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🚀 We are hiring

Founding Backend Engineer

Here is what you will do:

  • Build state-of-the art code scanning tools (based on LLMs)
  • Integrate LLMs and build RAG pipelines
  • Build parsers to represent code as graph
  • Optimize scanning pipeline to work near realtime
  • Scale to millions of snippets of code

Contact me at ZGF3aWRAdmlkb2NzZWN1cml0eS5jb20= (figure it out yourself)


This is the blog that powers, built on next.js and deployed to the cloud via Vercel.

How to run

First, install Vercel CLI.


vc dev




This is the equivalent of submitting a PR with the GitHub integration


vc --prod

This is the equivalent of git push to master (or merging a PR to master)


Pure components

Every stateless pure component is found under ./components.

Every component that has to do with styling the post's markup is found under ./components/post/

These components make up the style guide of the application.

Blog posts

Every blog post is a static page hosted under pages/$year/.

This allows every post to load arbitrary modules, have custom layouts and take advantage of automatic code splitting and lazy loading.

This means that the bloat of a single post doesn't "rub off on" the rest of the site.

An index of all posts is maintained in JSON format as ./posts.json for practical reasons.