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A laravel package to seamlessly integrate monnify api within your laravel application


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Laravel Monnify

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A laravel package to seamlessly integrate monnify api within your laravel application

What is Monnify

Monnify is a leading payment technology that powers seamless transactions for businesses through omnichannel platforms

Create a Monnify Account Sign Up.

Look up Monnify API Documentation API Documentation.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require henryejemuta/laravel-monnify

Publish Monnify configuration file, migrations as well as set default details in .env file:

php artisan monnify:init

Laravel Monnify Webhook Event (RESERVED ACCOUNT SHOULD USE THIS)

To handle Monnify Webhook event-based notifications, the Laravel Monnify already include all required webhook endpoints Log on to your Monnify Dashboard Setting, under Developer menu, select Webhook URLs and set the respective webhook URL as follows:

  • Transaction completion https://your_domain/laravel-monnify/webhook/transaction-completion
  • Refund completion https://your_domain/laravel-monnify/webhook/refund-completion
  • Disbursement https://your_domain/laravel-monnify/webhook/disbursement
  • Settlement https://your_domain/laravel-monnify/webhook/settlement

NOTE: Make sure you replace your_domain with your server url e.g.

LEGACY Webhook

To handle Monnify LEGACY Webhook notification the Laravel Monnify already include the webhook endpoint https://your_domain/laravel-monnify/webhook, replace your_domain with your server url e.g.

  • Log on to your Monnify Dashboard Setting, select API Keys & Webhooks and set your webhook to https://your_domain/laravel-monnify/webhook
Setup Listener

Next, create an Event Listener by running the command below within your project directory;

php artisan make:listener MonnifyNotificationListener -e NewWebHookCallReceived

The NewWebHookCallReceived has two properties:

  • WebHookCall webHookCall => This is an unguarded Model with property dump from the webhook call $event->webHookCall->transactionReference gives you the transactionReference from the webhook call, learn more about Transaction Completion Webhook properties on Monnify API Docs Here
  • bool isValidTransactionHash => This does the transaction hash calculation for you ahead of time, if you prefer doing it yourself; Monnify::Transactions()->calculateHash($event->webHookCall->paymentReference, $event->webHookCall->amountPaid, $event->webHookCall->paidOn, $event->webHookCall->transactionReference); Laravel Monnify Webhook Event

Please see MonnifyLegacyNotificationListener.example.txt for LEGACY sample implementation of the MonnifyNotificationListener. Please see MonnifyNotificationListener.example.txt for LEGACY sample implementation of the MonnifyNotificationListener.


To ensure your listener works correctly, you have to register the event within in your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider manually if auto discovery isn't turned on

Manually Registering Events

Typically, events should be registered via the EventServiceProvider $listen array; however, you may also register class or closure based event listeners manually in the boot method of your EventServiceProvider: Learn More about manually registering events

use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Events\NewWebHookCallReceived;
use App\Listeners\MonnifyNotificationListener;

 * The event listener mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
//    ... Other Event Registeration
    NewWebHookCallReceived::class => [
//    ... Other Listener you wish to also receive the WebHook call event


Turn On Event Discovery

Event discovery is disabled by default, but you can enable it by overriding the shouldDiscoverEvents method of your application's EventServiceProvider: Learn More about Event Discovery

 * Determine if events and listeners should be automatically discovered.
 * @return bool
public function shouldDiscoverEvents()
    return true;


To use the monnify package you must import the Monnify Facades with the import statement below; Other Classes import is based on your specific usage and would be highlighted in their corresponding sections. You'll also need to import the MonnifyFailedRequestException and handle the exception as all failed request will throw this exception the with the corresponding monnify message and code Learn More

    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Facades\Monnify;
    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Exceptions\MonnifyFailedRequestException;

Important Notice!!!

Migrating from Previous Version of Laravel Monnify

This new changes reflect my concern for modular code base, I'm certain you should not have any issues migrating and refactoring your codebase, but if you do, kindly contact me or use the issues tab, and I will make sure your concerns are all attended to. The Monnify class has been broken down grouping all actions into five(5) classes, Banks, CustomerReservedAccounts, Disbursements, SubAccounts, and Transactions see example usage below:

    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Facades\Monnify;

    $responseBody = Monnify::Transactions()->initializeTransaction(float $amount, string $customerName, string $customerEmail, string $paymentReference, string $paymentDescription, string $redirectUrl, MonnifyPaymentMethods $monnifyPaymentMethods, MonnifyIncomeSplitConfig $incomeSplitConfig = null, string $currencyCode = null);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Transactions()->getAllTransactions(array $queryParams);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Transactions()->calculateHash(string $paymentReference, $amountPaid, string $paidOn, string $transactionReference);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Transactions()->getTransactionStatus(string $transactions);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Transactions()->payWithBankTransfer(string $transactionReference, string $bankCode);


    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Facades\Monnify;
    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Classes\MonnifyPaymentMethod;
    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Classes\MonnifyPaymentMethods;
                        15000, "Customer Name", "", "transaction_ref", "Transaction Description",
                        "", new MonnifyPaymentMethods(MonnifyPaymentMethod::CARD(), MonnifyPaymentMethod::ACCOUNT_TRANSFER()));


    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Facades\Monnify;
    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Classes\MonnifyPaymentMethod;
    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Classes\MonnifyPaymentMethods;

                        15000, "Customer Name", "", "transaction_ref", "Transaction Description",
                        "", new MonnifyPaymentMethods(MonnifyPaymentMethod::CARD(), MonnifyPaymentMethod::ACCOUNT_TRANSFER()));

Similar implementation applies to other sections (i.e. Banks, CustomerReservedAccounts, Disbursements, and SubAccounts)

    use HenryEjemuta\LaravelMonnify\Facades\Monnify;
    $responseBody = Monnify::Banks()->getBanks();
    $responseBody = Monnify::Banks()->getBanksWithUSSDShortCode();
    $responseBody = Monnify::Banks()->validateBankAccount(MonnifyBankAccount $bankAccount);

    $responseBody = Monnify::Disbursements()->initiateTransferSingle(float $amount, string $reference, string $narration, MonnifyBankAccount $bankAccount, string $currencyCode = null);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Disbursements()->initiateTransferSingleWithMonnifyTransaction(MonnifyTransaction $monnifyTransaction);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Disbursements()->initiateTransferBulk(string $title, string $batchReference, string $narration, MonnifyOnFailureValidate $onFailureValidate, int $notificationInterval, MonnifyTransactionList $transactionList);
    $responseBody = Monnify::Disbursements()->authorizeTransfer2FA(string $authorizationCode, string $reference, string $path);

    $responseBody = Monnify::SubAccounts()->createSubAccount(string $bankCode, string $accountNumber, string $email, string $currencyCode = null, string $splitPercentage = null);
    $responseBody = Monnify::SubAccounts()->createSubAccounts(array $accounts);
    $responseBody = Monnify::SubAccounts()->getSubAccounts();
    $responseBody = Monnify::SubAccounts()->deleteSubAccount(string $subAccountCode);

    $responseBody = Monnify::ReservedAccounts()->getAllTransactions(array $queryParams);
    $responseBody = Monnify::ReservedAccounts()->reserveAccount(string $accountReference, string $accountName, string $customerEmail, string $customerName = null, string $customerBvn = null, string $currencyCode = null, bool $restrictPaymentSource = false, MonnifyAllowedPaymentSources $allowedPaymentSources = null, MonnifyIncomeSplitConfig $incomeSplitConfig = null);
    $responseBody = Monnify::ReservedAccounts()->getAccountDetails(string $accountReference);
    $responseBody = Monnify::ReservedAccounts()->updateSplitConfig(string $accountReference, MonnifyIncomeSplitConfig $incomeSplitConfig);


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Bugs & Issues

If you notice any bug or issues with this package kindly create and issues here ISSUES


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


A laravel package to seamlessly integrate monnify api within your laravel application







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