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GitHub Action

Create Github Issue


Create Github Issue


Create Github Issue

Creates a new github issue as directly as possible


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Create Github Issue

uses: dacbd/create-issue-action@v1.1.2

Learn more about this action in dacbd/create-issue-action

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Another create an issue on GitHub action that strives to be as simple as possible...

Basically a converter that takes your yaml entry and connects it to the rest endpoint to create an issue on GitHub.


options for with:

Option Default Value Notes
token github.token / required Use ${{ github.token }} or create a PAT stored in the secrets store.
owner github.context.repo.owner The owner of the repo to make the issue on. Implied from the context of the running action.
repo github.context.repo.repo The repo to make the issue on. Implied from the context of the running action.
title required
labels A comma seperated list of labels
assignees A comma seperated list of GitHub usernames to assign the issue to


Limited testing has been done, and only on ubuntu-latest

Basic Usage:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: create an issue
    uses: dacbd/create-issue-action@main
      token: ${{ github.token }}
      title: Simple test issue
      body: my new issue

The reason for being usage:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: Something that might fail
    run: exit 1
  - name: Create Issue on Failed workflow
    if: ${{ failure() }}
    uses: dacbd/create-issue-action@main
      token: ${{ github.token }}
      title: Action workflow failed.
      body: |
        ### Context
        [Failed Run](${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }})
        [Codebase](${{ github.repository }}/tree/${{ github.sha }})
        Workflow name - `${{ github.workflow }}`
        Job -           `${{ github.job }}`
        status -        `${{ job.status }}`
      assignees: SomeUsername,AnotherUsername

Issues & debugging

If you encounter issues with my action feel free to create an issue or a PR, happy to take improvements or requests.

More verbose logging can be enabled via GitHub Actions feature: ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG