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This package implements a CycleGAN designed to style transfer one 3D electron microscopy (EM) dataset to another. One potential use case would be to transfer data X to Y where pretrained classifiers already exist for Y. Another application could be to 'prettify' data.

The network implements a generator/discriminator network using Tensorflow 2 and works only with 1 channel, 8 bit data (either 2D or 3D isotropic/near-isotropic).


  • Ability to create tensorflow datasets from 2D or 3D numpy arrays or by fetching dynamically from supported datasources (DVID and google pre-computed)
  • Dataset augmentation and warping mapping routines (mostly useful for debugging)
  • Programmable options for specifying 2D or 3D networks and different model sizes
  • Example python notebooks for training and running inference
  • Helper functions for running inference on large subvolumes
  • (hopefully soon) Support for serving a model on Google AI Platform (see below)

Network design:

  • Generator: u-net with 3 strided downsample layers with 3x3 convolutions in between, followed by up-sample counterparts
  • Discrimiantor: 3 strided downsample layers with 3x3 convolution layers in between
  • Discriminator, identity, and cycle loss terms
  • Fully convolutional, all VALID convolutions

Installation and use

To run inference from a pre-trained model (see notebook example at examples/run_local_predict.ipynb), one just needs to have tensorflow 2.2 installed and matplotlib and then build this package:

% python install

To perform training and use some of the other features in this package:

% pip install tqdm pillow

Install pydot/pydotplus/graphviz to use tensorflow's model architecture plotting.

One can learn the training and inference routines with the included 2D example using examples/simple_training.ipynb. There is an example notebook (examples/generator_training3D.ipynb) for training 3D data fetched dynamically from the cloud. To run this example and access the cloud data, one needs to create a cloud run http service (see cloudrun_functions/ The data is stored neuroglancer precomputed format. (Note: in principle, the fetching of precomputed data does not require a separate HTTP service, but making a separate web service greatly simplified the software depenedencies for transfer_em. This situation might change in the future.) Alternatively, one can pre-download the data from the cloud and create a dataset as is done for the 2D example.

Google AI Platform

Google Cloud provides a set of managed tools for training and using deep networks.

Conveniently, Google provides VM images with pre-installed deep learning libraries (documented here). One can run the example notebooks in this package using the managed AI Platform Notebooks. The managed platform above makes launching notebooks or running headless training scripts straightforward (transfer_em still needs to be installed on this VM as documented above but tensorflow is already installed and configured). Note: the notebook application should be shutdown to release the GPU if one is running scripts via the command-line on the VM.

Hosting a model in the cloud

One of the nice features of Google AI Platform is the ability to save a model to the cloud and run inference using an auto-scaled serverless endpoint (here). This enables inference to be run via a simple HTTP or Python API. transfer_em requires some customized pre and post-processing steps that should ideally be run on the remote platform. Unfortunately, as of this time, Tensorflow >2 is not supported with customized prediction routines.

When support for Tensorflow >2 is provided, one can perform the following steps to host the model and perform inference (this workflow is untested):

  • save the model based on a training checkpoint using the script bin/

  • copy the saved model directory to a Google storage bucket

  • upload a python build of transfer_em (see command below) to a Google storage bucket (it can be the same bucket as the saved model)

    % python sdist --formats=gztar 
  • load the model into the AI platform here

  • create a version of that model following the UI prompts (options: python 3.7, Custom Prediction Routines, select the directory of the saved model, select the transfer_em package tar file, set the prediction class to predict_service.TransferEMPredictor)

transfer_em provides a 'predict_service' that implements a custom python routine for inference on the AI platform. To use this service, see the examples/run_cloud_predict_service.ipynb. (Note: currently this service is setup to use CloudRun to access the precomputed image volumes.)


  • Allow users to provide a pre-trained classifier (for a desired target application) to be used to constrain the transfer_em discriminator
  • Provide an option for simplifying the network for faster training or debugging
  • Implement mirrored training for multiple GPUs (this requires some of the loss calculations to be modified slightly)
  • Test and deploy cloud-based model hosting and inference on Google AI Platform
  • Use pre-built tensorstore installation to avoid needing Google Cloud Run for pre-computed cloud data fetchiing


Style transfer of EM data volumes using cycle GANs






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