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Go's API server can generate open API documents Go的API服务器可以生成开放的API文档


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Using the HTTP framework of OpenAPI3.1 documentation

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go get


import (

func main() {
	color.NoColor = true // Turn off the default logging console color
	api := goapi.GoAPI(true, "/docs")
	api.HTTPExceptionHandler(func(httpCode int, detail string) goapi.Response {
		return &goapi.HTTPResponse[Error]{
			HttpCode: httpCode, 
			Body: Error{
				Code:  httpCode, 
				Error: detail,
	api.IncludeRouter(&IndexController{}, "/v1", true, func(ctx *goapi.Context) {
	_ = api.Run("")


type UserController struct {

type UserListRouter struct {

type Req struct {
	JwtStr string `json:"jwt_str" desc:"json web token"`
	Page int `json:"page" desc:"now page" gt:"0"`
	Limit int `json:"page" desc:"limit a page count" gte:"10" lte:"100"`

func (u *UserListRouter) Index(input struct {
	router  goapi.Router `path:"/index/{id}" method:"put" summary:"test api" desc:"test api" tags:"admin"`
	Auth    *AdminAuth
	ID      string `path:"id" regexp:"^\d+$"` // path 
	Req     Req `body:"json"`
}) Resp {
	jwt := &goapi.JWT{
		Issuer: "custom", 
		Subject: input.Name,
		Audience: []string{"/v1"}, 
		ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute), 
		NotBefore: time.Now(), 
		IssuedAt: time.Now(), 
		ID: "uuid",
		Extensions: map[string]any{
			"name":     1, 
			"age":      15, 
			"zhangsan": "user",
	jwtStr, err := jwt.Encrypt(&AuthToken{})
	if err != nil {
		response.HTTPException(-1, err.Error())
	return Resp{
		JwtStr: jwtStr

// Implement HTTPBearer interface
type AdminAuth struct {
	Admin  string          // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

func (h *AdminAuth) HTTPBearer(token string) {
	if token != "123456" {
		response.HTTPException(401, "token is error")   
	h.Admin = "admin"

// Implement HTTPBearerJWT interface
type AuthToken struct {
	Name string // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

var privateKey, _ = os.ReadFile("private.pem")
var publicKey, _ = os.ReadFile("public.pem")

func (a *AuthToken) EncryptKey() (any, error) {
	block, _ := pem.Decode(privateKey)
	return x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes)

func (a *AuthToken) DecryptKey() (any, error) {
	block, _ := pem.Decode(publicKey)
	return x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes)

func (a *AuthToken) SigningMethod() goapi.SigningMethod {
	return goapi.SigningMethodRS256

func (a *AuthToken) HTTPBearerJWT(jwt *goapi.JWT) {
	a.Name = jwt.Subject

// Implement HTTPBasic interface
type AdminAuth struct {
	Admin  string          // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

func (h *AdminAuth) HTTPBasic(username,password string) {
	if username != "admin" || password != "123456" {
		response.HTTPException(401, "token is error")
	h.Admin = "admin"

// Implement ApiKey interface
type AdminAuth struct {
	Token  string   `header:"Token"`
	Admin  string          // Define a value and retrieve it from the controller

func (h *AdminAuth) ApiKey() {
	if h.Token != "123456" {
		response.HTTPException(401, "token is error")
	h.Admin = "admin"

Verify multilingual Settings

You can implement the 'goapi.Lang' interface yourself

api.SetLang(&lang.ZhCn{}) // Default 'EnUs' English comments

Log output setting

Set before initializing the api

goapi.SetLogLevel(goapi.LogInfo | goapi.LogWarning)

'goapi.Router' tag field annotation

  • path: Access Routing
  • method: Access method. Multiple contents separated by ','
  • summary: A short summary of the API.
  • desc: A description of the API. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.
  • tags: Multiple contents separated by ','

Annotation of parameter structure tag in the method

  • header
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice), in slice type use ',' split
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • cookie
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice) or '*http.Cookie', in slice type use ',' split
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • query
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice)
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • path
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice), in slice type use ',' split
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • form
    • Can use commonly used types(ptr, slice), in slice type use ',' split
    • default media type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', if file exists 'multipart/form-data'
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • file
    • Can use commonly used '*multipart.FileHeader' or '[]*multipart.FileHeader'
    • default media type 'multipart/form-data'
    • Value is an alias for a field, 'omitempty' is nullable
  • body
    • The values are 'xml' and 'json', Multiple uses ',' segmentation
    • The value is for other media types(example 'text/plain'), The type is '[]byte', 'string' or 'io.ReadCloser'
    • Value of json is media type 'application/json', xml is media type 'application/xml'
    • Body of tag use value, 'omitempty' is nullable
    • When the value is 'application/octet-stream', indicates that the body is uploaded as a file

Structure tag annotation

  • regexp
    • Regular expression of value
    • Validator limit string type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI pattern
  • enum
    • Enumeration of values
    • Validator limit integer number boolean string type
    • Comma division (,)
  • default
    • Default value
  • example
    • Example value
  • desc
    • Field description
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI description
  • lt
    • Less than value
    • Validator limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI exclusiveMaximum
  • lte
    • Less than or equal to value
    • Validator limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI maximum
  • gt
    • Greater than value
    • Validator limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI exclusiveMinimum
  • gte
    • Greater than or equal to value
    • Validator limit integer number type
    • Equivalent to OpenAPI minimum
  • multiple
    • Multipliers of values
    • Validator limit integer number type
  • max
    • The maximum length of the value
    • Validator limit string array object type
  • min
    • The minimum length of the value
    • Validator limit string array object type
  • unique
    • The value of the array is unique
    • Validator limit array type

Response annotation

if response is an implementation of the goapi.Response interface, you can set some functions

  • HTTPResponse[T] can set httpCode, header, cookie. Content-Type value is 'application/json','application/xml'
  • FileResponse can return downloadable files. Content-Type value is 'application/octet-stream'
  • SSEResponse can return content in Server Sent Events format. Content-Type value is 'text/event-stream'
  • HTMLResponse can return to HTML page. Content-Type value is 'text/html'
  • TextResponse return in text mode, can set header, cookie. Content-Type default value is 'text/plain',resettable Content-Type

Error corresponding comment

response.HTTPException(404, "error message")
  • Specific return information can be configured using the 'HTTPExceptionHandler' method
  • The first parameter is the HTTP status code, the second is the error message, and the third is the header setting returned


Generate documentation using an API similar to FastAPI in Python