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Intro to Javascript

Week 1

Day 1

  • What is Javascript?

  • Why should I use Javascript?

  • Where is Javascript used?

  • Key features/differences

  • History of Javascript

  • HTML and scripting languages

    • Dynamic HTML: what is possible
    • Alternatives to Javascript
    • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Our first Javascript

  • Where to insert Javascript in HTML

  • Interactive consoles

    • Javascript console in brief
  • Variables

    • Assignment using var
    • Case-sensitive
    • Multiple assignment with var and commas
    • Types: numbers, strings
    • Quoting and concatenating strings
  • Basic Javascript Programming Concepts

    • Case-sensitive
    • Execution flow: statements
    • Best practice: 1 statement per line
    • Semi-colons sometimes optional, but always use them
    • Long lines can be broken up
    • White-space in-sensitive
    • Syntax/parsing/formatting
    • Code comments
    • Valid variable names
    • Reserved words
  • When does the code run?

  • Conditions and Loops

    • The if statement
    • Parenthesis, square brackets, curly braces
    • The else statement
    • The switch and case statements
  • Operators

    • Assignment operator
    • Numeric and string operators
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Comparison and logical operators
    • Comparison operators
    • Assignment, equality, strict equality
    • "not"
    • What is an expression?
    • Ternary operator
    • Unary operators
    • Operator precedence
    • typeof comparison

Day 2

Review Material

  • Semi-colons and semi-colon insertion, when to omit
  • Operators (we missed a few)
  • Expressions
  • Integers, floats, parseInt(), parseFloat(),
  • Infinity, NaN, undefined (return as simple value)


  • Using for loops
  • Using while and do/while
  • Using break and continue
  • for (x in y) { ... }
  • The label identifier
Activity 1
  • Write a script that counts from 10 to 100 by increments of 5
  • Output current value to console on each step
  • Too easy? Find more than one way

Declaring functions

  • Declare a simple function
  • Named functions
  • Calling a function
  • Passing parameters
  • Return values
  • Undefined and extra parameters when calling functions
  • Lexical scoping and var
  • Functions as first-class variables
  • Referencing functions
  • Anonymous functions
  • Functions can be redeclared
  • Functions can be declared almost anywhere
  • Functions can call themselves (recursive example)
  • Functions are hoisted
Activity 2
  • Write a function that increments a counter
  • Outputs "counter value is x" to console
  • Attach to a <button> element using onclick="" attribute

Day 3


  • What is an array?

  • Declaring an array (empty literal)

  • Setting arrays by index

  • Reading arrays by index

  • Arrays are zero-based

  • Shorthand literal assignment

  • Longhand declaration

  • Array property: length

  • Setting array length by adding higher index

  • Setting array length by assigning new length

  • Array methods: reverse, sort

  • Adding and removing elements: pop, push, shift, unshift

  • Manipulating elements: slice, splice

  • Searching with indexOf

  • Deleting elements with delete leaves undefined value

  • Sorting elements

  • Concatenating two or more arrays

  • Splitting a string into an array

  • Joining an array into a string

  • Mapping, reducing

  • typeof array is object?

  • Array.isArray([]) - may need polyfill

  • Activity 3 (in this archive)

Multi-dimensional arrays
Looping over arrays
  • Activity 5 (in this archive)


  • What is an object?
  • Declaring and accessing object properties
  • Object methods
  • instanceof comparison
  • Object traversal
  • The this keyword
  • Standard built-in objects
  • The Math object
    • Math.max, Math.min, Math.PI
    • Geometric and Trigonometric functions
  • The Date object
    • Getting the current time
    • Printing out parts of the date
  • Numbers
    • We've already worked with literal numbers
    • Number constructor
    • Numbers in Javascript stored internally as 64-bit floating point
  • Strings
    • String constructor

Document Object Model (DOM)

  • What is the DOM?
    • A collection of objects provided by the browser
    • Also refers to the structure of elements in document
  • Browser object hierarchy

Global Scope

  • Global object is this in global scope (and is set to window)
  • Resolving references, window.window
  • Global functions (isNaN(), parseInt(), decodeURIComponent())
  • Fundamental objects



Intro to Javascript






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