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Data and code for Bauer et al. (2023) J Veg Sci

Markus Bauer , Jakob K. Huber, and Johannes Kollmann

Data and code for:

Bauer M, Huber JK, & Kollmann J (2024) Beta diversity of restored dike grasslands is strongly influenced by uncontrolled spatio-temporal variability.Journal of Vegetation Science 35, e13293.


Study region: River Danube around Deggendorf

Content of the repository

  1. The folder data contains

    • Raw and processed data of the sites variables (.csv)
    • Raw and processed data of the species' abundances (.csv)
    • Raw and processed data of the species' traits (.csv)
    • Raw data of monthly temperature and precipiation data (.csv)
    • Raw and processed spatial data (.shp)
    • photos of the plots (.jpg)
  2. The folder outputs contains

    • The figures generated (.tiff)
    • The statistics tables from the principal component analyses (.csv)
    • The tables generated (.png)
    • The models calculated (.Rdata)
  3. The folder R contains

    • Scripts to calculate all models (.R)
    • Scripts to generate all figures and tables (.R)
    • Metadata script for creating EML file (.R)
    • Folder for calculating habitat types (ESY)
  4. The folder markdown contains model checks to scroll through

Package versioning

The used versions of R and the packages are saved in 2023_danube_dike_survey/renv.lock.

You can restore this state by executing renv::restore() in the console.


CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

When using the data available in this repository, please cite the original publication and the dataset.


Bauer M, Huber JK, & Kollmann J (2024) Beta diversity of restored dike grasslands is strongly influenced by uncontrolled spatio-temporal variability. – Journal of Vegetation Science 35, e13293.


Bauer M, Huber JK, & Kollmann J (2024) Data and code for Bauer et al. (2024) J Veg Sci [Data set]. – Zenodo.

Contact for any further information.