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GitHub Action

Bloxberg certifier


Bloxberg certifier


Bloxberg certifier

Certifies your code or documents


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Bloxberg certifier

uses: bloxberg-org/bloxberg-certify-github-action@1.0.0

Learn more about this action in bloxberg-org/bloxberg-certify-github-action

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bloxberg certify github action

GitHub Super-Linter CI Check dist/ CodeQL Coverage

Certifies your code or documents by certifying the commit hash, that triggered the GitHub action, on the bloxberg blockchain.


Run npm run all before pushing code to this repository.


An example on how to use this GitHub action can be viewed here.

Available inputs

Input Description
authorName Your group or author(s) research was conducted with.
bloxbergAddress Your bloxberg address that you would like the certification to be minted to.
researchTitle A brief description of what the data entails.
email An email address to be associated with the data.

Available outputs

Output Description
certificateVerification JSON data to verify the certificate on

Additional notes

Code based on