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cpartin edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

This gem provides a wrapper around Version 3 of the Pivotal Tracker API


Before accessing any tracker project you need to setup your authentication method. Also you can tell the client to use SSL for all future requests (SSL must be used for authentication to the API)

Description Call
Authenticate using HTTP Auth PivotalTracker::Client.token('myusername', 'secretpassword')
Manually setting the token PivotalTracker::Client.token = "a8374m39d83md0384dwq0"
Use SSL for all requests PivotalTracker::Client.use_ssl = true


Description Call Response
Get all projects associated with your account PivotalTracker::Project.all Array
Find tracker project 4876867 PivotalTracker::Project.find(4876867) PivotalTracker::Project


Description Call Response
Get all activity for projects associated with this account PivotalTracker::Activity.all Array

Project Specific

The requests below all operate on a particular project.
We will assume that @project.is_a?(PivotalTracker::Project) is true.

Everything below has a #all and #find method, with the exception of Notes.


Description Call Response
Get all stories @project.stories.all Array of PivotalTracker::Story objects (limit of 3000 at a time)
Get story with ID 66347 @project.stories.find(66347) PivotalTracker::Story
Get all stories in the icebox @project.stories.all(:current_state => 'unscheduled') Array of PivotalTracker::Story objects
Get all bugs and chores @project.stories.all(:story_type => ['chore', 'bug']) Array of PivotalTracker::Story objects
Get all features labeled as ‘delayed’ @project.stories.all(:labels => 'delayed') Array of PivotalTracker::Story objects
Create a new feature @project.stories.create(:story_type => 'feature', :name => 'Finish API') PivotalTracker::Story

You can use any of the supported filters from the PivotalTracker search box, in addition to limit and offset for pagination. The format for these are for single values, :filter_name => 'value', and for multiple values, :filter_name => ['value1', 'value2'].


Description Call Response
Get project activity @project.activities.all Array of PivotalTracker::Activity objects
Get project activity since Dec 31, 2009 @project.activities.all(:occurred_since_date => "2009/12/31 00:00:00 UTC") Array of PivotalTracker::Activity objects
Get project activity since version 84 @project.activities.all(:newer_than_version => 84) Array of PivotalTracker::Activity objects


Nothing special outside of getting all or finding an individual iteration.

Story Specific

The requests below all operate on a particular project.
We will assume that @story.is_a?(PivotalTracker::Story) is true.


Description Call Response
Add a task to a story @story.tasks.create(:description => 'talk to client') PivotalTracker::Task
Delete a task @story.tasks.find(74685).delete
Mark a task completed @story.tasks.find(74685).update(:complete => true) PivotalTracker::Task


Description Call Response
Add a note/comment to a story @story.notes.create(:text => 'this is almost done.')
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