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GitHub Action

Github Telegram Notifier


Github Telegram Notifier


Github Telegram Notifier

Sends commit updates to any chat in Telegram


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Github Telegram Notifier

uses: EverythingSuckz/github-telegram-notify@v1.1.1

Learn more about this action in EverythingSuckz/github-telegram-notify

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Github Telegram Notify

Actions that sends commit updates of a repository to any chat in Telegram

🏪 View on Github Marketplace 🏷️ v1.1.1


- bot_token

A Telegram Bot Token is required for using the Telegram bot from which the commit updates are being send.

Obtaining a Telegram Bot Token

  • Goto @BotFather
  • After sending /start command, send /newbot
  • Follow the onscreen instructions and at the end, you'll obtain a bot token.

- chat_id

Obtaining Chat ID of a group

  • Go to the group of your choice
  • Add @MissRose_bot
  • Type the command /id and send it to the group.

How to use

Add the following lines of code in your YML file.

  - name: Notify the commit on Telegram
    uses: EverythingSuckz/github-telegram-notify@main
      bot_token: '${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }}'
      chat_id: '${{ secrets.CHAT_ID }}'

Supported events

  • Commits
  • Forks
  • Watch
    • stars
  • Issues
    • created
    • closed
    • opened
    • reopened
    • locked
    • unlocked
  • Issue comments
    • created
    • deleted
  • Pull Request
    • created
    • closed
    • opened
    • reopened
    • locked
    • unlocked
    • synchronize
  • Pull Request comments
    • created
    • deleted
  • Releases
    • published
    • released
  • Discussions
  • Discussion comments


If you can't find the event you are looking for, assume that it's not tested yet. You are free to open a pull request.

Also, feel free to open a PR in case of any minor fix and please open an issue first for major changes.


Licensed under MIT License