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Repository to practise Infrastructure-As-Code (IAC) with Github Actions, AWS and Terraform

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Github Actions + AWS + Terraform

Repository to demonstrate Infrastructure-As-Code using:

  • Github Actions Pipelines
  • AWS
  • Terraform

Blog about this repository

Please read my blog to know about the background and purpose of this sample repository

Empowering Backend Engineering Team

AWS Cost Warning

Provisioning cloud resources in AWS will incur cost. Please tear down the cloud resources once the usage is completed.

It is advisable to setup billing alerts or billing threshold in AWS account as a reminder to tear down of cloud resources. This will avoid incurring significant bills.

Highlights / Achievements

  • Isolated Containerised Pipelines
  • Zero downtime release (using Immutable Rolling Deployment)
  • Auto scaling of ECS Fargate Tasks based on cpu usage
  • Remote JVM Monitoring
  • High Availability AWS resources (multi availability zones)
    • Postgres RDS instance
    • NAT Gateway instance with Elastic IP
    • ECS Fargate Tasks
    • Bastion Jumpoff instance
  • Cloudwatch Dashboard
  • Cloudwatch Alerts to Email
    • Critical Infrastructure Metrics
    • Critical Application Metrics
    • Screen Shot
  • Log Visualizations and Log analysis with CloudWatch
  • Provision of multiple environments with reusable terraform modules
  • HTTPS redirection from HTTP through ALB listener rule
  • Swagger v2 + OpenApi v3
  • CORS restriction

AWS Components Used

  • Simple Storage Service (s3)
  • Dynamo DB
  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Public Subnets
  • Private Subnets
  • Internet Gateways (IG)
  • NAT Gateways + Elastic IPs
  • Application Load Balancer (ALB)
  • Security Groups (SG)
  • Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • Elastic Container Service (ECS) + Fargate
  • Auto Scaling Group (ASG)
  • Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Bastion
  • AWS Key Pair
  • Cloudwatch Dashboard
  • Cloudwatch Logs
  • Cloudwatch Metrics
  • Cloudwatch Alarms
  • AWS Simple Notification Service


Accounts Required

  • AWS Account (Root or IAM)
  • Github Account (Personal or Enterprise)
  • Registered Domain with any Domain Registerar

Tools Required

  • git cli (any version)
  • aws cli (minimum version 1.18.40)
  • terraform cli (minimum version 0.12.24)
  • docer cli (minimum version 19.03.8)
  • curl cli (any version)
  • jq cli (any version)
  • psql cli (any version) or any Postgres compatible DB client



One-off AWS account setup

Setup AWS account with a IAM user as described below:

IAM User Setup

Setup AWS account with s3 bucket and dynamo db for terraform to remotely store the terraform state file as described below:

S3 and Dynamo DB Setup

Setup AWS SSL certificate using ACM and validate it as described below:

AWS SSL Certificate Setup

One-off GitHub Actions setup

Add the following values of your AWS account to the GitHub secrets of the repository at

Github Secrets

Secret Key Secret Value
AwsAccessKeyId Access Key of AWS IAM user
AwsSecretAccessKey Secret of the Key of AWS IAM user

One-off AWS Environment setup

Create a SSH key pair per environment as described below:

AWS SSH Key Pair Setup

Create a Secret to store db password per environment as described below:

AWS DB secret password Setup


One-off AWS Environment tear down

Delete SSH Key Pair generated for the environment as described below:

AWS SSH Key Pair Teardown

Delete AWS DB Secret Password for the environment as described below: AWS DB Secret Password Teardown

One-off GitHub Actions tear down

Delete the following secret keys from

Github Secrets


  • AwsAccessKeyId
  • AwsSecretAccessKey

One-off AWS account tear down

Clean up AWS account as described below:

AWS Account Teardown


aws cli login & configuration

Login to aws cli as described below:

AWS cli login

Verify login:

aws configure list

aws sts get-caller-identity

Provisioning environment

Provision environment from Github Actions Pipeline

Trigger through UI

Click Run Workflow on master branch

Trigger through command line

Generate github personal access token with repo scope at

Generate Github Personal Token

export GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<<your_personal_token>>

curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--request POST \
--data '{"event_type": "do-terraform-apply-aws-from-master-development"}' \

View the running pipeline at:

Infrastructure Pipeline

Provision environment from local machine

Provision infrastructure using terraform from local machine as described below:

AWS terraform apply

Setup cname with domain registrar

Get ALB public dns domain

aws s3api get-object --bucket "github-actions-ci" --key "terraform-development.tfstate" /dev/stdout | jq -r '.outputs["alb-dns-name"].value' | grep -E '\S' | grep -v 'null'

Get ALB private dns domain

aws s3api get-object --bucket "github-actions-ci" --key "terraform-development.tfstate" /dev/stdout | jq -r '.outputs["private-alb-dns-name"].value' | grep -E '\S' | grep -v 'null'

Get Cloudfront public dns domain

aws s3api get-object --bucket "github-actions-ci" --key "terraform-development.tfstate" /dev/stdout | jq -r '.outputs["www_distribution_domain_name"].value' | grep -E '\S' | grep -v 'null'

Setup cname with domain registrar as:

  • cname: docker-http-app-development pointing to: ALB public dns domain
  • cname: private-development pointing to: ALB private dns domain
  • cname: http-web-development pointing to: Cloudfront public dns domain

Deploy sample http API using Application Pipeline

Open Source Sample Java Spring Boot (API) Application at Github

Trigger through UI

Click Run Workflow on master branch

Trigger through command line

Generate github personal access token with repo scope at

Generate Github Personal Token

export GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<<your_personal_token>>

curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--request POST \
--data '{"event_type": "do-deploy-master-to-aws-development"}' \

View the running pipeline at:

Application Pipeline

After successful run, the application will be accessible at:

Deploy a private http API using Application Pipeline

Open Source Spring Boot Security Rest API Application at Github

Trigger through UI

Click Run Workflow on main branch

Trigger through command line

Generate github personal access token with repo scope at

Generate Github Personal Token

export GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<<your_personal_token>>

curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--request POST \
--data '{"event_type": "do-deploy-main-to-aws-development"}' \

View the running pipeline at:

Application Pipeline

After successful run, the application will be accessible at:

Note: Since this is a private API, it cannot be accessed from outside the VPC. We should SSH to bastion or create local port forwarding tunnel to access this private api

Deploy sample frontent web application using Application Pipeline

Open Source Sample ReactJs + NextJs + NodeJs web application at Github

Trigger through UI

Click Run Workflow on master branch

Trigger through command line

Generate github personal access token with repo scope at

Generate Github Personal Token

export GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<<your_personal_token>>

curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--request POST \
--data '{"event_type": "do-deploy-main-to-aws-development"}' \

View the running pipeline at:

Application Pipeline

After successful run, the application will be accessible at:

Destroying environment

Destroy environment from Github Actions Pipeline

Trigger through UI

Click Run Workflow on master branch

Trigger through command line

Generate github personal access token with repo scope at

Generate Github Personal Token

export GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<<your_personal_token>>

curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--request POST \
--data '{"event_type": "do-terraform-destroy-aws-from-master-development"}' \

Destroy environment from local machine

Destroy infrastructure using terraform from local machine as described below:

AWS terraform destroy

Operational Goodies

Monitoring Dashboard and Alarms

Monitoring Dashboard


Subscribe an email to SNS Notifications of Alarms

Log analysis and visualization with Insights

Using Cloudwatch Logs Insights

AWS Cloudwatch Logs Insights

Log analysis with Cloudwatch Logs

Using Cloudwatch Logs Analysis

AWS Cloudwatch Logs Analysis

Download logs to local machine

Download Cloudwatch Logs to local machine

Download Cloudwatch Logs

Remote monitoring ECS Fargate JVM

Monitor remote JVM using VisualVM

VisualVM Remote JVM Monitoring

Local port forwarding to ECS Fargate Tasks

Local port forwarding to ECS sercice task

Local Port Forwarding

Connecting to AWS RDS instance

Connecting to remote RDS database from local

Connecting to RDS database

SSH into Application Instance

SSH into ECS Fargate Service Task

ssh into Application

Create terraform graphs with GraphViz

Visualize AWS Infrastructure through Terraform

AWS Graph

Quick roll back of deployment

Rollback a deployment

Copying files to bastion

Copy files to bastion

Get remote terraform state file

aws s3api get-object --bucket "github-actions-ci" --key "terraform-development.tfstate" ignored/terraform-development.tfstate

Change region and availaibility zones

Preview the changes

grep -rn 'eu-west-2' .

Replace the region as us-east-1

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' 's/eu-west-2/us-east-1/g'

Other Terraform Commands

Validate the terraform template config and syntax

terraform validate -json environments/$ENV_NAME

Adhoc notes

Other Adhoc Notes

Cost Optimisations

The following items can be improved or optimised to reduce AWS cost per environment:

  • Resue ALB between multiple ECS services using multiple target groups through:
    • Host based routing
    • Path based routing
  • Reuse ECS cluster between multiple ECS services

Further things to explore

  • Try to terminate the SSL at container level using nginx to ensure end to end encryption