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DAG-o-bert is an async DAG execution library for Clojure and ClojureScript no-one asked for.

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DAG-o-bert is an async DAG execution library for Clojure and ClojureScript no-one asked for.

The idea behind DAG-o-bert is pretty simple: you provide a DAG with a series of potentially slow and exception-throwing functions and DAG-o-bert takes the heavy lifting of calling each function with the correct dependency set, with maximum parallelism, and with error propagation/abortion.

Key features:

More context under Motivation.


Include the following dependency in your deps.edn:

{:deps {net.clojars.luchiniatwork/dag-o-bert {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}}

Basic Usage

Let's say you have two slow functions that can run in parallel (:slow-inc and :slow-dec below.) The merging function (defined by node :end in this example) takes the results of both dependent edges and is the final return of the DAG (defined by :end-node).

(require '[dag-o-bert.core :as [bert]])

(let [dag {:nodes {:start identity
                   :slow-inc (fn [{:keys [start]}]
                               (Thread/sleep 600)
                               (inc start))
                   :slow-dec (fn [{:keys [start]}]
                               (Thread/sleep 800)
                               (dec start))
                   :end (fn [{:keys [slow-inc slow-dec]}]
                          (* slow-inc slow-dec))}
           :edges [[:start :slow-dec]
                   [:start :slow-inc]
                   [:slow-inc :end]
                   [:slow-dec :end]]
           :start-node :start
           :end-node :end}]
  (bert/run-sync dag 3)) ;; => 8 (after about 800ms)

Graph spec

DAG-o-bert is designed to be simple to use. The graph definition takes a map with the following fields:

  • :nodes - a map where each node is keyed by its internal reference name and the value is a function that receives a single payload parameter
  • :edges - a list of tuples in the format [:from-node :to-node]. Edge tuples can have a third entry that refines the edge settings.
  • :start-node - the name of the node that starts the graph. This node is the one that will received the payload (unaltered) through bert/run or bert/run-sync
  • :end-node - the name of the node that will be the last one in the graph. In practice, this is the node that will return at the end of bert/run or bert/run-sync. [Dangling nodes][#dangling-nodes] are also possible but an end node is mandatory.

Async and sync versions

DAG-o-bert uses core async under the hood. The function bert/run returns a channel that will have one entry and immediately close when the execution of the graph is completed.

The single entry looks like this (assuming the dag from the previous example):

(<!! (bert/run dag 3)) ;; => [{:run-id "G34sa..."} 8]

The first entry in the tuple is a map that collects the running context (in the above case, a unique :run-id is shown but you can find other useful metadata there - i.e. :elapsed-total-ms shows the total elapsed time).

The second entry in the tuple is the return of the graph proper.

The synchronous version of bert/run is bert/run-sync and it does not return the metadata for the running context.

See Exceptions and abortion propagation for more details on the running context.

Exceptions and abortion propagation

If any of the functions in the graph throw an exception, an abortion propagation flow is triggered. This means that any downstream function gets skipped.

When using the async version bert/run (see Async and sync versions the running context will contain the marker :control with :abort and details about the exception at :ex in the running context map. Ie:

(<!! (bert/run dag 3)) ;; => [{:run-id "G34sa..." :control :abort :ex <exception obj>} nil]

The sync version bert/run-sync will throw instead.

Observing execution flows

An observing function can be provided to inspect/log (or trigger other ephemeral side-effects) during the execution flow.

Both bert/run and bert/run-sync can have the second parameter as an options map:

(bert/run-sync dag {:observer println} 3)

Please notice, that the observer is run on an async channel so synchronous functions such as println probably do not yield the best results.

Advanced edge settings

Edge tuples can take a third entry for advanced settings. I.e the following example will place the output of :from-node as key :my-key when calling node :to-hode.

[:from-node :to-node {:name :my-key}


The default behavior for downstream nodes is to key the payload map with the name of the previous node. I.e. if the edge is [:from-node :to-node] then :to-node will receive the value of :from-node under the key named exactly :from0node.

Sometimes this behavior is not desired. :name allows you to define the name of key to be used. I.e. [:from-node :to-node {:name :my-key-name}]


:transform lets you define a transformation function that will be called with the output from the previous node before being applied to the input map of the receiving node.

This is usually handy for simple mapping functions or data type converstions and should be used sparingly because debugging transformers can be tricky. They are not as controlled as the possible [more complex alternative] of creatign an intermediary transformation node.


(let [g {:nodes {:a identity
                 :b identity}
         :edges [[:a :b {:transform str}]]
         :start-node :a
         :end-node :b}]
  (bert/run-sync g 5)) ;; => {:a "5"}


:filter lets you define a predicate function that will be called after transform but before sending the return downstream. If this function returns truthy, then the return is added to the map that will be passed down downstream otherwise the return is not added.

This is usually useful if you know that some upstream functions can return things you don't need downstream. These functions are not as controlled node functions so you should make sure they are pretty simple, safe, pure, etc.


(let [g {:nodes {:a identity
                 :b #(:a %)}
         :edges [[:a :b {:filter odd?}]]
         :start-node :a
         :end-node :b}]
  (bert/run-sync g 1) ;; => 1
  (bert/run-sync g 2) ;; => nil

Dynamic graphs

Because graphs are simple data structures you can create them dynamically as needed. This might be useful if you have other sources for your graph (i.e. a database or some other externality.)

Here's a rather convoluted example from the tests:

(let [r (range 20)
      g {:nodes (merge {:a identity
                        :c #(->> (vals %)
                                 (apply +))}
                       (reduce (fn [m i]
                                 (assoc m (keyword (str i))
                                        #(+ (:a %) i)))
                               {} r))
         :edges (->> r
                     (reduce (fn [c i]
                               (conj c
                                     [:a (keyword (str i))]
                                     [(keyword (str i)) :c]))
         :start-node :a
         :end-node :c}]
  (bert/run-sync g 1)) ;; => 210

Useful patterns

DAG-o-bert takes the graph (and optionally also an options parameter) up front in order to facilitate using it with partial. I.e.:

(def my-graph-fn (partial bert/run-sync my-graph))

(my-graph 42) ;; => yields whatever your graph yields

Adding execution options wouldn't affect your main interface:

(def my-graph-fn (partial bert/run-sync my-graph {:observer performance-logger))

(my-graph 42) ;; => yields whatever your graph yields (and also run your performance-logger asynchronously)

This is particularly useful if combined with your dependency injection system. For instance, a hypothetical example for Integrant could look like the method below. It would return a synchronous function capable of coordinating the graph execution and prorperly injected with all external dependencies. Everything with simple data and functions!

(defmethod ig/init-key ::my-graph [_ {:keys [db-conn
  (let [graph {:nodes {:start fn-that-usees-llm-conn
                       :chained fn-that-follows-start-and-does-other-llm-stuff
                       :dangling fn-that-saves-something-on-db
                       :end fn-that-does-more-llm-stuff}
               :edges [[:start :chained]
                       [:chained :dangling]
                       [:chained :end]]
               :start-node :start
               :end-node :end}]
    (partial bert/run-sync)))

Dangling nodes


Async programming has its caveats so you should be prepared for some things.

For instance, observers are put on async channels to make sure they do not block/delay the execution of the flow. This can be confusing if you are trying to log to the console without some sort of transactor.

Despite being async, observers are still potentially consuming other shared resources (i.e. disk, memory, network), so running costly observers at scale will require scaling your machine resources accordingly.

DAG-o-bert does not aim to optimize memory consumption when calling node functions. It simply trusts that whatever you returned is going to be relevant downstream. If you have big data structures and big graphs, you will need to scale your machine memory accordingly.

Lastly, there is a small overhead on each call to bert/run and bert/run-sync to validate the graph and prepare the required channels. It is usually neglegible but you should not use DAG-o-bert if your async flows and/or error handling scenarios are simple.


Tests can be run with:

$ clojure -M:test --watch


Async programming is hard and everyone and their grandmas tried to solve it one way or another. I am a huge fan of Clojure core async. Despite criticism from some, I find it pretty natural to use but it can get complicated and hard to debug as flows grow.

When developing AI agents and chains I noticed certain patterns that I kept using over and over again. All these LLM foundational models, vector databases, execution tools, etc are pretty slow and error-prone calls that need to be coordinated within each execution flow.

DAG-o-bert came out of a desire to "keep it simple": a simple DAG that "does it all" for me in these constantly-evolving and failing cases.

DAG-o-bert does not reinvent any wheel and simply sits on top of reusable patterns. Additionally, the sync version may even be appreaciated for debugging and/or developers who would rather plug slow calls within different paradigms.

DAG-o-bert is "just data": create valid graph with a map of :nodes, a set of :edges, a :start-node and an :end-node and you are good to go.

Why the name DAG-o-bert? Because I was tired and couldn't think of anything better at the time. :)


Distributed under the MIT Public License. Use it as you will. Contribute if you have the time.


DAG-o-bert is an async DAG execution library for Clojure and ClojureScript no-one asked for.






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