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Pytorch implementation of homework 4 for VRDL course in 2021 fall semester at NYCU.


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License: MIT

by Zhi-Yi Chin

This repository is implementation of homework4 for IOC5008 Selected Topics in Visual Recognition using Deep Learning course in 2021 fall semester at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.

In this homework, we participate in super resolution challenge on CodaLab. In this challenge, we perform image super resolution on the dataset provided by the TA. There are 291 high-resolution images in the training set. There are 14 low-resolution images, which is generated by performing bicubic and shrinking the original image by 1/3 in the testing set. Also, in this challenge, pretrained model is not allowed. We apply super-resolution feedback network (SRFBN) to solve this task.

Getting the code

You can download a copy of all the files in this repository by cloning this repository:

git clone


You need to have Anaconda or Miniconda already installed in your environment. To install requirements:

1. Create a conda environment

conda create -n srfbn python=3.7
conda activate srfbn

2. Install Dependencies

conda insall scikit-image
conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install tqdm
conda install pandas
pip install opencv-python
pip install gdown
pip install scipy==1.2.2


You can choose to download the data that we have pre-processed already or you can download the raw data.

Option#1: Download the data that have been pre-processed

  1. Download the data from the Google drive link:
  2. After decompress the zip file, the data folder structure should look like this:
├── train
│   ├── HR_x3
│   │   ├── 100075_rot0_ds0.png
│   │   ├── 100075_rot0_ds1.png
│   │   ├── ......
│   └── LR_x3
│       ├── 100075_rot0_ds0.png
│       ├── 100075_rot0_ds1.png
│       └── ......
└── val
    ├── HR_x3
    │   ├── 106020_rot0_ds0.png
    │   ├── 106020_rot0_ds1.png
    │   ├── ......
    └── LR_x3
        ├── 106020_rot0_ds0.png
        ├── 106020_rot0_ds1.png
        ├── ......

Option#2: Download the raw data

  1. Download the data from the Google drive link:
  2. After decompress the zip file, the data folder structure should look like this:
├── testing_lr_images
│   └── testing_lr_images
│       ├── 00.png
│       ├── 01.png
│       └── ......
└── training_hr_images
    └── training_hr_images
        ├── 100075.png
        ├── 100080.png
        └── ......

Data pre-processing

Note: If you download the data by following option#1 you can skip this step. You still need to download the raw data to access testing data

If your raw data folder structure is different, you will need to modify and Prepare_TrainData_HR_LR.pybefore executing the code.

1. train valid split

In default we split the whole training set to 80% for training and 20% for validation.

python --dataroot <data_dir>/datasets --ratio 0.2 --savedir <data_dir>/vrdl_hw4_data
  • input: the downloaded raw data path
  • output: new data dir name vrdl_hw4_data, inside this directory there will be 4 subfolders folders all_train, train, val and test

2. Generate LR and HR images for training

Also perform offline data augmentation: scale the image to [0.8,0.7,0.6,0.5] and rotate the image 180 degrees.

cd SRFBN_CRPR19/scripts
python --save-dir <data_dir>/srfbn_data --dataroot <data_dir>/vrdl_hw4_data --mode <train_or_val>
  • input: ouput data path from train valid split
  • output: srfbn_data/ with 2 subdirectories train/ and val/


You should have Graphics card to train the model. For your reference, we trained on a single NVIDIA RTX 1080Ti.

Get LR patch size

Find the smallest size of LR image as the patch size. You can split this step if all your LR images are larger than 60x60.

cd utils
python --img-dir <data_dir>/srfbn_data/train/LR_x3
  • input: training LR image path
  • output: patch size will print on the screen

Modify LR_size in train_SRFBN_custom.json to the output.

If you are using our data, then set LR_size to 13. If your LR images are larger than 60x60, you can check the SRFBN paper for the best patch size according to each scale.

Modify the configuration file

Please modify train_SRFBN_custom.json for your own need according to SRFBN_CVPR19/options/train/ You must modify scale, save_dir(where to save the training results), dataroot_HR, dataroot_LR, LR_size.

If you are training SRFBN-L model, set the following param in networks:

  • "num_features": 64
  • "num_groups": 6

If you are training SRFBN-S model:

  • "num_features": 32
  • "num_groups": 3

Train the model

python -opt options/train/train_SRFBN_custom.json
  • input: training configuration file
  • output: checkpoints, validation PSNR results, network summary save in save_dir you state in the config file

Validation and Testing

Modify the configuration file

Please modify test_SRFBN_custom.json for your own need according to SRFBN_CVPR19/options/test/ You must modify scale, save_dir(where to save the predicted SR images) and pretrained_path(model you've trained).

Add the following block into "datasets" and modify dataroot_HR and dataroot_LR:

For validation:

"test_set1": {
    "mode": "LRHR",
    "dataroot_HR": "/eva_data/zchin/srfbn_data/val/HR_x3",
    "dataroot_LR": "/eva_data/zchin/srfbn_data/val/LR_x3",
    "data_type": "img"

For testing:

"test_set1": {
    "mode": "LR",
    "dataroot_LR": "/eva_data/zchin/vrdl_hw4_data/test",
    "data_type": "img"

Test the model

python -opt options/test/test_SRFBN_custom.json
  • input: testing configuration file
  • output:
    • predicted SR images
    • PSNR/SSIM will print on the screen (only for validation)

Submit the results

  1. cd to the folder where the predicted SR images are saved
  2. compress the files: zip -D *
  3. upload the result to CodaLab to get the testing score

Results and Models

model PSNR (dB) Download
SRFBN-S (G=3,m=32) 28.1438 model
SRFBN-L (G=6,m=64) 29.3645 model


Note we use SRFBN-L as our model which yields the best results

To reproduce our best results, do the following steps:

  1. Getting the code
  2. Install the dependencies
  3. Download the data: please download the data by following both option#1 and option#2 but you don't need to do data-preprocessing in option#2
  4. Download trained model
  5. Modify config file
  6. Testing
  7. Submit the results


If any problem occurs when you are using this project, you can first check out to see if there are solutions to your problem.

GitHub Acknowledgement

We thank the authors of these repositories:


If you find our work useful in your project, please cite:

    title = {image-super-resolution},
    author = {Zhi-Yi Chin},
    url = {},
    year = {2022}


If you'd like to contribute, or have any suggestions, you can contact us at or open an issue on this GitHub repository.

All contributions welcome! All content in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.


Pytorch implementation of homework 4 for VRDL course in 2021 fall semester at NYCU.








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