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This repository is a playground for learning and trying new ideas with Spring Boot

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This repository is a playground for learning and trying new ideas with Spring Boot

Github Actions Build status

Build Status

Required Software and Tools

  • Java Version: OpenJDK 21 (Execute java -version in command line after installation)
  • Apache Maven Version: 3.9.5 (Execute mvn -version in command line after installation)
  • Colima or Docker Desktop for Mac, Linux or Windows: latest
  • Docker Cli Version: latest (docker --version)
  • Docker Compose Version: latest (docker compose version)
  • Git Client: Any latest version (git --version)
  • Integrated Development Environment: Any version IntelliJ Idea or Eclipse

Docker dependencies

Docker dependencies needs to be started using docker compose before the build

Pull the latest images of docker services
docker compose -f docker_local/docker-compose.yml pull
Start docker services
docker compose -f docker_local/docker-compose.yml up --build -d
Stop docker services
docker compose -f docker_local/docker-compose.yml down -v

Running full build

  • Start Postgresql database through docker (steps given below)
  • Execute mvn clean install

Generate artifacts only

Will skip unit tests, integration tests and docker commands

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Running single spring boot application

mvn clean spring-boot:run -pl JdbcExample/JdbcApplication

Open URL in browser:


Update all dependencies

mvn versions:use-latest-versions

mvn versions:use-latest-releases

mvn versions:use-latest-snapshots

mvn versions:update-properties

mvn versions:update-child-modules

mvn versions:update-parent

Running multiple spring boot application in parallel

  • Open terminal in root folder
  • Execute the following to start rest third party stub and service mvn exec:exec@run-third-party antrun:run@wait-for-ping spring-boot:run -pl RestExample/RestServiceAndConsumer
  • Verify all applications are running curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://localhost:8080/quote"

Docker Commands

Check PostgreSql Database Container Logs

docker logs -t -f  springboot-jdbc-postgres

Connect to PostgreSql Database

docker run --network=docker_local_main -it --rm -e PGPASSWORD=superpassword postgres:10 psql --host springboot-jdbc-postgres --username myuser --dbname myuser --port 5432

Type '\q' to quit the terminal and container

Create a docker image for jdbc application

docker build --pull -t com.harishkannarao/spring-boot-jdbc:latest -f JdbcExample/JdbcApplication/Dockerfile JdbcExample/JdbcApplication/target

Run the jdbc application using docker

Run without jmx

docker run --network=docker_local_main -e SSH_PUBLIC_KEY -e 'REMOTE_JMX_OPTIONS=' -e 'THIRDPARTY_PING_URL=' -e 'SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://springboot-jdbc-postgres:5432/myuser' -e 'SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=myuser' -e 'SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=superpassword' --rm -it --name spring-boot-jdbc -p '10022:22' -p '10006:10006' -p '8180:80' com.harishkannarao/spring-boot-jdbc:latest

Run with jmx

docker run --network=docker_local_main -e SSH_PUBLIC_KEY -e ' -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost' -e 'THIRDPARTY_PING_URL=' -e 'SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://springboot-jdbc-postgres:5432/myuser' -e 'SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=myuser' -e 'SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=superpassword' --rm -it --name spring-boot-jdbc -p '10022:22' -p '10006:10006' -p '8180:80' com.harishkannarao/spring-boot-jdbc:latest

Sample url

curl -s -X GET 'http://localhost:8180/menuentries'

Swagger / Open API urls:





Triggering github CI-deploy-master-to-aws workflow/actions using http

Set the following secrets for this repo:

  • AwsAccountId
  • AwsAccessKeyId
  • AwsSecretAccessKey
  • GithubAccessToken

Execute the following commands:

export GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<<your_personal_token>>

curl -v -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" \
    -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{"event_type": "do-deploy-master-to-aws-development", "client_payload": { "transaction_id": "some reference"}}' \


This repository is a playground for learning and trying new ideas with Spring Boot






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