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Why MTL? Why classy prism?

MTL and classy prism are not related to each other. In this example, just happened they are used to address different problems originating from the same source. And this coincidence is not unusual.


This application parses data from an html file and sends it to a REST API.

MTL - abstraction on monad stack

Before discussing mtl, let's reconsider the 3 functions.


It is located at Ignore its current type signature, think about what parseIpipFile does and the involved monads

  • Reading the html file (IO)
  • Parsing the file content that may encounter invalid data (Either e).

Therefore the return type is expected to be wrapped by a monad stack.

parseIpipFile :: UserInfo -> ExceptT e IO BigFiveResult


It is located at Again, ignore its current type signature. What submitBigFive does is

  • Using an argument BotEnv to talk to the Recruitbot API (Reader).
  • After submitting the POST requirement, the servant API returns IO (Either e Text).

Therefore the return type is wrapped by another monad stack

submitBigFive :: BigFiveResult ->  ReaderT BotEnv (ExceptT e IO) Text


It is located at, it validates UserOpts which may contain invalid email text. Therefore the return type will be

validateOpts :: UserOpts -> Either e UserInfo


These 3 functions are be executed sequentially in bootstrap at However, they do not return the same monad. A possible monad stack that satisfies all of them is ReaderT BotEnv (ExceptT e IO) a.

But this introduce other problems:

  • Unnecssary coupling. E.g. validateOpts doesn't need ReaderT BotEnv. It doesn't even need IO in ExceptT e IO a. Using ReaderT BotEnv (ExceptT e IO) a makes it coupled with its client. On top of that, the implementation must be added unnecessary logic for ReaderT BotEnv and IO.
  • Inflexibility. Similar to the last problem. parseIpipFile doesn't need ReaderT BotEnv. Besides, when it is tested using the property test framework, its client is using another monad, PropertyT IO.

Solution - MTL

We don't want a rigid monad stack making the function types tightly coupled with a particular client. Abstraction bounded by type class constraints solves the problem. MTL comes to the rescue.

3 MTL type classes are used for these functions - MonadReader, MonadError and MonadIO.

  :: (MonadError e m, AsParseError e, MonadIO m) 
  => UserInfo -> m BigFiveResult

Ignore AsParseError which will be discussed in the section "Classy Prisms". The type classes gives the function a flexibility of not fixing to a particular monad but still enables the function to performs IO and return failure parse result.


  :: (MonadReader BotEnv m, MonadError e m, AsHttpError e, MonadIO m)
  => BigFiveResult -> m Text
  :: (MonadError e m, AsOptError e) 
  => UserOpts -> m UserInfo

Ignore AsHttpError and AsOptError at the moment.

When these functions are executed sequentially

validateOpts opts >>= parseIpipFile >>= submitBigFive

The resulting monad m will be bounded by the following constraints.

MonadError e m, MonadReader BotEnv m, MonadIO m, AsOptError e, AsParseError e, AsHttpError e

To find out the monad stack that satisfies the 3 class constraints, one possible solution to check what type class instances are available. The following instances are selected to give us some hints:

instance [safe] MonadError e m 	=> MonadError e (ReaderT r m)   -- 1
instance [safe] Monad m         => MonadError e (ExceptT e m)   -- 2
instance [safe] Monad m         => MonadReader r (ReaderT r m)  -- 3
instance [safe] MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ExceptT e m)  -- 4
instance [safe] MonadIO m       => MonadIO (ExceptT e m)        -- 5
instance [safe] MonadIO m       => MonadIO (ReaderT r m)        -- 6
instance [safe] MonadIO IO                                      -- 7

On line 1, ReaderT r m satsify MonadError if m here satisfy MonadError as well. Line 2 shows that ExceptT e m can be the m. Therefore ReaderT r (ExceptT e m) satisfies MonadError. Let's check the remaining constraints.

Line 3 shows that ReaderT r (ExceptT e m) satisfies MonadReader.

Line 6 shows that ReaderT r (ExceptT e m) satisfies MonadIO if ExceptT e m satisfies MonadIO. Line 5 shows that ExceptT e m satsifies MonadIO if m satisfies MonadIO. Line 7 shows m can be IO.

Therefore the answer is ReaderT r (ExceptT e IO) for the bootstrap function which is perfect given the type is IO ()

By using a similar skill, we find out ExceptT e (ReaderT r IO) also satisfies the requirement.

Other advantages

It is supported in open-sourced libraries. E.g. in lens

view :: MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a

Another example is hedgehog. The property-based test return type is PropertyT IO ().

hedgehog provides the following type class instances

instance MonadReader r m  => MonadReader r (PropertyT m)
instance MonadError e m   => MonadError e (PropertyT m)
instance MonadIO m        => MonadIO (PropertyT m)

Therefore any function bounded by MonadError, MonadReader or MonadIO can be integrated easily with hedgehog.


Classy Prisms

Going back to the 3 functions. Imagine what will happen if classy prisms are not used on the error types. It will be something like

  :: (MonadError ParseError m, MonadIO m)
  => UserInfo -> m BigFiveResult

  :: (MonadReader BotEnv m, MonadError HttpError m, MonadIO m)
  => BigFiveResult -> m Text

validateOpts :: (MonadError OptError m) => UserOpts -> m UserInfo


When they are executed sequentially

validateOpts opts >>= parseIpipFile >>= submitBigFive

It won't work because they encounter different error types.

Possible solutions:

  • Replace the error type by text string. But it loses the type safety.
  • Define the ADT as
data AppError = ParseError Text | HttpError Text | OptError Text

This doesn't make sense because in, say, parseIpipFile, AppError type means the error can be HttpError Text or OptError Text as well, but we know it won't happen in runtime.

Solution - classy prisms

Use classy prism on parseIpipFile

  :: (MonadError e m, AsParseError e, MonadIO m) 
  => UserInfo -> m BigFiveResult

Now the error type is not a concrete type, but bounded by a type class AsParseError. That means any error type satisfying AsParseError will do. When the functions are executed sequentially

validateOpts opts >>= parseIpipFile >>= submitBigFive

The error type will be bounded by the following constraints.

MonadError e m, MonadReader BotEnv m, MonadIO m, AsOptError e, AsParseError e, AsHttpError e

If we define AppError that satisfies the error type constraints.

data AppError
  = ParseAppError ParseError
  | HttpAppError HttpError
  | OptAppError OptError

Then monad stack ReaderT BotEnv (ExceptT AppError IO) solves the problem.


ParseError is by default AsParseError instance. Therefore, if only parseIpipFile is called, concrete type ParseError is sufficient.


Appendix - Build, test and run the application

Build the application

  • Under the project folder, run nix-shell
  • In the nix shell, run cabal build

Run the test-suites

  • In the nix shell, run cabal new-test test:tests

Run the application

  • To check help information, run cabal run mtl-classy-prism -- --help

  • Run the application according to the help information.


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