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GraphQL Job List

This is a small Flutter application, developed to consume the public GraphQL API that list GraphQL related jobs around the world:

Main features

  • Job list screen;
  • Job detail screen;
  • Option to save jobs for later;
  • Saved jobs list screen.

Principles and architecture

  • Clean Architecture


  • artemis: translate GraphQL schemas/queries to dart objects.
  • auto_route: build a layer over the native routing system. It makes things easier and safer to transfer data between screens, with the auto generated code.
  • cached_network_image: cache in-memory/disk network images. In-memory in this case.
  • flutter_bloc: state management. IMO similar to Redux.
  • flutter_localizations and intl: project internationalization.
  • get_it + injectable: the best combo for DI.
  • graphql_flutter: Client for GraphQL API calls.
  • json_annotation: from/to JSON code generation.
  • shimmer: used to create the shimmer loading effect.
  • timeago: useful library, to write in a more humanized way a past date
  • url_launcher: useful library, to open websites or e-mails using a url.

Run the project

The code was shipped with the generated files (**.g.dart files), but if you want to make changes and rebuild the generated files, you need to run one of the following commands in the terminal (on the root folder):

  • flutter pub run build_runner build (this will rebuild the generated files a single time).
  • flutter pub run build_runner watch (this will keep watching and rebuilding your files).


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