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Bioinformatic pipeline for genome sequencing using MinION

This repo contains scripts and files to run the bioinformatic analysis of genome sequencing using MinION, and was built based on "Experimental protocols and bioinformatic pipelines for Zika genome sequencing" of Bedford Lab.

Setting up and running the pipeline

  1. Download and install the pipeline from the github repo:
git clone --recursive
cd minion-seq
sh ./

Note: If fails, you may need to run chmod 700 before rerunning.

  1. Input reference genome for the pipeline in the refs directory: minion-seq/pipeline/refs/

  1. Input primer scheme for the pipeline in the metadata directory: minion-seq/pipeline/metadata/


Must be bed formatted. Keyed off of column headers rather than column order.

pubmed_id start_sequence end_sequence primer_name sense_strand primer_id
KP164568 116 137 CHIK_400_1_LEFT_3 + 1
KP164568 430 451 CHIK_400_1_RIGHT_3 - 1

  1. Input sample metadata for the pipeline in the samples directory: minion-seq/samples/
    • samples.tsv - line list of sample metadata
    • runs.tsv - line list of run metadata


Must be tsv formatted. Keyed off of column headers rather than column order.

sample_id sample_type country division location collection_date ct_value yield
ZK0152 urine brazil bahia campo-formoso_tiquara 2016-04-09 26.38 25.20
ZK0152 urine brazil bahia campo-formoso_tiquara 2016-04-09 26.38 15.70
ZIKA_03.1074 placenta brazil bahia senhor_do_bonfim 2019-05-03 not-applicable 60.60
ZIKA_03.1074 placenta brazil bahia senhor_do_bonfim 2019-05-03 not-applicable 47.00
ZIKA_03.0292 brain brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable 44.20
ZIKA_03.0292 brain brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable 32.40
ZIKA_03.0292_2 spinal-cord brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable 32.80
ZIKA_03.0292_2 spinal-cord brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable 40.80
ZIKA_03.0292_3 liquor brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable 23.80
ZIKA_03.0292_3 liquor brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable 27.80
NTC1 no-template-control brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable too-low
NTC1 no-template-control brazil bahia salvador 2019-05-03 not-applicable too-low


Must be tsv formatted. Keyed off of column headers rather than column order.

run_name barcode_id sample_id primer_scheme sequencer_id flow_cell_id
library1-2018-01-09 BC01 ZK0152 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC02 ZK0152 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC03 ZIKA_03.1074 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC04 ZIKA_03.1074 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC05 ZIKA_03.0292 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC06 ZIKA_03.0292 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC07 ZIKA_03.0292_2 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC08 ZIKA_03.0292_2 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC09 ZIKA_03.0292_3 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC10 ZIKA_03.0292_3 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC11 NTC1 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279
library1-2018-01-09 BC12 NTC1 ZIKV_KJ776791 MN24316 FAH31279

  1. Open minion-seq/ and change config information as apropriate:
  • raw_reads : directory containing un-basecalled .fast5 numbered directories (minion-seq/data/library)
  • dimension : sequencing dimension (1d or 2d)
  • demux_dir : path to directory where demultiplexing using porechop will take place (minion-seq/data/library/demux_porechop)
  • basecalled_reads : path to directory where basecalled reads will take place (minion-seq/data/library/basecalled_reads)
  • build_dir : path to output location (minion-seq/build)
  • samples : list of all samples that are included for the library that will be processed
  • basecall_config : name of the config file to be used during basecalling by Guppy (guppy_basecaller --print_workflows)
  • prefix : prefix to prepend onto output consensus genome filenames
  • reference_genome : reference genome for alignment (minion-seq/pipeline/refs)
  • primer_scheme : primer scheme used in sequencing (minion-seq/pipeline/metadata)

  1. Run the script:
  • MINION_SEQ_1 : for analysis with basecall using CPU
  • MINION_SEQ_2 : for analysis with basecall using GPU
  • MINION_SEQ_3 : for analysis without basecall stage
  • MINION_SEQ_4 : to resume basecall using CPU
  • MINION_SEQ_5 : to resume basecall using GPU

Inside the pipeline...

When Guppy basecalls the raw fast5 reads, it makes a workspace directory, which then contains a pass and a fail directory. Both the pass and the fail directory contain fastq files. The fastq in the pass directory contains the high quality reads (Q score >= 7), and the pipeline only uses this fastq files.

The basecalled fastq files serves as input to Guppy Basecaller, the program which performs barcode demultiplexing. Guppy Basecaller writes a single fastq file for each barcode to the demux_guppy directory you created. Then, Porechop also writes a single fastq file for each barcode to the demux_porechop directory you created.

Next we run, which is a large script that references other custom python scripts and shell scripts to do run every other step of the pipeline. This is what is occurring in

  1. Map sample IDs and run information that is contained in the samples.tsv and the runs.tsv files. This allows us to know which sample IDs are linked to which barcodes and primers etc.

  2. Convert demuxed fastq files to fasta files. (If you look in the demux_porechop directory after a pipeline run you'll see both file types present for each barcode).

  3. Using the linked sample and run information, combine the two barcode fastq or fasta files that represent pool 1 and pool 2 of the same sample. The pool-combined files are written as <sample ID>.fasta and <sample ID>.fastq to the build directory you made previously.

  4. Map the reads in <sample ID>.fasta to a reference sequence using bwa-mem, and pipe to samtools to get a sorted bam file. Output files are labeled <sample ID>.sorted.bam.

  5. Trim primer sequences out of the bam file using the custom script Output files are labeled <sample ID>.trimmed.sorted.bam.

  6. Use nanopolish to call SNPs more accurately. This is a two step process. First step is using nanopolish index to create a map of how basecalled reads in <sample ID>.fastq are linked to the raw reads (signal level data). This step takes a while since for every sample all the program needs to iterate through all the raw reads. Next, nanopolish variants will walk through the indexed fastq and a reference file, determine which SNPs are real given the signal level data, and write true SNPs to a VCF file.

  7. Run to walk through the reference sequence, the trimmed bam file, and the VCF file. This script looks at read coverage at a site, masking the sequence with 'N' if the read depth is below a hardcoded threshold (we use a threshold of 20 reads). If a site has sufficient coverage to call the base, either the reference base or the variant base (as recorded in the VCF) is written to the consensus sequence. Consensus sequences are written to <sample ID>_complete.fasta. The proportion of the genome that has over 20x coverage and over 40x coverage is logged to <sample_ID>-log.txt.


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  • Python 74.9%
  • Shell 18.7%
  • R 6.4%