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GitHub Action

Julia: R&R ~ Release and Register


Julia: R&R ~ Release and Register


Julia: R&R ~ Release and Register

Automatically release and register any push to a deployment branch that updates the Julia pkg version


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Julia: R&R ~ Release and Register

uses: Skenvy/julia-release@v1.0.0

Learn more about this action in Skenvy/julia-release

Choose a version

An action to proctor the CD (release and registering) of a julia project. Test

A github action to automate the release and registration of a Julia package (via the Registrator bot, so will require it to be installed). It will detect any commit to a designated deployment branch that updates the project version in the required Project.toml, and create a release and registration for it.

This is the ideological reverse order of the standard julia TagBot, which creates github releases of commits after manually registering them. Instead, this action, when set up in the recommended way, will, if it detects a change to the version, create a release, and comment the "@JuliaRegistrator register" command on the commit that it has released, for a truly continuous deployment strategy; CD.



  • Required
  • Name of branch from which against to deploy; e.g. master|main|trunk|other.


  • Optional
  • The path to the folder/subdirectory containing the Pkg's Project.toml.
  • Default ".".


  • Optional
  • An optional changelog with which to generate notes in the release.
  • Default "".


  • Optional
  • A template to generate the release tag. Exposes "<NEW_VERSION>". ("/" will be replaced with "_").
  • Default "v<NEW_VERSION>".


  • Optional
  • A template to generate the release name. Exposes "<NEW_VERSION>".
  • Default "Version: <NEW_VERSION>".


  • Optional
  • Whether to automatically register your new release.
  • Default true.



  • The new version listed in project.


  • The old version listed in project.


  • The sha of the "previous head of the deployment branch" that is used to check for a change in the version.


  • The sha of the commit that is taken as the current ~ which without frobbing the head will be the github_sha.

Example usage

The on: to use for the workflow

  • For a deployment_branch of main, and a subdirectory of path/to/your
  • Even if you use the default subdirectory that is "." ~ the project root, it's still advised to speficically target './Project.toml' for the workflow, if calling this is it's primary intent, to not over trigger it.
    - 'main'
    - 'path/to/your/Project.toml'

In jobs.<job_id>.runs-on:

  • This is a docker job, so you'll need;
runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest' # docker jobs not supported on windows or mac

In jobs.<job_id>.steps[*].uses:

  • For a package project located at the root ./Project.toml, with the deployment branch being main, in the least decorated way;
- uses: Skenvy/julia-release@v1
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    deployment_branch: 'main'
  • For a package project located at ./path/to/your/Project.toml, with optionally more verbose release tag and name, and a pretty step name.
- name: Julia 🔴🟢🟣 Release 🚰 and Register 📦
  uses: Skenvy/julia-release@v1
  id: release_step
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    deployment_branch: 'main'
    subdirectory: "path/to/your"
    release_tag_template: "julia-v<NEW_VERSION>"
    release_name_template: "Julia: Version <NEW_VERSION>"
  • Although "registering" via the Registrator bot is a primary intent of this, if you simply want to automate releases, but not automate the registration, you can prevent the registrator comment with;
- uses: Skenvy/julia-release@v1
    auto_register: false