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Quarkus playground project - covering various Java, Quarkus and Cloud-Native topics


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Quarkus Playground

This playground application using Quarkus covers various topics like

  • Quarkus (v2) itself ;-)

  • Kubernetes/OpenShift deployment

  • REST/Microservice

  • Security aspects

Do not use this application as entire reference for final productive system, but rather for point-of-view and inspiration for the given topics.

Listing of useful commands

Helpful start script with setting and overwriting env variables

export QUARKUS_OIDC_AUTH_SERVER_URL="https://idp-auth-server-url"
export QUARKUS_OIDC_CLIENT_ID="defined-cient-id"
#export QUARKUS_OIDC_TENANT_ID="defined-tenant-id-if-not-in-URL"
export QUARKUS_OIDC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET="client-secret-value"
export QUARKUS_OIDC_CLIENT_AUTH_SERVER_URL="https://idp-auth-server-url"
export QUARKUS_OIDC_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID="defined-cient-id"
#export QUARKUS_OIDC_CLIENT_TENANT_ID="defined-tenant-id-if-not-in-URL"

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
Run in dev mode
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

…​this builds and executes the app in dev mode. Modification in source code will be detected and automatically applied, without triggering a re-build. This activates also Continuous Testing

Package application
./mvnw package
Package ĂĽber-jar application
./mvnw package -Dquarkus.package.type=uber-jar
Package native application
./mvnw package -Pnative
Package native application without installed GraalVM
./mvnw package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
Package and push container using Dockerfile
podman build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm_multi -t quarkus-playground:jvm-v2 .

podman login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t)
Login Succeeded!

podman tag quarkus-playground:jvm-v2

podman push
Generate Kubernetes/OpenShift resources from helm but execute directly
cd helm
helm3 template rel1 quarkus-playground -f quarkus-playground/values.test.yaml --output-dir=work

oc apply -f work/quarkus-playground/templates/
Update the mvn wrapper
./mvnw -N wrapper:wrapper -Dmaven=3.8.5

This chapters summarize the integrated technologies and components in the application

Smallrye OpenAPI

OpenAPI support


REST capability

REST Client

Possibility to use REST endpoints


XML/JSON serialization support for REST endpoints


Metric support

Micrometer Prometheus

Prometheus adapter for Micrometer


OpenTracing support


OpenTelemetry support

OpenTelemetry Jaeger

OpenTelemetry and Jaeger adapter


OIDC support


JPA Abstraction


in-memory event/messaging support

Smallrye Health


Kubernetes / OpenShift

Kubernetes and OpenShift support


Docker creation support with Jib

Logging Json

JSON support for logging




REST test framework


Test coverage support


Software Bill of Materials, with CycloneDX

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is like an inventory holding information about the libraries, components with their version, license, publisher etc information. All this information are helpful and essential for validating the integriy of the entire supply chain process and security. The main solutions generating SBOMs are CycloneDX and SPDX.

The maven plugin of CycloneDX is integrated and executed during package phase. Result is a sbom.json / sbom.xml file holding all the information and could be used in dependency and component risk analysis platforms like Dependency-Track.

If only the SBOM generation should be execute use the following command

$ ./mvnw cyclonedx:makeAggregateBom

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< com.haddouti:quarkus-playground >-------------------
[INFO] Building quarkus-playground 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- cyclonedx-maven-plugin:2.5.3:makeAggregateBom (default-cli) @ quarkus-playground ---
[INFO] CycloneDX: Creating BOM
[INFO] CycloneDX: Writing BOM (XML): /workspaces/repos/haf-tech/quarkus-playground/target/sbom.xml
[INFO] CycloneDX: Validating BOM (XML): /workspaces/repos/haf-tech/quarkus-playground/target/sbom.xml
[INFO] CycloneDX: Writing BOM (JSON): /workspaces/repos/haf-tech/quarkus-playground/target/sbom.json
[INFO] CycloneDX: Validating BOM (JSON): /workspaces/repos/haf-tech/quarkus-playground/target/sbom.json
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  7.284 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-04-17T12:44:23+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The relevant configuration in the pom.xml looks like the following snippet


Check the Quarkus Security Guide to get a better understanding which extensions exist and when to use which solution.

This example handles the following use cases

  • Secure REST endpoints for machine to machine communication

  • Allow only authorized usage (from other systems)

  • Delegate the token while accessing an other backend system

Uses the oidc extension to protect the application with OpenId Connect extension using the OpenId Connect Authorization Code Flow. Check with the @Authenticated to indicate that the endpoint is accessible only by a logged in user. The relevant Quarkus configurations are

  # ### OpenID Connect
    # use default: service for backend interaction
    #application-type: web-app

    auth-server-url: https://auth-server-url
    client-id: defined-client-id-in-IdP
    tenant-id: defined-tenant-id-in-IdP
      secret: client-secret-value
      # redirect path which is registered in the IdP
      redirect-path: /secured
      # if redirect and callback URI are different, restore
      restore-path-after-redirect: true

The following secured URLs exist

All endpoints are accessible only if a Bearer Token exists in the request header. Using application-type: web-app would redirect the user/request to the login page of the IdP to verify the authorization of the requestor. The default application-type: service will not redirect and deny the request without the Bearer Token.

OidcClient (especially OidcClientFilter) is used to acquire a new access token for the REST client, check with the @OidcClientFilter annotation. Details are in the Quarkus OidcClient docu.

Consider, to use the right authorization strategy service instead of web-app.

Quarkus also provide an extension for fault tolerance, based on SmallRye Fault Tolerance, the new implementation of the MicroProfile Fault Tolerance Spec

The implementation supports e.g. @Retry, @Timeout, @CircuitBreaker and @Fallback. The later one is used in to provide a fallback response in case the endpoint is not reachable.

Even though there is an increasing opinion that this functionality could now be realized with something like like:[Istio]. Istio offers the possibility to intercept generally (network) failures very well. However, as soon as special business responses/alternatives are to be offered, an application-specific realization - directly in the application, as shown here - cannot be avoided.

Quarkus provides with Panache an additional abstraction for interacting with databases. In the background e.g. Hibernate ORM for JPA is used. But enhanced with additional features following convention over configuration/implementation.

Quarkus supports also reactive usage of databases. However not all database clients are reactive, like H2.

Panache generates internally the common database access methods like findAll, findBy*, persist/delete/count etc. Using the Active Record pattern. But the Repository implementation is also possible.

The following configuration sets the following adjustments

  • enables database metrics to be exposed

  • set H2 as DB

  • DB URL

  • ORM configurations, to automatically create the DB and schema

  • store the generated scripts

Especially the automatic DDL creation should be only used for development! Change this in the upper environment specific variables/profiles.
  # ...

  # ### Database default configuration using H2
      enabled: true
    db-kind: h2
      url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb

    # schema in H2 not supported
#      default-schema: 'quarkuspg'
        ~: 'drop-and-create'
        create-schemas: true
        ~: 'drop-and-create'
        create-target: './create-ddl.sql'
        drop-target: './drop-ddl.sql'

The automatically created DDL scripts looks like the following snippets

create sequence hibernate_sequence start with 1 increment by 1;
create table RequestResponsePair (id bigint not null, createdAt timestamp, requestBody clob, requestHeaders varchar(1000), responseBody clob, responseHeaders varchar(1000), primary key (id));
drop table if exists RequestResponsePair CASCADE ;
drop sequence if exists hibernate_sequence;

Quarkus provides with Vert.x a solution to handle in-memory messages supporting the following use cases

  • point-to-point

  • publish/subscribe

  • broadcast

EchoResource fires an event and RequestResponseManager observes and consumes such events. Consider, that this logic is in an own (IO) thread and do not perform blocking activities from there.

Logic is in own branch kafka

Messaging contains the aspect to interact between provider and consumer mostly in an asynchronous way. Therefor the provider exposes messages in any kind of format directly to a consumer (point-2-point) or to a broader audience (fan-out or pub/sub). For the latter case is Apache Kafka a technical solution. Quarkus provides also an extension to integrate and interact with Kafka.

extension for pom.xml

with the following configuration to subscribe a topic

# Messaging / Kafka
kafka.bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092
mp.messaging.incoming.importantevents.connector: smallrye-kafka
mp.messaging.incoming.importantevents.value.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

and the following Java fragment to consume messages from a topic

	public void consume(ConsumerRecord<String, ?> record) {

		// Can be `null` if the incoming record has no key
		String key = record.key();
		Object value = record.value();
		String topic = record.topic();
		int partition = record.partition();
		// ...

		LOG.debugf("consume(): topic: %s, key: %s, partition: %d", topic, key, partition);
		LOG.infof("consume(): value=%s", value);

In case the event is in the Cloud Event structure it will be automatically parsed and the message will have additional meta data attributes.

Call endpoint to retrieve next message/event
curl -N

With JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) and JDK Mission Control (JMC) exists mature product to profile and monitore a JVM application, collecting various (custom) events. To be able to benefit in the Kubernetes/OpenShift ecosystem also from such features sponsored Red Hat Cryostat. Simplified Cryostat acts as a JMX bridge to a JVM application and provides handy UI anf functionality to interact with JVMs and record the events.

To enable this feature the following adjustments are needed

  • Installed Cryostat Operator

  • Expose the JMX port in the application

  • Expose the JMX port in the Kubernetes Service using the default name jfr-jmx

For Quarkus are usually no code or configuration changes needed. At the time of writing contains the JVM-mode build all the JMX features and one have only to expose the port. The deployment into a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster needs the meta information to expose the JMX port.

The deployment needs the JMX environment parameters like

    value: >-
    - port: 9998
      targetPort: 9998
      protocol: TCP
      name: jfr-jmx

Important is, to set the right java.rmi.server.hostname to the Service name and namespace, also the right JMX port.

The helm chart of this playground reflect such parameters.

Running Cryostat in the same namespace, will the internal autodiscovery detects the JMX endpoint, cause using the default name jfr-jmx. This will register the application target in Cryostat. The recording of the events and first analyses can then be carried out directly in the Cryostat UI.

cryostat recording
Side notes
  • The here used JMX configuration is without security. Also the JFR Analysis list this as setting for improvement

  • If the app is not running in the same namespace, register the target manually using the URL like: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://quarkus-playground-s2i.demo-jfr:9998/jmxrmi

Jacoco is integrated and a ./mvnw verify creates a Jacoco report into target/jacoco-report.

The holds also the main general and Java related parameters to support SonarQube Scanner activities.

# ...


# #######
# Java specific parameters**/*.jar**/*.jar

Quarkus tries to integrate best practices and (JEE) specifications

Micrometer is the preferred solution for metrics in Quarkus. It provides adapter for Prometheus and MicroProfile. If more MicroProfile specific implementation is needed, consider to use SmallRye in Quarkus.

The relevant dependencies are


		</dependency> holds a configuration setting common metric tags for all registries. The current implementation sets the active profile in the env tag and the current application version in version.

A custom metrics is also implemented, see for more details the

The metrics endpoint exposes the Prometheus metrics, including the custom metric

# HELP quarkus_playground_echo_requests_count_total
# TYPE quarkus_playground_echo_requests_count_total counter
quarkus_playground_echo_requests_count_total{app_version="1.0.1-SNAPSHOT",endpoint_version="v1",env="dev",} 2.0

The custom metric quarkus_playground_echo_requests_count contains besides the common tags (app_version, end) also the specific one endpoint_version which is set in the


Known issue with the combination of OpenTelemetry and REST Client (date 04.07.2021)

This chapter covers the various deployment runtimes and the related deployment mechanisms.

To create and run the container locally use one of the provided Dockerfile in the src/main/docker directory. The multistage Dockerfile src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm_multi includes also the Quarkus build and package steps.

Build image
podman build -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm_multi -t quarkus-playground:jvm-v1 .

INFO] Checking for existing resources in: /usr/src/app/src/main/kubernetes.
[INFO] [io.quarkus.deployment.QuarkusAugmentor] Quarkus augmentation completed in 7537ms
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  02:13 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-09-05T19:46:30Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--> f0f9faa678e
[2/2] STEP 1/13: FROM
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
[2/2] STEP 11/13: EXPOSE 8080
--> 1fa8630cb6c
[2/2] STEP 12/13: USER 1001
--> f6b0f637dde
[2/2] STEP 13/13: ENTRYPOINT [ "/deployments/" ]
[2/2] COMMIT quarkus-playground:jvm-v1
--> 4c87559e774
Successfully tagged localhost/quarkus-playground:jvm-v1
Run image
podman run --rm -P --name tekton-test4 --env-file internal.env.txt quarkus-playground:jvm-v1

the internal.env.txt contains all the env variables as key-value pairs, see the following example

For local execution is this totally fine. On remote environments consider to secure the secrets and sensitive data

Helm is one of the most popular and widespread deployment and template solution of Kubernetes applications. The helm directory contains the Helm chart, generated with Helm3 and adapted the following requirements

  • Extract various configuration parameters into value files (health endpoints, container port, env from config or secret if available)

  • Add more Kubernetes labels to the generated resources (see _helpers.tpl) and add the labels also to the generated PODs

  • use image.tag for versioning and not Chart.appVersion

  • provide various value files, representing various stages (like dev, test, prod)

the most up-to-date helm configuration for this app is in the own repo quarkus-playground-config to fulfill the GitOps principles.
Install/Upgrade via Helm3
$ helm3 upgrade --install quarkus-test helm/quarkus-playground -f helm/quarkus-playground/values.test.yaml

Release "quarkus-test" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: quarkus-test
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Sep 25 12:28:41 2021
STATUS: deployed

$ helm3 list
NAME        	NAMESPACE	REVISION	UPDATED                              	STATUS  	CHART                   	APP VERSION
quarkus-test	test     	1       	2021-09-25 12:28:41.249726 +0200 CEST	deployed	quarkus-playground-0.1.0

$ helm3 history quarkus-test
1       	Sat Sep 25 12:28:41 2021	deployed	quarkus-playground-0.1.0	           	Install complete

$ helm3 delete quarkus-test
release "quarkus-test" uninstalled

In case the installation via Helm is not wanted use Helm to generate the resource files and apply them directly

$ helm3 template quarkus-test helm/quarkus-playground -f helm/quarkus-playground/values.test.yaml --output-dir=work
wrote work/quarkus-playground/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
wrote work/quarkus-playground/templates/service.yaml
wrote work/quarkus-playground/templates/deployment.yaml

$ oc apply -f helm/work/quarkus-playground/templates

Source-To-Image (S2I) is a solution to determine the right toolkit to build, test, package and deploy an application from the given source code. Based on this analysis a specific builder will be used to proceed the workflow, like a builder for nodejs or Java application. S2I is primarily used in OpenShift, but similar concepts and solutions are also available and named Cloud Native Buildpacks. Based on this concept and solutions, a new project shipwright is formed trying to simplifies the container build with various integration, also Buildpacks, BuildKit etc.

This section covers however S2I to build, package and deploy this Quarkus application from the source code. S2I needs some configuration to find the right artifacts and prepare the build, such config parameters are defined in .s2i/environment.

Various S2I builder are available to build the application, the following could be used due they support the minimum JDK version that we need for the source code

Commands for deploying app (incl. exposing route)
oc new-app --context-dir=. --name=quarkus-playground-s2i --env-file=internal.env.txt
Commands for deploying app with native image (incl. exposing route)
oc new-app --context-dir=. --name=quarkus-playground-s2i --env-file=internal.env.txt
General commands to expose service
oc get pods
NAME                                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
quarkus-playground-s2i-1-build            0/1     Completed   0          12m
quarkus-playground-s2i-68b9459d55-ljwqs   1/1     Running     0          6m8s

oc get svc
NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
quarkus-playground-s2i   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   13m

oc expose svc quarkus-playground-s2i
To delete all generated resources
oc delete all -l app=quarkus-playground-s2i

Some drawbacks, not only for S2I, but for all similar toolkits, the lack of automated/integrated configuration and adjustments of the resulting state. E.g. adjustments for ConfigMaps, Routes, Labels etc are limited and needs additional steps after deployment. Also in complex or enterprise related CI/CD pipelines, where more steps are mandatory like test execution, static and dynamic source scan etc. could not be applied with S2I. In such cases, is it advisable to compact workflow for build, package and deploy in separate steps. Nevertheless S2I is a great feature for fast ramp up and enforce a unified way in deployments.


Quarkus provides also an extension for Kubernetes and OpenShift to generate Kubernetes/OpenShift resources and deploy the application directly into cluster. For testing and development is totally fine, to evaluate the configuration. In the concept of CI/CD or GitOps is this not a preferred solution.

$ oc get route -n openshift-image-registry image-registry --template='{{}}'

$ podman login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t)
Login Succeeded!

$ oc project demo-quarkus

$ oc create secret generic quarkus-playground-test-secret --from-env-file=internal.env.txt

$ ./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true \
  -Dquarkus.openshift.expose=true \ \ \ \
  -Dquarkus.container-image.username=$(oc whoami) \
  -Dquarkus.container-image.password=$(oc whoami -t) \
  -Dquarkus.openshift.env.secrets=quarkus-playground-test-secret \

$ oc get is

$ oc get pods
NAME                          READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
quarkus-playground-3-464j7    1/1     Running     0          4m17s
quarkus-playground-3-deploy   0/1     Completed   0          4m22s

$ oc get route
NAME                 HOST/PORT                                           PATH   SERVICES             PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
quarkus-playground          quarkus-playground   8080                 None

This builds and deploys the application into the cluster within the current session and namespace (here: quarkus-demo). Additionally the label app=quarkus-playground is set, pushing to ImageStream, creates a route and use a secret for env variables. The extension defines various (default) parameters (see reference). Some of them are e.g. setting Prometheus annotation, probes etc.


Tekton is a framework to create flexible kubernetes-native CI/CD pipelines. The framework is very generic and a hugh set of Tekton Tasks exists which can be used and integrated in the own custom pipeline.

CI/CD on Tekton is a complex topic, and mostly should be also covered with GitOps principles. An example with scripts are available in an own repo (tekton-101-gitops). This chapter focus primarily only on Tekton. The related scripts are in the .tekton directory and are extracted from the cicd part of the tekton-101-gitops repo.

The pipeline is separated in CI and CD pipelines, building the app and push to the registry and deploy via helm.

Init Tekton pipeline and configuration
oc apply -k .tekton/cicd/overlays/

serviceaccount/pipeline unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged configured unchanged configured configured configured created

This installs various configurations like service account, role bindings, tasks for build app with maven, package with buildah and deployment with helm. The following tasks are optimized

  • maven: enhancing the GOALS parameter handling and introduce workspace usage for the maven libs

  • buildah: re-adding the securityContext.privileged: true feature

For kaniko (even this is option is not used in the pipeline)

  • SSL_CERT_DIR overwrite the env variable to /etc/config-registry-cert (see the Tekton change)

  • disable tls and secured registry verification, due only the internal registry is used

Additionally two pipelines are created for CI ci-pipeline-maven-buildah and for CD cd-pipeline-helm. Also Trigger Template and Event Listener created. The following figures give an overview of the pipeline tasks and steps.

CI Pipeline to build and push app

tekton ci pipeline maven buildah

CD Pipeline to deploy app

tekton cd pipeline helm

Following the commands to execute the pipelines manually.

oc create -f .tekton/runs/pipelinerun-maven.yaml

oc create -f .tekton/runs/pipelinerun-deploy.yaml

This is a very basic Tekton pipeline to build, package and deploy an application, separating the pipeline flow in two separate pipelines for CI and CD. Generally every git commit should trigger the CI pipeline. And depending of the deployment approach and stage, the version will be automatically deployed to a temp/test stage or the CD pipeline will be triggert by an additional event like a merged pull request (to a dedicated git branch). The handling, which pipeline should be triggered can be configured in the EventListener.

buildah and RHEL user namespace
Error during unshare(CLONE_NEWUSER): Invalid argument
User namespaces are not enabled in /proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces.
ERRO error parsing PID "": strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax
ERRO (unable to determine exit status)

See which holds the info, that on RHEL compute nodes the user namespace should be enabled. Alternative is to use kaniko or set the scc privileged to the service account pipeline and set securityContext.privileged: true to the task execution.

ArgoCD will be used for observing the cluster and configuration and reconsile any changes in the configuration.

Apply the ArgoCD configuration
oc apply -k .argocd/overlays/ created created created

IBM Cloud Code Engine is the serverless offering of IBM Cloud and provides the overall environment and tools to publish the source code into a managed Kubernetes environment. This sub chapter covers the main steps to run the same Quarkus application in a serverless offering (here: IBM Cloud Code Engine). A detailed instruction is in the blog post

  • use IBM Cloud Code Engine

    • Set some constraints like region -r and resource group -g

    • create a Code Engine (ce) project (here: demo-ce)

    • create API Key to use for Container Registry access (see docu)

    • create registry secret

    • create a build config named demo-ce-quarkus-build using cloud native buildpacks / existing Dockerfile

    • create a build run from the build config to create a container image

    • create an application from the built container image

The Figure 1 symbolize the main workflow to deploy an application from source code.

quarkus ibm cloud code engine

Instruction to configure, build and run the app
# Set region and a custom resource group
ibmcloud target -r eu-de
ibmcloud target -g rg-demo-ce

# #### Code Engine specific
# Create a project
ibmcloud ce project create --name demo-ce
Creating project 'demo-ce'...
ID for project 'demo-ce' is '47459f93-6284-4dde-b473-de6ce9720a62'.
Waiting for project 'demo-ce' to be active...
Now selecting project 'demo-ce'.

# ...or select an existing project
ibmcloud ce project select -n demo-ce
Selecting project 'demo-ce'...

# Create API Key which will be used for working with container registry
ibmcloud iam api-key-create own-api-key -d "Demo CE API Key" --file key_file

# Create a registry secret to push the generated images in
ibmcloud ce registry create --name demo-ce-registry-secret --server --username iamapikey

# Create a build configuration using Buildpacks (not available for Quarkus yet)
ibmcloud ce build create --name demo-ce-quarkus-build --image --registry-secret demo-ce-registry-secret --source --strategy buildpacks

# Create a build configuration using Dockerfile
ibmcloud ce build create --name demo-ce-quarkus-build --image --registry-secret demo-ce-registry-secret --source --strategy dockerfile --dockerfile src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm_multi

# Check build config and details
ibmcloud ce build list
Listing builds...

Name                   Status     Reason                     Image                                        Build Strategy        Age   Last Build Run Name  Last Build Run Age
demo-ce-quarkus-build  Succeeded  all validations succeeded  buildpacks-v3-medium  4m6s

ibmcloud ce build get --name demo-ce-quarkus-build
Getting build 'demo-ce-quarkus-build'

Name:          demo-ce-quarkus-build
ID:            ded1cb12-d4b6-4713-a743-29de679472de
Project Name:  demo-ce
Project ID:    1ae76b8e-1750-4b1a-8ad8-df0e1c5301ed
Age:           4m23s
Created:       2021-09-05T17:30:23Z
Status:        Succeeded
Reason:        all validations succeeded

Registry Secret:  demo-ce-registry-secret
Build Strategy:   buildpacks-v3-medium
Timeout:          10m0s
Commit:           main

# Create a build run from the build configuration
ibmcloud ce buildrun submit --build demo-ce-quarkus-build

# Details of build run
ibmcloud ce buildrun list
Listing build runs...

Name                                       Status  Image                                        Build Name             Age
demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-17420916  Failed  demo-ce-quarkus-build  42s
ibmcloud ce buildrun get --name demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-17420916
Getting build run 'demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-17420916'...

Name:          demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-17420916
ID:            e84ce96f-481a-4fa3-b3ed-818106578586
Project Name:  demo-ce
Project ID:    1ae76b8e-1750-4b1a-8ad8-df0e1c5301ed
Age:           100s
Created:       2021-09-05T17:42:09Z

Summary:  Failed to execute build run
Status:   Failed
Reason:   BuildRun failed to build and push the container image, for detailed information: 'ibmcloud ce buildrun logs -n demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-17420916', for troubleshooting information visit:


# ...see if status is Succeeded
ibmcloud ce buildrun list
Listing build runs...

Name                                        Status     Image                                        Build Name             Age
demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-17420916   Failed  demo-ce-quarkus-build  50m
demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-182716641  Succeeded  demo-ce-quarkus-build  4m57s

# ...again details of the build run
ibmcloud ce buildrun get --name demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-182716641
Getting build run 'demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-182716641'...

Name:          demo-ce-quarkus-build-run-210905-182716641
ID:            180042fd-7db1-4a34-b4f1-b809f1f7e414
Project Name:  demo-ce
Project ID:    1ae76b8e-1750-4b1a-8ad8-df0e1c5301ed
Age:           5m47s
Created:       2021-09-05T18:27:16Z

Summary:  Succeeded
Status:   Succeeded
Reason:   All Steps have completed executing


# Create a secret with the relevant configuration which will be injected as env variables to the app
vi secrets_multi.txt
ibmcloud ce secret create --name demo-ce-quarkus-secret --from-env-file secrets_multi.txt
Creating generic secret 'demo-ce-quarkus-secret'...

# Create an app from the image
ibmcloud ce application create --name demo-ce-quarkus \
  --image --registry-secret demo-ce-registry-secret \
  --min-scale 1 --max-scale 3 \
  --cpu 0.25 --memory 0.5G \
  --concurrency 10 \
  --port 8080 \
  --env-from-secret demo-ce-quarkus-secret

Creating application 'demo-ce-quarkus'...
The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
Configuration 'demo-ce-quarkus' is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
Waiting for load balancer to be ready.
Run 'ibmcloud ce application get -n demo-ce-quarkus' to check the application status.
Further helpful commands
  • Delete app: ibmcloud ce app delete -n demo-ce-quarkus

  • Delete all build runs to a build: ibmcloud ce buildrun delete --build demo-ce-quarkus-build

  • Delete build configuration: ibmcloud ce build delete -n demo-ce-quarkus-build


The OWASP dependency-check is a great solution to check the dependencies agains various CVE databases. However, as also stated in the documentation, false positives are possible. In such cases is it possible to create a suppression file listing the files or CVE to ignore.

Reconsider whether this exception is really correct! A fix and solving of the issue always the right and better way.

A playground app handling various modern aspects with Quarkus.


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See also Apache License FAQ .