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Bootstrap your distributed system with the most scalable and robust dictionary on this planet: DNS


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Bootstrap your distributed system with the most scalable and robust dictionary on this planet: DNS

Since DNS caches information on multiple levels, PathfinderBeacon can provide node addresses fast, highly scalable and with minimal Bandwidth required. If for example two searches in the same Network and for the same room are done, the chances are high that the second request will never leave the network and will be answered by the local DNS cache present in the router.

Powered by cryptographic signatures, you can create your own room without any registration requirements. You just have to either provide a RSA key or let one create by PathfinderBeacon's libraries and you are ready to publish your room and nodes addresses. The room address will be created from the key, which means that anyone with the same RSA key will automatically write to the same room.

I want to use PathfinderBeacon for my nodes

You can use the PathfinderBeacon libraries to publish your nodes addresses to the PathfinderBeacon server and to find other your nodes.


At the moment there is only the official library for Golang available that can be found here:

Official PathfinderBeacon Golang Library

If you want to build a library for another language, hit me up and i will help you with the development and then link it here.


You can test the code if you change to your localhost and disable the systemdresolver so the server can bind to port 53. Optionally you can also build and run a docker container with the following command:

docker build -t pathfinderbeacon .
docker run -p 8053:53/udp 8053:53/tcp 8080:80/tcp pathfinderbeacon

Then you can use the following commands to add a room and a node and 3 addresses to the index:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"room":"2ca43677688ea39acbca561dc5d9557d81ab513fa1898f1e978dc52e","roomSignature":"dum9kNxCNEZR6+t66iqvzGh+/GD+uLbzss3u0WmgaAzFB9w1NOl89ORlHeT3nYw2eSnuil1rZ2NryP6mRIy7Z0t5PsLFhcHKR7qla1ccJU6Q+HfKWe6/735iQ+uEPRV9ClBz/69isnwYcS1dM1BlURV7A3K24ZLpnRYdVitxfrOHZkq6obrdvXgjww4qN4OSYiOc3KSpSKUSprTB4ylwSD1oGfcUVXdDLie3x/e+8Npy2Ir37jTnWt40sckzT6IvwAT8s/RLGlWxUrrlrtBMX0adlJ3VnpCFjya6FeM0ILGB6dCAQ8opgk+OolIELTnOZBH/1bnZcfrzWRMd0Wnxew==","publicKey":"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","addresses":[{"protocol":"tcp","ip":"","port":80},{"protocol":"tcp","ip":"2a01:4f8:1c0c:68c1::1","port":80},{"protocol":"tcp","ip":"fe80::9400:2ff:fedc:4ea0","port":80},{"protocol":"tcp","ip":"","port":80},{"protocol":"tcp","ip":"2a01:4f8:1c0c:68c1::1","port":80}]}' http://localhost:8080/register
## API

Please note that anyone can read room and nodes and anyone with the RSA private key can write to the room and nodes. (This might change)    
The Node hash is the SHA-224 of the IP that requested the API. (This might change)

### POST /register
Needs to contain following JSON:
    "room": "<SHA-224 of the RSA Public Key encoded in Hex>",
    "publicKey": "<RSA Public Key Pem encoded in base64>",
    "roomSignature": "<RSA signed SHA-512 of the room name (SignPKCS1v15)>",
    "addresses": [
            "protocol": "<Protocol of the node (tcp or udp (case sensitive))>",
            "ip": "<IP of the node>",
            "port": "<Port of the node>"

Pls note:
All addresses have an TTL of 3600 seconds (1 hour) and will be removed after that time.
You can send the addresses again to reset the TTL.
The node will be removed after no addresses exist for it anymore.
The room will be removed after no nodes exist for it anymore.



Will return a list of nodes in the room.

$ dig -t txt 300 IN TXT "ebe9cf214d00031849fdaaea6174cf16d9ccc94a5f237ce4ab58bf5c"


Will return a list of addresses for the node.

$ dig -t txt 3018 IN TXT "tcp://" 3018 IN TXT "tcp://fe80::42:37ff:fe24:2116:80" 3018 IN TXT "tcp://" 3018 IN TXT "tcp://"

How to set up your own PathfinderBeacon

At this moment it is not planed or advised to run your own PathfinderBeacon.
I still need to do a lot of optimizations and security checks before being able to run it in a production environment that is not run by someone who knows the system well.
Also a lot of features are still missing and i would like to have a more decentralized approach to the system if i ever find the time for this project to implement it.
In the meantime pls use the public PathfinderBeacon at that is also the default server for clients.

Potential Future Features and Ideas

  • Loosen rate limitings for UDP when IP connects via TCP once to the server (for a short time) / this we we can handle bigger rooms and nodes
  • Have a shared cache for the DNS server, so we can do load balancing and failover via NS records
  • Have private rooms in which the addresses are encrypted with the public key of the room
  • Have another way to identify nodes so a node can have a static name that is not dependent on the IP
  • Maybe if we do properly signed messages, we can have a network of PathfinderBeacons that can share rooms and nodes with each other ( this would be pretty awesome and a long term solution many could get behind i think)
    • Maybe we could also add some kind of voting system so a network is better secured against malicious nodes, but this seams to be quite difficult to implement so it is useful against attacks.
    • If there is a list of trusted PathfinderBeacons it would be possible to load balance and failover between them.
      • This would require a DHT and then there would be a problem with ratelimting against malicious PathfinderBeacons - expect they are manually trussted, and then it would not be decentralized anymore.


PathfinderBeacon (c) 2024 Mia Heidenstedt and contributors

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0text


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