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port-scanner Java based Multi-threaded Port Scanner

Use cases:

  • Kick off port scan event at IP addresses (that you own) for specific ports and port ranges (to be scanned for each IP address). Then hit endpoint to get results.
    • User makes POST request endpoint, providing IP, List and List in body.
    • Application kicks off process of scanning all provided ports at IP
    • GET endpoint is available to show results and if task is complete
  • Look up previously requested event, by Id
    • Response include the following:
      • Raw Scan Results
      • Original specification (what was requested initially)
      • Meter:
        • time taken

How it works


Port Scanning

Multi-threaded approach to execute atomic port scanning actions. Threads will then write to data structure containing representation of Scanning Task

Set of ports to consider scanning:

Port 20 (UDP) — File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Port 22 (TCP) — Secure Shell (SSH)
Port 23 (TCP) — Telnet protocol - usually not available these days due to it being unencrypted and therefore unsecure
Port 53 (UDP) — Domain Name System (DNS)
Port 80 (TCP) — HTTP
Port 443 (TCP) — HTTPS

IPs to test against: and (OpenDNS) and (Cloudflare) and (Google DNS)

Later on ideas:

  • Have separate module for actually execution of port scanning, namely, background-module
  • Use module that currently defines API to produce into queue, background processing will execute port scanning and write reports to DB
  • API layer will then simply read requested reports and also be able to determine if scanning task is "done".

Self Notes:

Run Configurations

  • Intellij Community Edition 2024
  • Java Version: 17
  • main class: com.ian.davidson.port.scanner.PortScannerApplication
  • program args I use in addition to application.yml:

Swagger link

Required Infrastructure notes:


  • Instructions:
    • Run instance of postgres on localhost, default port(5432), I'm not using a password.
    • Check folder in project for "db" for initialization of schema
    • Simply execute script and you should have the entity structure expected by application
  • If you are not using the same hosting of db instance you will most likely need to inject an override for the property:
    • spring.datasource.url
  • If your instance of Postgres is uses user/password then:
    • update properties or inject overrides for spring.datasource.username & spring.datasource.password in your run config

Rabbit MQ

  • Using RabbitMQ for message queue needs
    • running instance locally using docker;
      • Start up command: docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --name rabbit-mq -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=user -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password rabbitmq:3-management
        • named: "rabbit-mq"
        • username: user
        • password: password
      • Shut it down: docker rm rabbitmq or name you used for container
      • Remove
    • Check status at exposed management port for rabbit: http://localhost:15672/
    • RabbitMQ docker image documentation:
    • Required application properties:
      • spring.rabbitmq.username=user
      • spring.rabbitmq.password=password

Running application in containerized environment

  • Publish OCI image of application using google jib gradle plugin:
    • gradle command: ./gradlew clean build jibDockerBuild
  • Start up application via docker
    • Start command: docker run -d --name port-scanner -p 8080:8080 -p 9080:9080 port-scanner:latest
    • Shut it down: docker rm port-scanner
    • helpful commands:
      • sudo docker run -it --entrypoint sh <container_name>
  • Google Jib Gradle Plug-in <-> Docker Desktop protip:
    • I noticed after closing my computer for a couple days, I could not publish to my local repository on docker desktop via jibDockerBuild command
    • I was able to kill the gradle wrapper daemon (gradlew), with ./gradlew --stop, then rerun my build command
    • Everytime is working again 🤡


  • Deploy and run in kubernetes easily via helm ->
    • Build out support and instructions to reference application image build
    • Have written out template files to support initializing and running infrastructure
    • Fully initialize postgres schema using db/init.sql in repo


Multithreaded Port Scanner in Java






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