written in Python that invokes the gn binary, and sometimes the arguments are
# different (i.e. "enable_impeller_vulkan" versus "impeller_enable_vulkan").

Common invocations:

# Assumes you're in `$ENGINE/src`.

# Build a host (i.e. on my Mac, a macOS binary) debug build.
# Note the "--mac-cpu arm64" is not required, but without it on M1 Macs the x64
# build is used, which is slower because it goes through Rosetta (the x86_64
# emulator).
./flutter/tools/gn --unopt --mac-cpu arm64

# Build an android debug build with Vulkan enabled and Vulkan validation layers.
./flutter/tools/gn --unopt --android --android-cpu=arm64 --enable-vulkan

Frequently used arguments:

Name GN Arg Description
android target_os=android Build for Android.
android-cpu - Build for a specific Android CPU. Defaults to arm.
enable-vulkan enable_vulkan Enable Vulkan.
enable-vulkan-layers enable_vulkan_validation_layers Enable Vulkan validation layers.
unoptimized, unopt is_debug Set a bunch1 of flags you would want when developing.

See also:

Enabling Impeller

Impeller is always compiled, but it's not always enabled. To enable it, you need to either set a flag in flutter run (which will enable impeller for a single session):

# Assumes you're in the path to a Flutter app, i.e. `flutter_gallery`.
fl run \
  --local-engine-src-path=$ENGINE \
  --local-engine=android_debug_unopt_arm64 \

However, if you open the app again (i.e. on the phone), or want to use another command or tool (i.e. Android GPU Inspector), the flag will not persist. For that reason, it's better to set the flag in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

<!-- Assumes you're modifying $APP/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml -->
<manifest ...>
  <application ...>
      android:value="true" />

Enabling Vulkan

Vulkan is disabled by default. To enable it, you need to pass the --enable-vulkan flag to gn (see above).

# Assumes you're in `$ENGINE/src`.
./flutter/tools/gn --unopt --android --android-cpu=arm64 --enable-vulkan

It's worth noting to get proper IDE (i.e. VSCode) completion, i.e. for files that directly or indirectly import Vulkan headers, you need your clangd's compile-commands-dir to point to a directory where Vulkan headers were included:

"clangd.arguments": [

Using Goma

Goma is a distributed compiler that builds C/C++ code in the cloud. It's sometimes used by the Flutter engine team to speed up builds (it's not required, and some do not use it at all). Goma has to be setup and authenticated before it can be used.

# In `.gclient`; e.g. `$HOME/engine/.gclient`, add the following.

solutions = [
    "custom_vars": {
      "use_cipd_goma": True,

In $ENGINE/buildtools/mac-x64/goma (or similar), you should have

$ ./buildtools/mac-x64/goma/ status
Login as ***@***.***
Ready to use Goma service at

# If needed (i.e. above command fails), run:
$ ./buildtools/mac-x64/goma/ login

And then, on a reboot:

./buildtools/mac-x64/goma/ ensure_start

Running Demos

For example, Flutter gallery:

# Assumes "fl" is an alias for your local flutter (framework) checkout.
cd $FRAMEWORK/dev/integration_tests/flutter_gallery
fl run \
  --local-engine-src-path=$ENGINE \

Using VSCode

Here is my settings.json ($ENGINE/.vscode/settings.json):

  "C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "disabled",
  "[cpp]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "xaver.clang-format"
  "[objective-cpp]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "xaver.clang-format"
  "search.followSymlinks": true,
  "search.quickOpen.includeHistory": true,
  "search.quickOpen.includeSymbols": false,
  "search.useIgnoreFiles": false,
  "search.exclude": {
    "out/**": true
  "task.quickOpen.showAll": true,
  "task.quickOpen.skip": false,
  "clangd.path": "/Users/%NAME%/Developer/engine/src/buildtools/mac-arm64/clang/bin/clangd",
  "clangd.arguments": [
  "clang-format.executable": "/Users/%NAME%/Developer/engine/src/buildtools/mac-arm64/clang/bin/clang-format",
  "dart.onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles": true,
  "[dart]": {
    "editor.tabSize": 2,
    "editor.insertSpaces": true,
    "editor.detectIndentation": false,
    "editor.suggest.insertMode": "replace",
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "Dart-Code.dart-code",
    "editor.inlayHints.enabled": "offUnlessPressed",
    "editor.formatOnSave": false,
    "editor.formatOnType": false


Playground tests

Impeller has a "playground", or a utility for interactive experimenting with the Impeller rendering subsystem, with a focus on iterating on rendering behavior before writing tests.

The playground is not a Flutter app, and is minimal compared to Flutter.

See also:

Running the playground

# Build the playground.
ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt_arm64 impeller_unittests

# Run Impeller's unit tests, pausing on playground tests.
$ $ENGINE/out/host_debug_unopt_arm64/impeller_unittests --enable_playground

Screenshot 2023-07-27 at 5 40 51 PM

Note this will run every Impeller test, which at the time of this writing is LOTS. Use the --gtest_filter flag to filter tests.

$ $ENGINE/out/host_debug_unopt_arm64/impeller_unittests \
  --enable_playground \


Change Open File Limit on Mac

When I was first using Goma, I ran into the following error:

# Do not use autoninja (from depot_tools), as it doesn't work with our build.
$ ninja -j1000 -C out/host_debug
ninja: Entering directory `out/host_debug'
[0/5712] CXX obj/third_party/benchmark/src/libbenchmark.string_util.oninja: fatal: pipe: Too many open files

To check your limits:

launchctl limit maxfiles
ulimit -a

To adjust your limits (tested on OSX Ventura):

  1. Reboot the system and enter recovery mode - keep cmd (⌘) + R pressed
  2. Disable system integrity check from terminal, by typing csrutil disable
  3. Reboot
  4. Create the files below
  5. Reboot
  6. Enable system integrity check, by typing csrutil enable
  7. Reboot the system to complete the changes
<!-- /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxproc.plist -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple/DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
  <plist version="1.0">
        <true />
        <false />

Then change the owners and load these settings:

sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxproc.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxproc.plist

Disable Spotlight on Mac

See Change Spotlight preferences on Mac.

I disabled Developer, which is where I keep all my code:

Disabled on Developer

Useful .zshrc addendums

I put this in $HOME/Developer/.zshrc.local and added this to $HOME/.zshrc:

# Load local zshrc if it exists.
if [ -f $HOME/Developer/.zshrc.local ]; then
  source $HOME/Developer/.zshrc.local
# Addendum .zshrc for my work development environment.

# Raise limits.
ulimit -n 200000
ulimit -u 2048

# GClient on PATH.
export PATH="$HOME/Developer/depot_tools:$PATH"

# The engine src is always in $HOME/Developer/engine/src.
export ENGINE="$HOME/Developer/engine/src"

# The framework src is always in $HOME/Developer/flutter.
export FRAMEWORK="$HOME/Developer/flutter"

# Create a local version of the flutter tool that uses the local framework src.
alias fl="$FRAMEWORK/bin/flutter"

Handling Engine <> Tool Misalignment

Typically, the engine and framework are kept in sync. However, sometimes they get out of sync. This is usually because the engine is ahead of the framework (i.e. a Dart SDK roll), or because the framework was pinned to an older engine (example).

For example, I tried fl run and got this error:

$ fl run \
  --local-engine-src-path=$ENGINE \
  --local-engine=android_debug_unopt_arm64 \

Unhandled exception:
Unexpected Kernel Format Version 107 (expected 106)
#0      BinaryBuilder.readComponent.<anonymous closure>

This happens because the Dart SDK on the physical device (i.e. Android) does not match the SDK running on the host (i.e. frontend_server).

To handle this, there are 3 options:

  1. Interactive rebase $ENGINE to the commit im $FRAMEWORK/bin/internal/engine.version.
  2. Checkout $FRAMEWORK to a different commit with a compatible engine.
  3. Hack: Update $FRAMEWORK/bin/internal/engine.version to point to the commit in $ENGINE you want to use.

Then, make sure to rebuild both engines (host and physical device).


  1. In practice, this roughly covers: (1) enables asserts in Dart (--enable_asserts), (2) calls glGetError after each OpenGL call (in Impeller), (3) does not strip symbols from compiled C++ code (i.e. .so files produced by clang), and (4) disables link-time optimization (LTO).