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Experiment documentation and analysis tool for uniaxial tensile tests conducted on an Instron testing machine and a one-camera DIC system.

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Experiment documentation and analysis tool:

  • Scripted generation of test reports from experiments conducted at the KIT Institute of Mechanics (IFM) laboratory using the Instron 1342 testing machine with Instron WaveMatrix software (Version 1.5.302.0).

  • Processing of raw DIC images or evaluation of data from Istra4D (Version to analyse experimental results. Uses DIC results from µDIC or Istra4D to compute and visualise stress-strain, volume strain, force-displacement, and transversal strain responses.

  • Visualisation of DIC strain fields as an overlay on top of raw image data.

Analysis and visualisation of the experimental results in this PhD thesis are based on expAna. For demo data and scripts, see the expAna_demo repository.

Getting started


  • Mandatory:

    • Python (Version 3.x, installation e.g. via Conda) or pyenv
      • creating and subsequently setting/activating an environment is recommended
  • Optional (for full functionality):

    • capability to run bash (.sh) scripts
    • LaTeX 2e
    • create an environment based on version X.X of Python and packages 1 and 2:
      conda create --name <my_env_name> python=X.X package1 package2
    • remark: specifying the Python version and packages is optional
      conda create --name <my_env_name>
    • activate environment:
      conda activate <my_env_name>
    • deactivate environment:
      conda deactivate
    • remove an environment:
      conda remove --name <my_env_name> --all

Create a Python environment and activate it

conda create -n expAna python=3.9 ipython scipy numpy pandas flake8 black
conda activate expAna

Alternatively create an environment using the environment.yml in the expAna repository after cloning:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate expAna

Clone the repositories and install the packages

Clone from github into a local repository, activate the newly created conda environment, and install in the following order from within the corresponding directories:

  1. istra2py
    git clone
    cd ./istra2py
    pip install -e .
    cd ..
  1. muDIC
    git clone
    cd ./muDIC
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cd ..
  1. expAna:
    git clone
    cd ./expAna
    pip install -e .

Run the tests

Open a terminal in the expAna directory and run:

python -m pytest


Despite muDIC not requiring the noise package, it tries to import it and gives an error stating that the noise package is not installed. The functionality of expAna does not rely on the speckle pattern generator of muDIC where the noise package is used. expAna functionalities are not affected by this error and the noise package has therefore not been specified as a requirement for expAna.

Example data and scripts

Example data and scripts can be found in the expAna_demo repository.


See also the expAna_demo repository and see the included demonstration scripts.

Folder structure

  • project_directory
    • data_instron instron project directory
      • Test1
      • Test2
      • project_documentation_spreadsheet.xlsx
    • data_istra_acquisition Istra4D acquisition directories
      • Test1
      • Test2
    • data_istra_evaluation Istra4D evaluation directories
      • Test1CORN1
      • Test2CORN1
    • data_export2tif created by expAna.acquis2tif
      • Test1
      • Test2
    • data_muDIC created by dic_with_muDIC
      • Test1
      • Test2
    • expAna_docu created by expAna.docu
    • expAna_plots created by expAna.docu
      • istra created by
      • muDIC created by"muDIC") _

Data acquisition and experiment documentation

  • Document experiments in a spreadsheet using the documentation_template.xlsx located in expAna/docu_templates

  • Record an image series with the LIMESS Q-400 system

    • Name the recorded files in accordance with the Instron WaveMatrix software
  • Optional: evaluate the acquisition using Istra4D

Data import

  • Copy the filled project_name.xlsx spreadsheet into project_directory/data_instron
  • Move all the TestX folders into project_directory/data_instron
    • Make sure that every TestX folder contains a TestX.Stop.csv file. If only a TestX.steps.tracking.csv exists, rename this file as TestX.Stop.csv
  • Copy the tex folder from expAna/docu_templates into the project_directory
  • From the laboratory laptop running Istra4D, transfer the respective data into the project_directory/data_istra_acquisition and project_directory/data_istra_evaluation folders

Create documentation reports and join data

  • Open a terminal in the project_directory/tex folder
  • Activate the environment with expAna installed in it
conda activate expAna
  • In the ipython terminal, run:
import expAna


  • For every experiment, the data from the project_name.xlsx spreadsheet has been joined with the Instron data and exported to a TestX_docu.pickle file in project_directory/expAna_docu/python
  • For every experiment, the force-dsplacement curve has been exported to the project_directory/expAna_plots folder
  • For every experiment, from each TestX.tex in the project_directory/expAna_docu/latex directory, a Test.pdf test report has been created in project_directory/expAna_docu

Obtaining true stress and volume strain response

  • Open a terminal in the project_directory:
conda activate expAna
  • In the ipython terminal: import expAna

    Option 1: Use evaluated data from Istra4D

  • expAna.eval2stress.main()

  • Experiments can be selected via experiment_list=["TestN","TestM","TestX"], optionally excluded using ignore_list=["TestY", "TestZ"], or filtered using a criterion based on a key value pair passed on as a list via select=[<key>, <value>]

    • The key value pair provided must be part of the documentation_data dictionary that is created for every experiment by running expAna.docu.main()
    • This dictionary is an attribute of every instance of the Experiment class and contains all the information for each experiment that is provided through from the project_name.xlsx spreadsheet

    Option 2: Use muDIC on Istra4D acquisition data

  • Read *hdf5 files from image acquisition and export the contained images: expAna.acquis2tif.main()

  • Perform digital image correlation with muDIC: expAna.dic_with_muDIC.main()

  • Compute the true stress strain behaviour from the DIC results: expAna.muDIC2stress.main()

  • experiment_list, ignore_list, and select are all optional arguments of the acquis2tif.main(), dic_with_muDIC.main(), and muDIC2stress.main() functions

Quick visualisation and review of the results

  • Plot true stress vs. log. strain: or"muDIC") (in case of usage with muDIC)
  • Plot reaction force vs. machine displacement curves: or"muDIC") (in case of usage with muDIC)
  • Pass argument set_failure=True to remove corrupted parts of the stress strain curves via a GUI
  • Selected experiments to be considered can be specified via experiment_list=["TestN","TestM","TestX"] or through a selection criterion based on a documentation_data dictionary key value pair passed on as a list via select=[<key>, <value>]

DIC visualisation

  • From each experiment with Istra4D evaluation files available, plots of the DIC strain field overlaid on the raw images can be produced with the function expAna.plot.dic_strains(experiment_name="TestX", displacement=1,strain_component="x")

  • Mandatory parameters:

    • experiment_name (string): name of the folder with results omitting "CORN1" at its end
    • displacement (float): traverse displacement where the results should be visualised in mm
    • strain_component (string): possible values are "x", "y" an "xy" describing the strain relative to the tensile direction (given in image coordinate system) such that "x" means the tensile direction
  • Optional parameters:

    • tensile_direction (string): "x" or "y"; tensile direction in terms of image coordinate system (x: horizontal, y: vertical); if not specified GUI to enter direction via arrow key opens
    • key (bool): True(default) or False; colorbar or no colorbar right to plot of image
    • key_min (float): minimum value for colorbar, default: None
    • key_max (float): maximum value for colorbar, default: None
    • key_extend (string): "min", "max", "both", "neither", default: None
    • max_triang_len (integer): threshold of triangle length to be included in plot of Delaunay triangulation, default: 10
    • out_format (string): "pdf" (default), "eps" or "pgf"


    • key = False option only works when at least one previous command with key = True was executed
    • in the case of "holes" in the deformation field overlay plot, increase the max_triang_len parameter


    • example # 0: expAna.plot.dic_strains(experiment_name="Test3", strain_component="x", tensile_direction="x", displacement=2.2, max_triang_len=25, key_min=0, key_max=0.5, key_extend="neither")
    • example # 1: expAna.plot.dic_strains(experiment_name="Test3", strain_component="x", tensile_direction="x", displacement=1.5, no_key=True)

Results analysis

Analysis objects of the results are based on the *.pickle files located in the expAna_data directory. Analysis objects can also be exported so that they can be stored independently of the results. Remark: Two examples are provided as part of the expAna_demo repository.

  • Create an analysis object of type "stress", "vol_strain", "force", or "poissons_ratio": expAna.analysis.Analysis(type)

  • Experiments may be selected using a <key>,<value> pair passed on as a list via select=[<key>, <value> ]

  • A non-optional input parameter for every analysis is compare=<key> where another <key> from the documentation_data dictionary must be passed on that is then used to compare the selected experiments

  • Remark: by default at least three experiments matching each criterion are required by the script to compute an average


    • Example # 0: calculate and visualise the mean behaviour for every <value> found for the provided <key> and also visualise the mean curves in a comparison plot: expAna.analysis.stress(compare="<key") or expAna.analysis.force(compare="<key")
    • Example # 1: compare the experiments of the project regarding the different values for the key "specimen_orientation": expAna.analysis.stress(compare="specimen_orientation")
    • Example # 2: select all experiments that were carried out at a "crosshead_speed" of 0.1 and compare them regarding "specimen_orientation": expAna.analysis.stress(select=["crosshead_speed", "0.1"],compare="specimen_orientation")
  • Compute the data based on the analysis type, for "stress" use: <analysis_object>.compute_data_stress()

  • Visualise the results: <analysis_object>.plot_data()

  • Export the results:

    <analysis_object>, out_filename=f"analysis_{<analysis_object>.export_prefix}.pickle",


Experiment documentation and analysis tool for uniaxial tensile tests conducted on an Instron testing machine and a one-camera DIC system.






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